‎Qin Bao Poems
size:57.6 MB
LANGUAGE:Simplified Chinese, English
Only Supports IOS
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‎Qin Bao Poems
‎Qin Bao Poems
‎Qin Bao Poems
‎Qin Bao Poems
Game Introduction

"Qinbao Poetry" is an interesting educational game specially designed for children. Through games, children can learn and master traditional Chinese poetry in a relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere. The game has a variety of game features, gameplay, as well as player comments and game tips, allowing children to grow up happily in the game.

Game features:

  1. Rich poetic content: The game contains a large number of classic Chinese ancient poems, allowing children to learn beautiful language and profound culture in the game.
  2. Interactive learning method: By interacting with the characters, children can have an in-depth understanding of the background and meaning of the poems, and consolidate their learning through puzzle solving and other methods.
  3. Cute character design: There are various cute characters in the game, such as the helpful poetry fairy, the naughty rhyme monster, etc., bringing more fun to children.
  4. Personalized learning process: According to the children's learning situation, the game will intelligently adjust the difficulty and content to ensure that each child can get a learning experience suitable for him or her.
  5. Completely free game experience: The basic functions and content in the game can be experienced for free, allowing more children to easily access high-quality educational resources.

How to play:

  1. Fill in the blanks in poems: Children need to choose the correct words to fill in the poems according to the prompts, and exercise their ability to understand and apply poems.
  2. Poetry Lianliankan: Through Lianliankan, children need to find the same poems and develop memory and observation.
  3. Poetry Solitaire: According to the given poem, children need to find the next related poem to cultivate association and thinking skills.
  4. Poetic Puzzle Solving: Through puzzle solving, children need to find the correct poem based on hints and clues, and develop their reasoning and problem-solving abilities.
  5. Poetry Creation: Children can freely express their creativity, write their own poetry works, and share and communicate with other players.

Player comments:

  1. “This game is really great! My child was not interested in poetry before, but through this game, she began to develop an interest in ancient poetry. Strong interest. "
  2. "The interface design of the game is very simple and refreshing, the music is also very pleasant, and the children have a lot of fun playing it."
  3. "I think the difficulty of this game is well controlled. , suitable for children of different ages, allowing them to learn knowledge through the game. "
  4. "I like the puzzle-solving part of the game. Learning poetry through puzzle-solving is both fun and challenging!"
  5. "This game is really a good educational tool, allowing children to learn through play and improve their knowledge and understanding of poetry."

Game skills:

  1. Read more poems: By reading more poems, children can better understand and remember poems and improve their ability to apply poems.
  2. Pay attention to understanding the background: Poems often have unique backgrounds and artistic conceptions. Understanding these backgrounds can better understand the connotation of the poems.
  3. Interact more with characters: Interacting with characters in the game can help children understand the stories and meanings of poems more deeply.
  4. Focus on comprehensive ability: Poetry learning requires not only memory, but also the comprehensive use of association, reasoning and creative abilities.
  5. Keep practicing: Through continuous practice and repeated learning, children can gradually improve their understanding and mastery of poetry.
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