‎Escape Room 13 Secret Missions
Classify:Word Puzzle
size:659.3 MB
LANGUAGE:Simplified Chinese
Only Supports IOS
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‎Escape Room 13 Secret Missions
‎Escape Room 13 Secret Missions
‎Escape Room 13 Secret Missions
‎Escape Room 13 Secret Missions
‎Escape Room 13 Secret Missions
‎Escape Room 13 Secret Missions
Game Introduction

"Escape Room 13: Secret Mission" is an exciting puzzle adventure game that puts you in a mysterious secret room, trying to find clues, solve puzzles, and escape from the predicament. In this escape game full of surprises and challenges, you will experience a series of exciting tasks that challenge your intelligence and observation skills.

Game Features:

  1. Well-designed puzzles: Each secret room is filled with unique puzzles and puzzles that require careful observation and logical thinking to solve.
  2. Diverse scenes: From castles to space capsules, from shipwrecks to secret laboratories, each mission will take you to explore different scenes and stories.
  3. Multiplayer cooperation mode: Team up with friends to solve puzzles, find clues and solve puzzles together, increasing the fun and challenge of the game.
  4. Stunning graphics and sound effects: Exquisite game graphics and realistic sound effects will make you immersed in the game and enhance the realism of the game.
  5. Rich mission content: The game contains multiple missions, each mission has a unique background story and puzzles, which will keep you entertained.


  1. Look for clues: Observe the scene carefully to find hidden clues and items that may be the key to solving the puzzle.
  2. Solve puzzles: Use your intelligence and logical thinking to solve various puzzles and puzzles and find the key to the next room.
  3. Use props: Collect and use various props, they may be the key to your escape.
  4. Teamwork: Cooperate with friends to share discovered clues and puzzles and find answers together.
  5. Challenge time: The time to complete the task is limited. You must find clues and solve the puzzles as soon as possible in order to escape from the secret room as soon as possible.

Player comments:

  1. "This game is so exciting! Each mission is full of suspense and surprises. I have been pursuing the thrill of escape. ."
  2. "The puzzles are very cleverly designed and each step requires careful thinking and observation, making me feel like a real detective."
  3. "Playing this game with friends. It was so much fun! We helped each other solve the puzzles together and felt the power of teamwork. "
  4. "The graphics and sound effects of the game are really great, allowing me to fully immerse myself in the atmosphere of the secret room every time. Every escape is a thrilling adventure."
  5. "The most important thing to do well in the game is to stay calm and focused and not miss any clues."
##Game Tips:

    Observe carefully: every detail in the scene may be the key to solving the puzzle, don't miss any clues.
  1. Use props rationally: The props collected may have multiple uses, and they must be used rationally to solve puzzles.
  2. Teamwork: If you play with friends, share the clues and puzzles you discover in time to find the answers together.
  3. Thinking about logic: Solving puzzles requires a certain amount of logical thinking. You must learn to reason and summarize and find out the hidden rules.
  4. Keep calm: The game may have some emergencies and time limits. Stay calm and don't let pressure affect your judgment.
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