‎Heart-beating kitten
Classify:Family Gathering
size:185 MB
LANGUAGE:Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, English
Only Supports IOS
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‎Heart-beating kitten
‎Heart-beating kitten
‎Heart-beating kitten
Game Introduction

"Heartbeat Kitten" is a cute and interesting pet raising game. In this game, you will play a cat owner and interact with your kitten to take care of its needs and let it grow into a happy and healthy cat. Spend quality time with your kitten and make your sweetheart your most loyal companion.

Game features:

  1. Cute kitten images: There are a variety of kitten images to choose from in the game, each kitten has a unique appearance and personality.
  2. Interactive cultivation: By interacting with the kitten, feeding, bathing, playing, etc., let it feel your care and attention, while improving its happiness index and health index.
  3. Diverse activities: Participate in various activities, such as participating in competitions, going to the park to play, etc., so that your kitten has more growth opportunities and fun.
  4. Customized Dress Up: Give your kitty a unique personality and make it the center of attention by unlocking and purchasing different clothing and accessories.
  5. Social interaction: Interact with other players, participate in community activities, share your stories and experiences with kittens, and make more friends who like kittens.

How to play:

  1. Feeding: Feed the kitten on time, pay attention to a balanced diet, and meet its nutritional needs.
  2. Games: Play various interactive games with the kitten to improve its intelligence and reaction capabilities.
  3. Cleaning: Bathe and comb the kitten to keep it clean and beautiful.
  4. Training: Carry out basic training, teach your kitten some simple instructions, and improve its obedience.
  5. Medical care: Pay attention to the health of the kitten and take it to the veterinarian in time to treat diseases and keep it healthy.

Player comments:

  1. "This game is so cute! Interacting with my kitten every day really makes me feel happy and satisfied."
  2. "The growth process of the kitten is really interesting. I can see it grow up from a kitten. This sense of accomplishment is great!"
  3. "I like to share my stories with other players. Kitten stories, we can exchange experiences together, it’s really interesting”
  4. “The activities in the game are very diverse, there are new tasks and challenges every day, I never feel bored.”
  5. "Through the game, I learned how to take care of kittens, which will be very helpful for me to raise pets in the future."

Game skills:

  1. Give the kitten regular care Feed the cat and clean its living environment to keep it healthy and clean.
  2. Participate in more activities in the game, get rewards by completing tasks, and improve your game progress.
  3. Purchase appropriate equipment and props for the kitten to improve its abilities and happiness.
  4. Interact with other players, participate in community activities, and gain more gaming fun and experience.
  5. Pay attention to the kitten's mood and health, and take timely actions to keep it happy and healthy.
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