‎Heart-beating puppy
Classify:Family Gathering
size:226.1 MB
LANGUAGE:Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, English
Only Supports IOS
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‎Heart-beating puppy
‎Heart-beating puppy
‎Heart-beating puppy
‎Heart-beating puppy
Game Introduction

"Heartbeat Puppy" is a cute pet-raising game. You will play the owner of a cute puppy and spend happy time with it. In the game, you will experience the fun of interacting with, caring for, and training the puppy, and build a deep relationship with it.

Game features:

  1. Cute puppy image: The puppy image in the game is designed to be cute and realistic, with rich expressions, allowing players to truly feel the fun of getting along with their pets.
  2. Rich interactive gameplay: Players can feed, bathe, play, etc. the puppy to establish a close relationship with the puppy.
  3. Diversified training system: Improve the puppy's ability by training it to learn various skills, such as shaking hands, rolling, etc.
  4. Fashion Dressing: The game provides a variety of cute and fashionable clothing and accessories, allowing players to create a unique look for their puppies.
  5. Social interaction: Communicate with other players, exchange gifts, and share your happy time with your puppy.

How to play:

  1. Daily care: feed, bathe, and clean the puppy to keep it healthy and clean.
  2. Interactive games: Play with the puppy, such as playing ball, kicking shuttlecock, etc., to increase the interactive fun.
  3. Training skills: Through specific training, teach the puppy to learn various skills and improve its intelligence and abilities.
  4. Dress up: Choose cute clothes and accessories for your puppy to create a unique look.
  5. Participate in competitions: Sign up to participate in various puppy competitions, show your puppy's talents and win rewards.

Player comments:

  1. "This game is so cute! I spend time interacting with puppies every day and feel real companionship and fun."
  2. "It's really fun to train a puppy to learn skills. I feel very proud watching it make little progress!"
  3. "The puppy's expressions and movements are designed very delicately, every time I see it Whenever you are happy, I will be infected. ”
  4. ”I like to dress my puppy in all kinds of fashionable clothes, and I feel like I have become a fashionista!””
  5. ”And others! Players communicate and share the puppy’s growth experience, which makes me feel very warm and happy.”

Game skills:

  1. Feed and clean the puppy regularly and keep it. health and comfort.
  2. Interact and play more with puppies to increase intimacy and build deep feelings.
  3. Seize the training opportunity and gradually teach the puppy various skills. Don’t rush to teach it all at once.
  4. Interact with other players, participate in social activities, and get more gifts and rewards.
  5. Choose outfits carefully and create a unique look based on your puppy's personality and preferences to show your taste and creativity.
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