‎Scratch Children’s Programming Enlightenment Tutorial
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‎Scratch Children’s Programming Enlightenment Tutorial
‎Scratch Children’s Programming Enlightenment Tutorial
‎Scratch Children’s Programming Enlightenment Tutorial
‎Scratch Children’s Programming Enlightenment Tutorial
‎Scratch Children’s Programming Enlightenment Tutorial
‎Scratch Children’s Programming Enlightenment Tutorial
Game Introduction

"Scratch Children's Programming Enlightenment Tutorial" is a creative educational game specially designed for children. Through a simple and easy-to-understand interface and a highly interactive programming learning method, it helps children develop logical thinking, creativity and problem-solving abilities. Let’s take a look at the features, gameplay, player reviews and some gaming tips of this game!

Game features:

  1. Creative stimulation: Through the rich and diverse characters, scenes and sound effects in the game, children's creativity is stimulated, allowing them to freely build the things of their imagination world.
  2. Programming Enlightenment: Based on the Scratch programming language, the game gradually guides children to learn the basic concepts and skills of programming, and cultivates their logical thinking and problem-solving abilities.
  3. Interactive learning: The game provides a wealth of tasks and challenges, allowing children to consolidate the programming knowledge they have learned through practice. At the same time, they can cooperate and compete with other players to enhance the fun and motivation of learning.
  4. Create and share: Children can design and produce their own games, animations and storylines, and share them with other players to stimulate their self-confidence and expression skills.
  5. Safety protection: The game has a parental control function to ensure the safety and healthy growth of children in the game.


  1. Learning Basics: Through in-game guidance and tutorials, kids can learn how to create and control characters, set scenes and add sound effects.
  2. Complete tasks: There are various tasks and challenges in the game. Children need to use the programming knowledge they have learned to complete these tasks, such as controlling characters to jump, collecting items, etc.
  3. Creative games: Children can use the materials and tools provided in the game to design their own game levels, character behaviors and rules, and create their own game works.
  4. Share and communicate: Children can share their works with other players, and they can also communicate and cooperate with other players to create more interesting works together.
  5. Continuous learning: The constantly updated tasks and challenges in the game allow children to continuously advance and deepen their programming skills and maintain their motivation and interest in continuous learning.

Player comments:

  1. “This game is really great! I can design the character’s behavior myself, and I can also play with friends. Learning programming has become a lot easier. Very interesting. "
  2. "I like the mission mode of this game. Each mission is challenging, which allows me to improve my programming skills step by step."
  3. "The materials in the game. There are a lot of tools and tools, so I can use my imagination to make the games I like."
  4. "I like sharing my works with other players, and I can learn a lot from their works. New programming skills. "
  5. "This game has made me interested in programming, and I hope to continue to learn and explore more knowledge about programming."
##Game skills. :

  1. Start Simple: Beginners can start with simple tasks and challenges and gradually master basic programming concepts and techniques.
  2. Multiple practice: Through continuous trial and practice, you can better understand and master programming knowledge, and also develop problem-solving abilities.
  3. Innovative thinking: When designing game levels and character behaviors, try to be as creative as possible and come up with unique and interesting ideas.
  4. Learning and communication: Communicate and cooperate with other players, you can learn from each other and share programming experience, and improve your programming skills.
  5. Continuous learning: Programming is a process of continuous learning and exploration. You must maintain the motivation and interest in continuous learning and constantly challenge yourself.
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