‎Movie Adventure Movie Studio
size:322.8 MB
LANGUAGE:Russian, Turkish, German, Italian, Japanese, French, Thai, Swedish, Simplified Chinese, English, Dutch, Portuguese, Spanish, Korean
Only Supports IOS
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‎Movie Adventure Movie Studio
‎Movie Adventure Movie Studio
‎Movie Adventure Movie Studio
‎Movie Adventure Movie Studio
‎Movie Adventure Movie Studio
‎Movie Adventure Movie Studio
Game Introduction

"Movie Adventure Movie Studio" is a creative and fun business simulation game. In this game, you play as a film producer who is responsible for building your own film empire. Through a series of operations such as recruiting star actors, selecting locations for filming, and producing movies, you will build a movie kingdom of your own.

Game features:

  1. Creative film production: create personalized film works through free creation, casting, screenwriting, shooting, post-production and other steps.
  2. Star Management: Recruit various types of star actors and arrange them to star in different types of movies based on their expertise and style.
  3. Building a film empire: Starting from a small studio, it has gradually developed into a huge film empire, with its own studio, post-production studio, publicity department, etc.
  4. Diverse movie types: covering action, comedy, romance, science fiction, horror and other types of movies to meet the needs of different types of audiences.
  5. Collaborate with friends: Collaborate with friends to make movies, share resources and experiences, and jointly create popular film works.

How to play:

  1. Recruit stars: Recruit various star actors through selection, training, signing, etc. to improve their acting skills and popularity.
  2. Site selection and shooting: Find the most suitable locations for film shooting around the world, and choose different scenes according to the needs of the plot.
  3. Producing a movie: According to the script and casting, arrange the shooting plan, guide the actors' performances, conduct post-production, and finally present a complete film work.
  4. Publicity and promotion: Through media promotion, poster release, TV advertising and other means, increase the popularity of the film and attract more audiences.
  5. Resource management: Reasonably allocate funds, manpower and time to ensure the smooth progress of film production and obtain profits.

Player comments:

  1. “This game really made me feel like a real filmmaker! From casting to shooting, I felt like The fun of movie making. "
  2. "I like the diversity of this game. Not only can I make various types of movies, but I can also collaborate with friends to create better works."
  3. "The star management system in the game is very interesting. Each star has its own characteristics and needs, and their work needs to be arranged reasonably."
  4. "The process of making a movie is real and interesting, and every step requires careful planning , to create an excellent work.”
  5. “The publicity and promotion link in the game is also very important. Through clever publicity methods, we can attract more audiences and let the movie get higher box office.”

Game Tips:

  1. According to market demand, select the most popular movie types for production to increase audience interest and acceptance.
  2. Reasonably arrange the working hours of stars to ensure that they have enough rest and development space, while improving their acting skills and popularity.
  3. Invest in the upgrade of equipment and venues to improve the efficiency of shooting and post-production, save costs, and improve the quality of the work.
  4. Pay attention to budget control and avoid overinvesting in one link, resulting in insufficient resources in other links.
  5. Collaborate with friends to make movies, share resources and experiences, support each other, and achieve mutual success.
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