‎Ivy Dad
size:290 MB
LANGUAGE:Simplified Chinese
Only Supports IOS
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‎Ivy Dad
‎Ivy Dad
‎Ivy Dad
‎Ivy Dad
‎Ivy Dad
‎Ivy Dad
‎Ivy Dad
‎Ivy Dad
Game Introduction

Game name: "‎Ivy Dad"

Game introduction:

In today's digital age, provide a safe and interesting environment for children And an educational environment is every parent’s expectation. "Ivy Dad" came into being as an age-specific enlightenment audio, video and interactive content platform specially created for children. It combines advanced educational concepts and technology to bring children a new world full of knowledge and fun.

This platform is led by Dad Chang (Huang Ren) and brings together a team of experts from Harvard and top universities at home and abroad. They conduct in-depth research on child psychology and provide personalized learning content for children of different ages. Through rich and diverse audio and video materials and interactive links, children's curiosity and desire to explore are stimulated.

Game features:

  1. Age-specific enlightenment: Provide appropriate learning content according to the child's age and cognitive ability.
  2. Top team research and development: It combines international cutting-edge educational concepts and domestic reality to ensure the scientificity and effectiveness of the content.
  3. Interactive learning: Enhance children’s interest and participation in learning through various interesting interactive links.
  4. Safe and healthy environment: Strictly control the content on the platform to ensure a healthy and safe learning environment for children.
  5. Continuous updating and optimization: The team continues to track learning effects, update and optimize content to ensure the best learning experience.

How to play:

  1. Watch animations and videos: Choose your favorite themes and stories and conduct audio and video learning.
  2. Participate in interactive challenges: Complete various knowledge challenges and consolidate what you have learned.
  3. Collect achievements and rewards: Collect achievement badges and rewards through hard study to stimulate learning motivation.
  4. Parental Monitoring and Assistance: Parents can check their children's learning progress and achievements in real time, and provide assistance and encouragement.

(Note: In order to ensure the simplicity and pertinence of the answer, the above content is only an exemplary description, and the actual game content and gameplay may be different.)

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