‎Mom hid my game 3
Classify:Family Gathering
size:47.9 MB
LANGUAGE:Danish, Russian, Bokmål, Norwegian, Turkish, German, Italian, Japanese, French, Polish, Swedish, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, English, Dutch, Portuguese, Spanish, Korean
Only Supports IOS
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‎Mom hid my game 3
‎Mom hid my game 3
‎Mom hid my game 3
Game Introduction

"Mom Hidden My Games 3" is a creative puzzle game that allows you to have fun in the process of finding hidden games. Come and unlock various puzzles and get your game back!

Game features:

  1. Well-designed levels: There are multiple beautifully designed levels in the game, each level has different difficulty and challenges.
  2. Innovative hidden game mechanics: In each level, you need to find hidden clues and solve puzzles to retrieve your game.
  3. Diverse game scenes: From rooms to gardens, from beaches to cities, a variety of different scenes are waiting for you to explore.
  4. Exquisite graphics and sound effects: The game uses exquisite graphics and beautiful sound effects to bring you an immersive gaming experience.
  5. Surprise rewards: By finding hidden games, you will unlock various rewards to make your gaming experience more colorful.


  1. Looking for clues: In each level, you need to carefully observe the scene, find hidden clues, and solve the puzzle.
  2. Puzzle Solving: Find the hidden game by solving puzzles. Puzzles may involve various elements such as numbers, colors, patterns, etc.
  3. Collect props: You can also collect various props in the game, which may be helpful in solving puzzles.
  4. Use hints: If you are stuck on a level, you can use hints to get help.
  5. Explore new scenes: Each level has new scenes waiting for you to explore and unlock more hidden games.

Player comments:

  1. "This game is so fun! Each level has different puzzles that keep me wanting to solve them."
  2. "The process of finding hidden games is very exciting, and it gives me a huge sense of satisfaction every time I find one."
  3. "The graphics and sound effects are exquisite and make me It feels like I'm in a scene in the game. "
  4. "The difficulty in solving the puzzles is moderate, not too easy or too difficult, just enough to keep me focused."
  5. “The process of collecting props and unlocking new scenes keeps the game fresh for me.”

Game Tips:

  1. Observe carefully: In each level, Observe the scene carefully, and possible hidden clues may be hiding right in front of you.
  2. Think logically: Solving puzzles requires some logical thinking, trying different combinations and reasoning to find the correct answer.
  3. Use props: Collect props and make good use of them, sometimes they may become the key to solving puzzles.
  4. Communicate with other players: If you are stuck on a certain level, you can communicate with other players for help and inspiration.
  5. Relax your mind: The purpose of the game is to let you enjoy the fun of solving puzzles, relax your mind, and don't be too anxious.
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