‎Snake White Block Battle
size:306.4 MB
LANGUAGE:Danish, Russian, Bokmål, Norwegian, Hindi, Indonesian, Turkish, German, Italian, Japanese, French, Polish, Thai, Swedish, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Finnish, English , Dutch, Portuguese, Spanish, Vietnamese, Arabic, Korean, Malay
Only Supports IOS
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‎Snake White Block Battle
‎Snake White Block Battle
‎Snake White Block Battle
‎Snake White Block Battle
‎Snake White Block Battle
‎Snake White Block Battle
‎Snake White Block Battle
‎Snake White Block Battle
Game Introduction

"Snake White Block Battle" is an exciting casual competitive game that is deeply loved by players for its unique gameplay and rich strategies. The following is a detailed introduction about this game:

Game introduction:
"Snake White Block Battle" is a game that combines leisure and competition. Players can play various roles in the game. Hero characters, using different skill sets to fight. There are more than 60 hero characters to choose from in the game. Each character has a unique attack method and special skills. Players can choose the appropriate character according to their preferences and game needs. A single game lasts only 2 minutes. It is exciting and requires players to formulate strategies and make decisions in a short time.

Game Features:

  1. Diverse hero roles and skill combinations allow players to customize their character’s growth direction according to their own preferences and game needs.
  2. The exciting game rhythm and the 2-minute single game time allow players to experience the fun of quick decision-making and combat.
  3. Unique resource competition and enemy confrontation mechanism, players need to balance attack and defense within a limited time, obtain experience stars and improve their level.
  4. Rich gameplay modes, including individual combat, multi-player cooperation, competitive confrontation and boss hunting, etc., to meet the needs of different players.
  5. Excellent combat feel and upgrade system give players an immersive experience in the game.


  1. Choose the appropriate hero character and bring the appropriate skill combination according to your needs.
  2. Control the hero to move on the map, kill monsters to obtain experience stars and improve the level.
  3. Choose appropriate skills each time you upgrade to improve combat efficiency.
  4. Work with teammates or act alone to develop an appropriate strategy based on the game mode.
  5. Obtain as many resources as possible within the limited time and defeat the enemy to become the only winner of the game.

Player comments:

  1. "This game is really fun, and you have a different experience every time you play it."
  2. "The rhythm of the game Very fast, it is a test of reaction ability and strategy. "
  3. "I like the design of the hero characters in the game. Each character has its own characteristics."
  4. "The teamwork in the game. It’s very important and has made me a lot of interesting friends.”
  5. “I’m addicted to this game and can’t stop playing it every time.”
##Game Tips:

    Familiarize yourself with the skills and characteristics of different hero characters, and choose the character that best suits you to play the game.
  1. Learn to allocate resources and time reasonably and balance the needs of attack and defense.
  2. Observe and analyze the enemy's behavior and strategies, and formulate targeted response plans.
  3. Be good at using obstacles and traps in the map to create a favorable combat environment.
  4. Maintain good communication and collaboration with teammates to jointly develop and execute effective strategic plans.
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