‎Sword of Suzuran
Classify:Role Play
size:133 MB
LANGUAGE:Simplified Chinese
Only Supports IOS
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‎Sword of Suzuran
‎Sword of Suzuran
‎Sword of Suzuran
‎Sword of Suzuran
‎Sword of Suzuran
‎Sword of Suzuran
‎Sword of Suzuran
‎Sword of Suzuran
Game Introduction

"Sword of Suzuliana: For This Peaceful World" is a subversive new-generation chess game that perfectly combines classic pixel art and modern graphics technology to bring players an unprecedented visual and strategic experience. In a world full of conflict and possibility, you will lead the people of Ilia to the dawn of peace.

Game features:

  1. Benge war chess gameplay: classic war chess gameplay, combined with in-depth strategic elements, making every decision full of challenge and fun.
  2. New generation pixel style: Using NeoPixel technology to create delicate and beautiful character drawings and exquisite world maps, bringing players a visual feast.
  3. Three-dimensional feast for the senses: The moving music created by the well-known composer Mr. Hitoshi Sakimoto, combined with the popular voice actor lineup, brings a more three-dimensional gaming experience.
  4. Multi-ending and multi-week experience: Players’ choices and actions will change the flow of the story, leading to different endings, increasing the playability and explorability of the game.
  5. Immersive world view: Through rich plots and background settings, players can have an in-depth understanding of the people of Ilia and their world, enhancing the sense of immersion in the game.

How to play:

  1. Build a mercenary group: Players can recruit and train mercenaries with various abilities to form a powerful mercenary group to jointly resist foreign enemies.
  2. Develop tactics: Use factors such as terrain, items, and mercenary abilities to formulate the best tactics and strategies to win at the minimum cost.
  3. Explore the world: Explore the vast world map to discover hidden treasures and secrets while unlocking new missions and plots.
  4. Make a choice: Every choice made by the player will affect the direction and ending of the game. Careful thinking and wise decision-making are required.
  5. Enjoy the music and plot: Immerse yourself in the wonderful music and exciting plot, and feel the emotional experience brought by the game.

Player comments:

  1. "This game is really great! The graphics are beautiful, the music is beautiful, and the gameplay is also very attractive."
  2. "As a war game enthusiast, this game fully meets my expectations!"
  3. "I can discover new things every time I play, it's really exploratory!"
  4. “The plot of the game is very rich, I was immersed in it and couldn’t extricate myself.”
  5. ”I highly recommend this game to friends who like strategy games!”

Game skills:

  1. Make full use of terrain advantages: Proper use of terrain in battle can greatly improve the combat capabilities of mercenaries.
  2. Reasonable allocation of resources: It is very important to allocate resources reasonably in the game to ensure that each mercenary can get the necessary equipment and items.
  3. Develop a variety of tactics: Developing different tactics based on different enemies and scenarios can greatly improve your winning rate.
  4. Pay attention to the plot trend: Paying attention to the plot trend of the game can help players better understand the game world and background settings.
  5. Keep calm and patient: It is very important to stay calm and patient when facing difficulties and challenges, and to trust your own decision-making and abilities.
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