‎Rhythm track
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LANGUAGE:Simplified Chinese
Only Supports IOS
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‎Rhythm track
‎Rhythm track
‎Rhythm track
‎Rhythm track
Game Introduction

"Rhythm Trail" game introduction

"Rhythm Trail" - interlaced dots and lines, let music connect the world! This game has officially launched public beta testing on all platforms at 10:00 on April 29, bringing an unprecedented rhythm feast to all music-loving players. Want to keep up to date with the latest developments in the game? Then hurry up and follow our official community account! You can find us on WeChat official account and Weibo by searching "Rhythm Track". At the same time, we have also prepared an official communication group for players, group numbers: 807580271 and 905589191. Everyone is welcome to join and chat about game experiences.

In "Rhythm Track", we are committed to creating a freer and more unrestrained music game world. Full-screen trajectory determination allows you to feel the passion of rhythm collision at your fingertips. The music charts are flexible and changeable, challenging your reaction and hand speed. Whether you are a newbie to music games or an experienced player, you can find your fun here.

The Riztime design of the game is unique. The emotions and charts move with the rhythm, and the HP and scores increase with the music, making you more calm and immersed during the game. Each track is a complete musical story. Through your operations, the mood of the track will be better conveyed, giving you an unprecedented sense of immersion in the game.

In this era of developed Internet, although the world has become closer, many people feel that it is drifting away. "Rhythm Track" hopes to allow players to find connections with each other in the online world through the power of music. In the game, you can compete and communicate with players from all over the world, and experience the happiness brought by music together.

In short, "Rhythm Track" is a music game full of creativity and passion. Whether you are a music lover or a game player, you can find your stage here. Come and join us, let us feel the pulse of the world in the rhythm of music!

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