‎The Legend of Mortal Gods
Classify:Family Gathering
size:369.5 MB
Only Supports IOS
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‎The Legend of Mortal Gods
‎The Legend of Mortal Gods
‎The Legend of Mortal Gods
‎The Legend of Mortal Gods
‎The Legend of Mortal Gods
Game Introduction

"The Legend of Mortal God General" is a strategy role-playing game that combines elements of ancient mythology and modern technology. In the game, players will play the role of an ordinary mortal. By collecting divine generals, cultivating strength, and crafting equipment, they will eventually become a legendary hero favored by the gods.

Game features:

  1. Ancient mythology themes: The game incorporates mythological elements from various countries, and players will embark on adventures in a magical world.
  2. Diversified generals: Recruit and train various generals to assist in battle. Each general has unique skills and attributes.
  3. Strategic Combat: A well-designed combat system requires players to properly coordinate their generals and formulate tactics to achieve victory.
  4. Equipment creation: Collect materials to create advanced equipment, improve character attributes, and increase combat effectiveness.
  5. Guild Hegemony: Join a guild, team up with other players to challenge dungeons, compete for resources, and experience the fun of teamwork.

How to play:

  1. Recruiting generals: Obtain fragments of generals through story missions, activities, etc. After collecting them, you can recruit powerful generals.
  2. Cultivate strength: Improve the level and skills of generals, activate the bonds of generals, and enhance the strength of the team.
  3. Campaign Challenge: Challenge various dungeons and trials, obtain generous rewards, and improve your character level.
  4. Equipment enhancement: Collect equipment materials, strengthen equipment attributes, and create exclusive magical equipment.
  5. Guild Hegemony: Participate in guild wars, cross-server wars, and fight with guild members to compete for glory.

Player comments:

  1. “The game has beautiful graphics, unique character design, and strong combat strategies, which makes people enjoy it!”
  2. ”Recruiting divine generals The process is very fulfilling. Each god general has his own story, which makes people feel more involved. "
  3. "The equipment creation system is very interesting. You can constantly challenge dungeons, collect materials, and improve the character's combat power. It's addictive. "
  4. "The guild competition is very intense. It's so enjoyable to fight with guild members and feel the power of teamwork!"
  5. "The various skills in the game are so exciting! The tactics and strategies are very challenging, and you need to constantly optimize your lineup and equipment to stand out in the competition."

Game skills:

  1. Reasonable lineup: According to Depending on the characteristics of different copies and opponents, choose the appropriate combination of gods and generals and formulate tactics.
  2. Improve the skills of generals: Upgrade the skills of generals in time to improve output and survivability, and increase the winning rate of battles.
  3. Participate in multiple activities: Participate in various activities and tasks, obtain generous rewards, and accelerate character growth.
  4. Efficiently manage resources: allocate resources reasonably, give priority to improving the level and equipment of the main generals, and improve overall strength.
  5. Work closely with guild members: Work closely with guild members to challenge guild activities together and achieve better results.
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