‎Self Reliance
Classify:Role Play
size:86.3 MB
Only Supports IOS
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‎Self Reliance
‎Self Reliance
‎Self Reliance
Game Introduction

"Self Reliance" is a unique survival adventure game. Players will be placed in a world full of challenges and unknowns, and they need to rely on their own wisdom and courage to achieve self-reliance survival. The following is the introduction of the game:

Game features:

  1. Free exploration: Players can freely explore the vast game world and discover various resources and secrets.
  2. Self-decision: Every decision in the game will have an impact on the player's survival and the direction of the story, so you need to choose carefully.
  3. Self-construction: Players can build their own homes, grow crops, and craft tools and weapons.
  4. Self-survival: Facing various natural disasters and monster threats, players need to learn to survive independently.
  5. Self-Growth: Through continuous challenges and exploration, players will gradually grow into a strong self-reliance.

How to play:

  1. Collect resources: Players need to collect various resources in the game world, including food, wood, ores, etc.
  2. Build a base: Use the collected resources to build your own base and provide food and shelter.
  3. Create equipment: Make tools, weapons and armor to improve your survivability.
  4. Explore Adventure: Bravely explore unknown territories and discover new locations and challenges.
  5. Survival Challenge: Stay calm in the face of various challenges such as natural disasters and monster attacks.

Player comments:

  1. "The game world of "Self Reliance" is very colorful, and every adventure brings me surprises!"
  2. "The self-construction and self-decision-making in the game made me feel extremely immersed, as if I was in another world."
  3. "The survival challenge is really interesting, and every emergency makes me nervous and nervous. Excited! "
  4. ""Self Reliance" taught me how to survive independently, which feels really great!"
  5. "The self-growth process in the game makes me feel accomplished. Manman, every step is taken by myself. "

Game skills:

  1. Always stay alert and pay attention to the surrounding environment to avoid accidental attacks.
  2. Use resources rationally, avoid waste, and ensure survival needs.
  3. Consider stability and defense when building your base to withstand various threats.
  4. Learn to make various tools and weapons to improve your combat effectiveness.
  5. Continuously explore new areas, discover more resources and challenges, and enrich the game experience.
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