‎My Cute Pet Cat Life Simulator
Classify:Family Gathering
size:113.2 MB
Only Supports IOS
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‎My Cute Pet Cat Life Simulator
‎My Cute Pet Cat Life Simulator
‎My Cute Pet Cat Life Simulator
‎My Cute Pet Cat Life Simulator
‎My Cute Pet Cat Life Simulator
Game Introduction

"My Cute Pet Cat Life Simulator" is a simulation game that allows players to experience the fun of raising a cat. In this game, you will play the role of a cat slave, live with a cute pet cat, and experience the fun and challenges of raising a cat.

Game features:

  1. Complete cat training system, you can choose different breeds of cats, feed, bathe, play, etc.
  2. Diverse game scenes, including homes, parks, pet shops, etc., allow players to interact with cats.
  3. Rich task system, you can get rewards by completing tasks and improve the intimacy with cats.
  4. Customized pet cat appearance, you can choose different shapes and clothing to create a unique pet cat.
  5. Communicate and interact with other players, share your experience in raising cats, and form a community of cat friends.


  1. Take care of pet cats in the game, including feeding, cleaning, health checks, etc.
  2. Participate in various activities, such as competitions, performances, etc., to improve your pet cat's skills and performance.
  3. Buy a variety of pet supplies, including food, toys, beds, etc., to create a comfortable living environment.
  4. Interact with pet cats, including petting, games, training, etc., to enhance the relationship between each other.
  5. Explore the game world, unlock new maps and tasks, and experience a colorful cat-raising life.

Player comments:

  1. "This game is so cute! The process of raising cats makes me feel infinite happiness, the cats are so cute!"
  2. "The game graphics are exquisite and the sound effects are crisp, making me feel like I am in a world full of love."
  3. "Raising a cat is not only a game, but also an emotional exchange. Living with a pet cat Together, I feel warmer. "
  4. "The task system design is very interesting. Completing various tasks makes me feel that I am constantly improving, and the tacit understanding between me and the cat is also increasing."
  5. "I like to communicate with other players about raising cats, share experiences, and become cat friends together. This kind of social interaction makes the game more interesting."

Game skills:

  1. Feed pet cats regularly to keep them healthy and happy.
  2. Frequent interaction, petting and playing can increase the intimacy with the cat.
  3. Pay attention to the cat’s emotional changes and adjust its behavior in time to avoid the cat’s negative emotions.
  4. Participate in various activities to improve your pet cat’s skills and performance and get more rewards.
  5. Interact with other players, share their thoughts on raising cats, learn from their experiences, and make the journey of raising cats more colorful.
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