‎Have a big watermelon
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LANGUAGE:Simplified Chinese, English
Only Supports IOS
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‎Have a big watermelon
‎Have a big watermelon
Game Introduction

"Come on a Big Watermelon" game introduction

"Come on a Big Watermelon" is a casual puzzle game full of fun and challenge. Its unique gameplay has made many players addicted to it and unable to stop. This game has attracted many game enthusiasts with its simple and bright style, rich game content and endless challenges.

In the game, you will face huge watermelons one by one. Your task is to cut as many of these watermelons as possible within the limited time and get high scores. With every cut, watermelon juice will splash out, giving people a strong visual impact, as if you are really enjoying a watermelon feast.

The challenge is not only the speed and quantity of cutting watermelons, but also how to cut them accurately so that you can get the maximum benefit from each cut. This requires you to use flexible strategies, observe the shape and size of the watermelon, and choose the best cutting method.

In addition, the game also has various props and obstacles, which increase the difficulty and interest of the game. You may encounter bombs that appear suddenly and need to react quickly to avoid them; you may also encounter mysterious juice that increases the score bonus, allowing you to get a high score instantly.

Although "Have a Big Watermelon" is simple and easy to play, it is full of challenges and fun. It can not only exercise your reaction speed and hand-eye coordination, but also improve your strategic thinking and decision-making abilities. Whether you want to relax in your free time or challenge your limits, you can try this game.

In general, "Let's Have a Big Watermelon" is a game that combines leisure, puzzle, and challenge. Whether you are a newbie or an experienced player, you can find fun here. The simple style of painting, smooth operating experience, rich game elements, and deep immersion and fun experience make this game a masterpiece among casual puzzle games. Join the game now and enjoy your own watermelon feast!

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