‎Tiantian Farm
Classify:Family Gathering
size:312.9 MB
LANGUAGE:Simplified Chinese
Only Supports IOS
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‎Tiantian Farm
‎Tiantian Farm
‎Tiantian Farm
‎Tiantian Farm
‎Tiantian Farm
‎Tiantian Farm
‎Tiantian Farm
‎Tiantian Farm
Game Introduction

"Tiantian Farm" is a relaxing and casual farm simulation game. In this game, you will become a farmer, manage your own farmland, plant various crops, raise cute animals, and share the fun of the farm with your friends.

Game Features:

  1. Beautiful rural scenery: The farmland and farmhouses in the game are beautifully designed, giving players a sense of tranquility and relaxation.
  2. Various crops: Grow various crops, such as wheat, corn, vegetables, etc., harvest abundant agricultural products, and use them for trading and making delicious food.
  3. Cute animal companions: Breed various animals, such as cows, sheep, chickens, etc., take care of their living needs, collect their products, and increase the farm's income.
  4. Social interaction: Establish a farm alliance with friends, help and communicate with each other, participate in alliance activities, and jointly build the most beautiful farm.
  5. Challenging missions: Complete a variety of interesting missions, unlock new farm areas and special rewards, and show off your farm management talents.

How to play:

  1. Plant crops: Choose suitable crop seeds, plant them in the farmland, and water, fertilize and weed in time, waiting for harvest.
  2. Raising animals: Purchase small animals, give them enough food and water, clean their housing areas regularly, and collect their products.
  3. Construct facilities: Build facilities such as farmhouses, feedlots, and warehouses to provide a good living environment and storage space.
  4. Trading and production: Sell agricultural products to the residents of the city to obtain gold coins and experience points. You can also use agricultural products to make delicious food to meet the needs of customers.
  5. Alliance cooperation: Join or create a farm alliance, cooperate with friends, help each other, participate in alliance tasks and activities, and jointly develop the farm.

Player comments:

  1. ""Tiantian Farm" makes me feel like I am on a real farm, planting crops, raising animals, and feeling the beauty of nature."
  2. "The graphics of the game are very beautiful, and every farmland, animal and building is full of details, which makes people addicted to it."
  3. "Playing "Tiantian Farm" with friends is particularly fun. We help each other, Exchange experiences and build the most beautiful farm together. "
  4. " Missions and challenges make the game more fun and purposeful, and I'm always looking forward to unlocking new farm areas and rewards. "
  5. " "Everyday Farm" is a relaxing game. You can enter the game every day to enjoy farm life and forget about the busy reality. "

Game skills:

  1. Resource management: Arrange farmland and animal housing areas rationally, plant crops and breed animals as needed to avoid waste of resources.
  2. Efficient planting: Understand the growth cycle and characteristics of crops, arrange the planting sequence reasonably, and ensure continuous harvest.
  3. Activity Utilization: Participate in in-game activities and tasks, obtain additional rewards and experience, and accelerate the development of your farm.
  4. Social interaction: Cooperate with friends, visit each other’s farms, exchange agricultural products and gifts, and make progress together.
  5. Upgrade facilities: Regularly upgrade facilities such as farmhouses, feedlots and warehouses to improve production efficiency and storage capacity.
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