Maison >outils de développement >VSCode >Une brève introduction à VSCode pour les débutants : une brève analyse des extraits de code et comment les créer
《VS Code 代码片段完全入门指南》
Windows系统: 文件 > 首选项 > 用户代码片段 Mac系统: Code > 首选项 > 用户片段
全局代码片段(每种语言环境下都能触发代码块):新建全局代码片段会在 snippets
目录下生成 .code-snippets
针对特定语言类型(只能在对应语言环境下才能触发):而新建对应语言的代码片段会生成 对应语言 + .json
输入 react
自动创建一个 react.code-snippets
{ // Place your 全局 snippets here. Each snippet is defined under a snippet name and has a scope, prefix, body and // description. Add comma separated ids of the languages where the snippet is applicable in the scope field. If scope // is left empty or omitted, the snippet gets applied to all languages. The prefix is what is // used to trigger the snippet and the body will be expanded and inserted. Possible variables are: // $1, $2 for tab stops, $0 for the final cursor position, and ${1:label}, ${2:another} for placeholders. // Placeholders with the same ids are connected. // Example: // "Print to console": { // "scope": "javascript,typescript", // "prefix": "log", // "body": [ // "console.log('$1');", // "$2" // ], // "description": "Log output to console" // } }
创建了一个 dva
{ // Place your 全局 snippets here. Each snippet is defined under a snippet name and has a scope, prefix, body and // description. Add comma separated ids of the languages where the snippet is applicable in the scope field. If scope // is left empty or omitted, the snippet gets applied to all languages. The prefix is what is // used to trigger the snippet and the body will be expanded and inserted. Possible variables are: // $1, $2 for tab stops, $0 for the final cursor position, and ${1:label}, ${2:another} for placeholders. // Placeholders with the same ids are connected. // Example: // "Print to console": { // "scope": "javascript,typescript", // "prefix": "log", // "body": [ // "console.log('$1');", // "$2" // ], // "description": "Log output to console" // } // dva 基础布局结构 "dva-basic": { "prefix": "lll_dva_basic", "body": [ "import { Effect, Reducer, Subscription } from 'umi';", "", "export interface ${1:xxxxModelType} {", " namespace: '${2:xxxx}';", " state: ${3:IxxxxModelState};", " effects: {", " initDataEffect: Effect;", " };", " reducers: {", " updateState: Reducer<${3:IxxxxModelState}>;", " };", " subscriptions: { setup: Subscription };", "}", "", "export interface ${3:IxxxxModelState} {", " ${4:textData}: any;", "}", "", "const state: ${3:IxxxxModelState} = {", " ${4:textData}: null,", "};", "", "const QualificationSetting: ${1:xxxxModelType} = {", " namespace: '${2:xxxx}',", " state: state,", "", " effects: {", " // 初始化数据", " *initDataEffect({ payload }, { select, call, put }) {", " try {", " } catch (error) {}", " },", " },", "", " reducers: {", " updateState(state, { data }) {", " return { ...state, };", " },", " },", "", " subscriptions: {", " setup({ dispatch, history }) {", " return history.listen(({ pathname }) => {", " if (pathname === '/') {", " // 初始化数据", " dispatch({ type: 'initDataEffect' });", " }", " });", " },", " },", "};", "", "export default QualificationSetting;", "" ], "description": "dva-basic" }ƒ }
"dva-basic" 是代码片段的名字。如果没有 description
Tab Stops (使用 tabs 切换,还有很多用法自行挖掘,比如可选项)
Les taquets de tabulation sont composés de ** 1 .
représente la première position,
représente les deux positions, et donc sur.
$0` représente le fragment de code de sortie et la dernière position où le curseur est resté 🎜🎜Si vous souhaitez rester sur plusieurs onglets, utilisez simplement le même numéro de série 🎜🎜3. un guide de démarrage rapide ; 🎜🎜🎜 🎜Pour une étude approfondie, veuillez vous référer au guide plus complet dans la préface 🎜🎜🎜🎜Vous pouvez utiliser l'outil de génération rapide dans la préface puis l'améliorer 🎜🎜🎜🎜Pour ; pour plus de connaissances sur VSCode, veuillez visiter : 🎜tutoriel vscode🎜 ! ! 🎜🎜Ce qui précède est le contenu détaillé de. pour plus d'informations, suivez d'autres articles connexes sur le site Web de PHP en chinois!