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Python Flask résout les problèmes inter-domaines

2020-09-30 17:23:143304parcourir

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tutoriel vidéo Python présente Python Flask pour résoudre les problèmes inter-domaines.

Python Flask résout les problèmes inter-domaines

Table des matières

Table des matières

  • Table des matières
  • Avant-propos
  • Étapes d'utilisation
    • 1. Importer la bibliothèque
    • 2 Configuration
      • 1. Utilisez CORS函数 pour configurer le routage global
      • 2. Utilisez
      • pour configurer le routage sur une seule ligne@cross_origin
    • Description du paramètre de configuration
  • Résumé
  • Référence


Putain de merde, c'est encore cross-domain

Étapes d'utilisation

1 Importer la bibliothèque

pip install flask-cors复制代码
2. Configuration

flask-cors a deux utilisations, une pour une utilisation globale et une pour le routage spécifié

1 Utilisez

pour configurer le routage global

from flask import Flask, requestfrom flask_cors import CORS

app = Flask(__name__)
CORS(app, supports_credentials=True)复制代码

Fournit quelques paramètres pour nous aider à personnaliser l'opération.

CORSNous pouvons configurer les


, origins, methodsallow_headerssupports_credentials

couramment utilisés :

:param resources:
    The series of regular expression and (optionally) associated CORS
    options to be applied to the given resource path.

    If the argument is a dictionary, it's keys must be regular expressions,
    and the values must be a dictionary of kwargs, identical to the kwargs
    of this function.

    If the argument is a list, it is expected to be a list of regular
    expressions, for which the app-wide configured options are applied.

    If the argument is a string, it is expected to be a regular expression
    for which the app-wide configured options are applied.

    Default : Match all and apply app-level configuration

:type resources: dict, iterable or string

:param origins:
    The origin, or list of origins to allow requests from.
    The origin(s) may be regular expressions, case-sensitive strings,
    or else an asterisk

    Default : '*'
:type origins: list, string or regex

:param methods:
    The method or list of methods which the allowed origins are allowed to
    access for non-simple requests.

:type methods: list or string

:param expose_headers:
    The header or list which are safe to expose to the API of a CORS API

    Default : None
:type expose_headers: list or string

:param allow_headers:
    The header or list of header field names which can be used when this
    resource is accessed by allowed origins. The header(s) may be regular
    expressions, case-sensitive strings, or else an asterisk.

    Default : '*', allow all headers
:type allow_headers: list, string or regex

:param supports_credentials:
    Allows users to make authenticated requests. If true, injects the
    `Access-Control-Allow-Credentials` header in responses. This allows
    cookies and credentials to be submitted across domains.

    :note: This option cannot be used in conjuction with a '*' origin

    Default : False
:type supports_credentials: bool

:param max_age:
    The maximum time for which this CORS request maybe cached. This value
    is set as the `Access-Control-Max-Age` header.

    Default : None
:type max_age: timedelta, integer, string or None

:param send_wildcard: If True, and the origins parameter is `*`, a wildcard
    `Access-Control-Allow-Origin` header is sent, rather than the
    request's `Origin` header.

    Default : False
:type send_wildcard: bool

:param vary_header:
    If True, the header Vary: Origin will be returned as per the W3
    implementation guidelines.

    Setting this header when the `Access-Control-Allow-Origin` is
    dynamically generated (e.g. when there is more than one allowed
    origin, and an Origin than '*' is returned) informs CDNs and other
    caches that the CORS headers are dynamic, and cannot be cached.

    If False, the Vary header will never be injected or altered.

    Default : True
:type vary_header: bool复制代码
. 2. Utilisez

pour configurer le routage sur une seule ligne

from flask import Flask, requestfrom flask_cors import cross_origin

app = Flask(__name__)@app.route('/')@cross_origin(supports_credentials=True)def hello():
    name = request.args.get("name", "World")    return f'Hello, {name}!'复制代码


fournissent fondamentalement les mêmes paramètres. cross_originCORSNous pouvons configurer les


, origins, methodsallow_headerssupports_credentials

couramment utilisés :

:param origins:
    The origin, or list of origins to allow requests from.
    The origin(s) may be regular expressions, case-sensitive strings,
    or else an asterisk

    Default : '*'
:type origins: list, string or regex

:param methods:
    The method or list of methods which the allowed origins are allowed to
    access for non-simple requests.

:type methods: list or string

:param expose_headers:
    The header or list which are safe to expose to the API of a CORS API

    Default : None
:type expose_headers: list or string

:param allow_headers:
    The header or list of header field names which can be used when this
    resource is accessed by allowed origins. The header(s) may be regular
    expressions, case-sensitive strings, or else an asterisk.

    Default : '*', allow all headers
:type allow_headers: list, string or regex

:param supports_credentials:
    Allows users to make authenticated requests. If true, injects the
    `Access-Control-Allow-Credentials` header in responses. This allows
    cookies and credentials to be submitted across domains.

    :note: This option cannot be used in conjuction with a '*' origin

    Default : False
:type supports_credentials: bool

:param max_age:
    The maximum time for which this CORS request maybe cached. This value
    is set as the `Access-Control-Max-Age` header.

    Default : None
:type max_age: timedelta, integer, string or None

:param send_wildcard: If True, and the origins parameter is `*`, a wildcard
    `Access-Control-Allow-Origin` header is sent, rather than the
    request's `Origin` header.

    Default : False
:type send_wildcard: bool

:param vary_header:
    If True, the header Vary: Origin will be returned as per the W3
    implementation guidelines.

    Setting this header when the `Access-Control-Allow-Origin` is
    dynamically generated (e.g. when there is more than one allowed
    origin, and an Origin than '*' is returned) informs CDNs and other
    caches that the CORS headers are dynamic, and cannot be cached.

    If False, the Vary header will never be injected or altered.

    Default : True
:type vary_header: bool

:param automatic_options:
    Only applies to the `cross_origin` decorator. If True, Flask-CORS will
    override Flask's default OPTIONS handling to return CORS headers for
    OPTIONS requests.

    Default : True
:type automatic_options: bool复制代码
. Description des paramètres de configuration

参数 类型 Head 默认 说明
resources 字典、迭代器或字符串 全部 配置允许跨域的路由接口
origins 列表、字符串或正则表达式 Access-Control-Allow-Origin * 配置允许跨域访问的源
methods 列表、字符串 Access-Control-Allow-Methods [GET, HEAD, POST, OPTIONS, PUT, PATCH, DELETE] 配置跨域支持的请求方式
expose_headers 列表、字符串 Access-Control-Expose-Headers None 自定义请求响应的Head信息
allow_headers 列表、字符串或正则表达式 Access-Control-Request-Headers * 配置允许跨域的请求头
supports_credentials 布尔值 Access-Control-Allow-Credentials False 是否允许请求发送cookie
max_age timedelta、整数、字符串 Access-Control-Max-Age None 预检请求的有效时长

Dans la configuration inter-domaines de flask, nous pouvons utiliser

pour la configuration, où

est utilisé pour la configuration globale, flask-cors Pour mettre en œuvre la configuration d'itinéraires spécifiques. CORS 函数@cross_origin

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