HomeTechnical ResourcesThe role of applet tag in html
The role of applet tag in html

The role of applet tag in html

The role of the applet tag in html: used to define embedded applet. If you want to know more about html tags, you can read the article below this topic.


The role of applet tag in html

How to use html applet tag

How to use html applet tag

The html applet tag is used to define embedded applets. still exists in some browsers but requires additional plug-ins and installation processes to work.

May 25, 2019 pm 01:37 PM
What does the html applet tag mean? Detailed explanation of the usage of html applet tag

What does the html applet tag mean? Detailed explanation of the usage of html applet tag

What does the html applet tag mean? Detailed explanation of the usage of html applet tag. Let’s start with the content of this article. It mainly introduces the definition and specific usage of html applet tag, as well as the attributes of HTML applet tag.

Aug 18, 2018 pm 05:16 PM

How does Java run Applets? Two ways to run Applet

How does Java run Applets? Two ways to run Applet

An applet is a small dynamic Java program, so how to run an Applet? This article will introduce Applet to you, let you know what Applet is, and how to run Applet. I hope it will be helpful to you.

Dec 24, 2018 pm 02:06 PM

Understand the global attributes of HTML tags

Understand the global attributes of HTML tags

HTML global attributes refer to general attributes that can be applied to HTML elements. They are not only applicable to specific HTML elements, but to all HTML elements. Global properties provide developers with a unified way to control the appearance and behavior of HTML, increasing consistency and scalability between HTML elements. Some common global attributes include: class: used to specify one or more CSS class names for an element, so that the appearance of the element can be decorated through a CSS style sheet. id: used for elements

Feb 18, 2024 pm 12:34 PM

Common HTML tags

Common HTML tags

Common HTML tags are: 1. : defines the root element of the HTML document; 2. : contains metadata of the HTML document, such as title, style and script; 3. : defines the title of the HTML document ; 4. <meta>: Define the metadata of the HTML document, such as character set, author, keywords, etc.; 5. <style>: Define the style of the HTML document; 6. <script>: Define the script of the HTML document, etc.</p><span class="Articlelist_txts_time">Nov 01, 2023 am 10:44 AM</span><div class="Articlelist_txts_infos"><a href=""><span class="Articlelist_txts_infoss on">html tag</span></a></div></div></div><hr /><div class="Articlelist_txts"><a href="" title="Complete collection of HTML tags" class="Articlelist_txtsimg"><img onerror="this.onerror=''; this.src='/static/imghwm/default1.png'" src="/static/imghw/default1.png" data-src=",m_fill,h_135,w_240" class="lazy" alt="Complete collection of HTML tags" /></a><div class="Articlelist_txts_info"><h3><a href="" title="Complete collection of HTML tags" class="Articlelist_txts_title">Complete collection of HTML tags</a></h3><p class="Articlelist_txts_p">HTML标签有<!DOCTYPE>、<html>、<head>、<title>、<meta>、<link>、<style>、<script>、<body>、<h1> - <h6>、<p>、<a>、<img>、<div>、<span>、<input>、<button>、<form</p><span class="Articlelist_txts_time">Nov 27, 2023 am 10:05 AM</span><div class="Articlelist_txts_infos"><a href=""><span class="Articlelist_txts_infoss on">html</span></a><a href=""><span class="Articlelist_txts_infoss ">html tag</span></a></div></div></div><hr /><div class="Articlelist_txts"><a href="" title="HTML tags" class="Articlelist_txtsimg"><img onerror="this.onerror=''; this.src='/static/imghwm/default1.png'" src="/static/imghw/default1.png" data-src=",m_fill,h_135,w_240" class="lazy" alt="HTML tags" /></a><div class="Articlelist_txts_info"><h3><a href="" title="HTML tags" class="Articlelist_txts_title">HTML tags</a></h3><p class="Articlelist_txts_p">Elements in HTML are used to describe metadata, i.e. description, keywords, document author, etc. This metadata is not displayed on the page, but is used by search engines, web browsers, etc. Now you can also set the dimensions of the web page by setting the viewport under - <metaname="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0"> Here are the properties - Sr.No Type and Description 1 Name Attribute The name. Can be anything. Examples include keywords, description, author, revision, generator, etc. 2 Content specifies the value of the attribute. Scheme 3 (deprecated) refers to</p><span class="Articlelist_txts_time">Sep 04, 2023 pm 07:25 PM</span><div class="Articlelist_txts_infos"><a href=""><span class="Articlelist_txts_infoss on">html tag</span></a></div></div></div><hr /><div class="Articlelist_txts"><a href="" title="How to use html tags" class="Articlelist_txtsimg"><img onerror="this.onerror=''; this.src='/static/imghwm/default1.png'" src="/static/imghw/default1.png" data-src=",m_fill,h_135,w_240" class="lazy" alt="How to use html tags" /></a><div class="Articlelist_txts_info"><h3><a href="" title="How to use html tags" class="Articlelist_txts_title">How to use html tags</a></h3><p class="Articlelist_txts_p">HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is a standard language for creating web pages. It consists of a series of tags and attributes through which the content in the web page can be described and organized. Below we will explain some commonly used HTML tags and their usage. 1. Title tag (<h1> ~ <h6>) The title tag is used to set the title of the web page. There are six levels, from largest to smallest, they are <h1> ~ <h6>. When writing web pages, it should be noted that <h1> should be the largest</p><span class="Articlelist_txts_time">May 15, 2023 pm 08:10 PM</span></div></div><hr /><div class="Articlelist_txts"><a href="" title="html tags do not wrap" class="Articlelist_txtsimg"><img onerror="this.onerror=''; this.src='/static/imghwm/default1.png'" src="/static/imghw/default1.png" data-src=",m_fill,h_135,w_240" class="lazy" alt="html tags do not wrap" /></a><div class="Articlelist_txts_info"><h3><a href="" title="html tags do not wrap" class="Articlelist_txts_title">html tags do not wrap</a></h3><p class="Articlelist_txts_p">The reason why HTML tags do not wrap is because the default formatting method of HTML treats all elements as block-level elements, which means that each element will occupy its own line, with space above and below. However, in some cases, we may need to display multiple elements within the same row and don't want extra white space between them. Below I will introduce in detail how to avoid automatic label wrapping in HTML. 1. Use inline elements. Use elements with inline characteristics, such as `<span>` and `<a>`, etc. to avoid automatic label wrapping. This is because the inline element</p><span class="Articlelist_txts_time">May 15, 2023 pm 02:05 PM</span></div></div><hr /><div class="Articlelist_txts"><a href="" title="Regular replacement of html tags" class="Articlelist_txtsimg"><img onerror="this.onerror=''; this.src='/static/imghwm/default1.png'" src="/static/imghw/default1.png" data-src=",m_fill,h_135,w_240" class="lazy" alt="Regular replacement of html tags" /></a><div class="Articlelist_txts_info"><h3><a href="" title="Regular replacement of html tags" class="Articlelist_txts_title">Regular replacement of html tags</a></h3><p class="Articlelist_txts_p">HTML is the standard language for web pages, but in some cases, we need to extract plain text from HTML web pages. In this case, replacing HTML tags is useful. This article will introduce how to use regular expressions to replace HTML tags. First, what is a regular expression? A regular expression is an expression used to match strings. It can be used to search, replace and extract text. Regular expressions are commonly used in text processing, such as searching and finding text in programming or text editors. Using regular expressions to replace HTML tags In many cases we want</p><span class="Articlelist_txts_time">May 15, 2023 pm 02:06 PM</span></div></div><hr /><div class="Articlelist_txts"><a href="" title="html tag escape" class="Articlelist_txtsimg"><img onerror="this.onerror=''; this.src='/static/imghwm/default1.png'" src="/static/imghw/default1.png" data-src=",m_fill,h_135,w_240" class="lazy" alt="html tag escape" /></a><div class="Articlelist_txts_info"><h3><a href="" title="html tag escape" class="Articlelist_txts_title">html tag escape</a></h3><p class="Articlelist_txts_p">In web development, we often use html tags or elements. These tags are usually used to describe and display the content on the page, including text, images, links, tables, etc. But when using these tags, we need to pay attention to some special characters, such as <, >, &, etc. These characters may affect the display of the tags or even cause code errors. To solve this problem, we need to use escape characters of html tags. 1. What is html escaping? HTML escaping refers to converting some special characters into their corresponding entity characters or tags.</p><span class="Articlelist_txts_time">May 21, 2023 pm 03:55 PM</span></div></div><hr /><div class="Articlelist_txts"><a href="" title="How to remove html tags in php code" class="Articlelist_txtsimg"><img onerror="this.onerror=''; this.src='/static/imghwm/default1.png'" src="/static/imghw/default1.png" data-src=",m_fill,h_135,w_240" class="lazy" alt="How to remove html tags in php code" /></a><div class="Articlelist_txts_info"><h3><a href="" title="How to remove html tags in php code" class="Articlelist_txts_title">How to remove html tags in php code</a></h3><p class="Articlelist_txts_p">The method to remove HTML tags in PHP is: 1. Create a PHP sample file; 2. Create a variable $html_string to store characters with html tags; 3. Use the "strip_tags($html_string)" syntax to strip all HTML tags and their contents Delete from the string; 4. Output the deleted string through echo.</p><span class="Articlelist_txts_time">Jun 06, 2023 am 11:00 AM</span><div class="Articlelist_txts_infos"><a href=""><span class="Articlelist_txts_infoss on">php</span></a></div></div></div><hr /></div><div class="AI_ToolDetails_main4sR"><div class="phpgenera_Details_mainR4"><div class="phpmain1_4R_readrank"><div class="phpmain1_4R_readrank_top"><img onerror="this.onerror=''; this.src='/static/imghwm/default1.png'" onerror="this.onerror=''; this.src='/static/imghwm/default1.png'" src="/static/imghwm/hotarticle2.png" alt="" /><h2>Hot Article</h2></div><div class="phpgenera_Details_mainR4_bottom"><div class="phpgenera_Details_mainR4_bottoms"><a href="" title="Understand the global attributes of HTML tags" class="phpgenera_Details_mainR4_bottom_title">Understand the global attributes of HTML tags</a><div class="phpgenera_Details_mainR4_bottoms_info"><span>1 years ago</span><span>By王林</span></div></div><div class="phpgenera_Details_mainR4_bottoms"><a href="" title="Complete collection of HTML tags" class="phpgenera_Details_mainR4_bottom_title">Complete collection of HTML tags</a><div class="phpgenera_Details_mainR4_bottoms_info"><span>1 years ago</span><span>Byzbt</span></div></div><div class="phpgenera_Details_mainR4_bottoms"><a href="" title="Common HTML tags" class="phpgenera_Details_mainR4_bottom_title">Common HTML tags</a><div class="phpgenera_Details_mainR4_bottoms_info"><span>1 years ago</span><span>Byzbt</span></div></div><div class="phpgenera_Details_mainR4_bottoms"><a href="" title="HTML tags" class="phpgenera_Details_mainR4_bottom_title">HTML tags</a><div class="phpgenera_Details_mainR4_bottoms_info"><span>1 years ago</span><span>ByWBOYWBOYWBOYWBOYWBOYWBOYWBOYWBOYWBOYWBOYWBOYWBOYWB</span></div></div><div class="phpgenera_Details_mainR4_bottoms"><a href="" title="How to remove html tags in php code" class="phpgenera_Details_mainR4_bottom_title">How to remove html tags in php code</a><div class="phpgenera_Details_mainR4_bottoms_info"><span>1 years ago</span><span>By尊渡假赌尊渡假赌尊渡假赌</span></div></div></div><div class="phpgenera_Details_mainR3_more"><a href="">Show More</a></div></div></div><div class="phpgenera_Details_mainR3"><div class="phpmain1_4R_readrank"><div class="phpmain1_4R_readrank_top"><img onerror="this.onerror=''; this.src='/static/imghwm/default1.png'" onerror="this.onerror=''; this.src='/static/imghwm/default1.png'" src="/static/imghwm/hottools2.png" alt="" /><h2>Hot Tools</h2></div><div class="phpgenera_Details_mainR3_bottom"><div class="phpmain_tab2_mids_top"><a href="" title="Kits AI" class="phpmain_tab2_mids_top_img"><img onerror="this.onerror=''; this.src='/static/imghwm/default1.png'" onerror="this.onerror=''; this.src='/static/imghwm/default1.png'" src="/static/imghwm/default1.png" data-src=",m_fill,h_45,w_45" class="lazy" alt="Kits AI" /></a><div class="phpmain_tab2_mids_info"><a href="" title="Kits AI" class="phpmain_tab2_mids_title"><h3>Kits AI</h3></a><p>Transform your voice with AI artist voices. 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