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日历控件,可以在此基础上做更多的扩展,如实现行程安排等 无 htmlhead title日历控件/title meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/ meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0

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 * User: yuluo
 * Date: 2015-05-08
 * Time: 下午3:08
 * Desc:实现生成指定月份的日历信息 在此基础上可以无限遐想和扩展...
$time_now = time(); //strtotime("2015-02-04");

    $time_now = strtotime($_REQUEST["date"]);

function getCurMonthFirstDay($date)
    return date(&#39;Y-m-01&#39;, strtotime($date));

function getCurMonthLastDay($date)
    return date(&#39;Y-m-d&#39;, strtotime(date(&#39;Y-m-01&#39;, strtotime($date)) . &#39; +1 month -1 day&#39;));

$current_y = date("Y", $time_now); 
$current_m = date("m", $time_now); 

$next_m = date(&#39;Ymd&#39;, strtotime(date(&#39;Y-m-01&#39;, $time_now) . &#39; +1 month&#39;));
$pre_m = date(&#39;Ymd&#39;, strtotime(date(&#39;Y-m-01&#39;, $time_now) . &#39; -1 month&#39;));


<div class="rili">
    <div class="chosedate">
        <div class="low_calendar">
            <h1><a class="ldate" href="date_ctrl.php?date=<?php echo($pre_m); ?>">上一月</a><span><?php echo($current_y); ?>年<?php echo($current_m); ?>月</span><a class="rdate" href="date_ctrl.php?date=<?php echo($next_m); ?>">下一月</a></h1>

            <div class="calGrid">
                <table cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1">

                        <th class="week_day">周日</th>
                        <th class="week_day">周六</th>
//$time_now = strtotime("2015-05-11");

$str_time_now = date("Y-m-d", $time_now); ////////字符串格式的当前时间
$current_month_first_day = getCurMonthFirstDay($str_time_now); /////////当前月的第一天

$current_month_first_w_val = intval(date("w", strtotime($current_month_first_day))); //////当前月第一天是一周的第几天 周日(0)是第一天

$current_month_last_day = getCurMonthLastDay($str_time_now); ////////当前月的最后一天

$current_week_val = date("w", $time_now);
$current_day_val = date("j", $time_now);
$last_day_val = date("j", strtotime($current_month_last_day)); ////////当前月最后一天的天索引

$strart_time = false;

$int_day_val = 1;

$ctrl_step = $last_day_val + $current_month_first_w_val; ////////控件结束的位置索引

for ($i = 0; $i < 42; $i++) {

    if($i == 0){ ?>
   <?php }

    if ($i == $current_month_first_w_val) {

        $strart_time = true;

    if ($i >= $ctrl_step) {
        $strart_time = false;

    if ($strart_time) {

        $tem_current_date = date("Y-m-d",strtotime(date("Y-m", $time_now).("-").strval($int_day_val)));

        $str_td_class = "";
        if (($i%7)==0 || (($i + 1) % 7) == 0){
            $str_td_class = "week_day";

        <td date="<?php echo($tem_current_date); ?>" class="<?php echo($str_td_class); ?>"><?php echo($int_day_val); ?></td>



    } else {
        <td class="null"> </td>

    if ((($i + 1) % 7) == 0) {


<script type="text/javascript">
        console.log($("td [date=&#39;2015-05-12&#39;]"));
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