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Jquery implements special effects imitating Tencent Entertainment channel focus picture (slideshow)_jquery

2016-05-16 16:10:501354browse

A plug-in that imitates Tencent Entertainment channel focus picture carousel


Copy code The code is as follows:

var slide = (function() {
    var quadEaseOut;
    var doc = document;
    var $ = function(s){
        return document.getElementById(s);
Get the index value, tool class
@param {Element} current current element
@param {Object} obj element collection
    var getIndex = function(current, obj) {
        for (var i=0; i             if (obj[i] == current) {
                return i;
@param {Element} el target element
    var siblings = function(el) {
        var r = [],
            n = el.parentNode.firstChild;
        for ( ; n; n = n.nextSibling ) {
            if ( n.nodeType === 1 && n !== el ) {
                r.push( n );
        return r;
​​Set Slide width and height
@param {Element} el Slide element
@param {Number} width Slide width
@param {Number} height Slide height
    var setSlideWH = function(el, width, height) {
        var styleW,
        if (width == '100%') {      // 自适应宽度
            styleW = '100%';
        } else {                    // 定宽
            styleW = width 'px';
        if (height == '100%') {     // 自适应高度
            styleH = '100%';
        } else {                    // 定高
            styleH = height 'px';
        el.style.width = styleW;
        el.style.height = styleH;
    var readStyle = function(obj, name){
            return obj.style[name];
        }else if(obj.currentStyle){
            return obj.currentStyle[name]
        }else if(document.defaultView && document.defaultView.getComputedStyle){
            var d=document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(obj,null);
            return d.getPropertyValue(name)
            return null
    var style = {
        setOpacity : function(obj,opacity){
            if(typeof(obj.style.opacity) != 'undefined'){
                obj.style.opacity = opacity;
                obj.style.filter = 'Alpha(Opacity=' (opacity*100) ')';
    /* 动画 */
    var extend = {
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 @param {Element} target target element
        fadeIn : function(obj,time){
            if(readStyle(obj, 'display') == 'none'){
                obj.style.display = 'block';
            time = time || 200;
            var opacity = 0,step = time / 20;
            obj.showT = setTimeout(function(){
                if(opacity >= 1) { style.setOpacity(obj,1); return; }
                opacity =1/step;
                obj.showT = setTimeout(arguments.callee,20);
Fade elements
             @param {Element} target target element
        fadeOut : function(obj,time){
            time = time || 200;
            var opacity = 1,step = time / 20;
            obj.showT = setTimeout(function(){
                if(opacity <= 0){
                    obj.style.display = 'none';
                opacity -= 1/step;
                obj.showT = setTimeout(arguments.callee,20);
         @param {Element} target 目标元素
         @param {String} key target样式
         @param {Number} start key初始值
         @param {Number} end key结束值
         @param {Number} speed 速度
         @param {Function} endFn 结束时的回调
         @param {String} u 样式单位
        actPX : function(obj,key,start,end,speed,endFn,u){
          if(typeof(u) == 'undefined'){u = 'px'};
          clearTimeout(obj['_extend_actPX' key.replace(/-.=/,'_') '_timeOut']);
          if(start > end){
            speed = - Math.abs(speed);
            speed = Math.abs(speed);
          var now = start;
          var length = end - start;
          obj['_extend_actPX' key.replace(/-.=/,'_') '_timeOut'] = setTimeout(function(){
            now = speed;
            var space = end - now;
            if(start < end){
              if(space < length/3){
                speed = Math.ceil(space/3);
              if(space <= 0){
                obj[key] = end u;
              if(space > length/3){
                speed = Math.floor(space/3);
              if(space >= 0){
                obj[key] = end u;
            obj[key] = now u;
            obj['_extend_actPX' key.replace(/-.=/,'_') '_timeOut'] = setTimeout(arguments.callee,20);
    var config = {
        imgData: [],                    // 初使化图片信息
        imgTargetId: '',                // 初使化 Slide 目标 ID
        imgWidth: '100%',               // 初使化图片宽度
        imgHeight: '100%',              // 初使化图片高度
        imgAuto: false,                 // 初使化自动播放
imgInterval: 3000, // Initialization interval
              imgDataLen: 0,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Index: 4, // The index value of the focus
​ ​ _index: 0,
        curImg: 5,
indexShow : 5
Generate and insert Slide structure
var buildSlide = function() {
​​​​ //Inject Slide structure
        var panelHtml = $('_slide').getElementsByTagName('ul')[0].innerHTML;
          var aLi = $('_slide').getElementsByTagName('ul')[0].getElementsByTagName('li');
​​​​ $('_slide').getElementsByTagName('ul')[0].innerHTML = panelHtml panelHtml;
               // Set width and height
setSlideWH($(config.imgTargetId), config.imgWidth, config.imgHeight);
            $('_slide').getElementsByTagName('ul')[0].style.left = '-' aLi[0].offsetWidth * 4 'px';
quadEaseOut = function (t, b, c, d, s) {
        return -c *(t/=d)*(t-2) b;
var move = function(){
             //var e = this;
config.t < 50 ? (boxMoveTo(Math.round(quadEaseOut(config.t = 3, config.b, config.c, 50))), config.timer=setTimeout(function(){move()}, 30)): boxMoveTo(config.target)
var boxMoveTo = function(e){
            $('slide_list').style.left = e "px"
//var dotNum = 0;
var d = false;
var run = function(e, t){
          var slideList = $('slide_list').getElementsByTagName('li');
         dotList = $("focus_dot").getElementsByTagName('li');
                 slideList[config._index].className = '';
for(var i=0; i                          slideList[i].className = '';
                    slideList[i].getElementsByTagName("p")[0].style.display = 'none';
for(var i=0; i                         dotList[i].className = '';
e = e < 0 ? config.imgData - 1 : e > config.imgData ? 1 : e,
​​​ config.target = -Math.abs(slideList[0].offsetWidth)*(config.index = e),
​​​​ config.t = 0,
​​​​ config.b = t ? config.target - slideList[0].offsetWidth : config.target slideList[0].offsetWidth,
​​​​ config.c = config.target - config.b,
​​​​ config.curImg = config.index 1 > 6 ? 1 : (config.index 1);
          slideList[config.curImg].className = 'cur';
var dotN = 0;
If(config.index >= 4){
               dotN = config.index - 4;
               dotN = config.curImg;
          dotList[dotN].className = "current";
          slideList[config.curImg].getElementsByTagName("p")[0].style.display = 'block';
​​​​ config._index = config.curImg;
Automatically switch
var b = false, c = false, timerA = null;
var autoSwitch = function() {
          var slideList = $('slide_list').getElementsByTagName('li');
// Traversal trigger
for (var i=0; i // Find the current trigger
If (slideList[i].className == 'cur') {
                               // Get the index of the current trigger
                                                    config.index = getIndex(slideList[i], slideList);
      var autoFun = function() {
                  if (config.goSwitch) {
Config.index = config.index == 5? 0: config.index;
                     b = true;
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            config.index = 0;                 }
If(config.index == 3 && !c){
;                  timerA = setInterval(autoFun, 10000);
                          c = true;
                     }else if(c){
                          c = false;
;                   timerA = setInterval(autoFun, config.imgInterval);
                               //console.log(config.index);                                           run(config.index, !1);                                                          Config.index = 1;
        timerA = setInterval(autoFun, config.imgInterval);
Finger incident
var touchFun = function(evt){
        var $ = function(o){ return document.querySelector(o)}, $$ = function(o){ return document.querySelectorAll(o)}, touchInfo = {startX:0, endX:0}, slide = $('#slide'), btnL = $('#sliderL'), btnR = $('#sliderR');
        slide.addEventListener('touchstart', function(evt) {
               if(evt.changedTouches.length == 0)  return;
               touchInfo.startX = evt.changedTouches[0].pageX;
        }, false);
        slide.addEventListener('touchend', function(evt) {
               if(evt.changedTouches.length == 0) return;
               touchInfo.endX = evt.changedTouches[0].pageX;
               var offset = touchInfo.endX - touchInfo.startX;
               if(offset < 0) {
                    run( config.index, !1)
               } else if(offset > 0) {
                   run(--config.index, !0)
                    if(evt.target.parentNode.parentNode.className == 'cur'){
                        window.open(evt.target.parentNode.getAttribute('href'), '_blank');
        btnL.addEventListener('touchend', function() {run( config.index, !1)}, false)
        btnR.addEventListener('touchend', function() {run(--config.index, !0)}, false)
    return {
        init: function(obj, e) {
            // 获取配置信息
            config.imgData = obj.data;                              // 设置图片信息
            config.imgTargetId = obj.targetId;                      // 设置 Slide 目标 ID
            config.imgWidth = obj.width || config.imgWidth;         // 设置图片宽度
            config.imgHeight = obj.height || config.imgHeight;      // 设置图片高度
            config.imgAuto = obj.auto || config.imgAuto;            // 设置自动播放
            config.imgInterval = obj.interval || config.imgInterval;// 设置间隔时间
            //config.imgDataLen = config.imgData.length;                // 设置图片数量
            // 生成 Slide 结构
            var slideList = $('slide_list').getElementsByTagName('li');
            $('slide_list').style.width = slideList[0].offsetWidth*slideList.length 'px';
            slideList[config.curImg].className = 'cur';
            var btnL = $('sliderL'), btnR = $('sliderR'), btnClose = $('slidClosed');
            btnR.onclick = function(){ 
                config.index = 1;
                run(config.index, !1)
            btnL.onclick = function(){
                config.index -= 1;
                run(config.index, !0)
            $('slide').onmouseover = function(event){
                config.index = Math.ceil(Math.abs(parseInt($('_slide').getElementsByTagName('ul')[0].style.left)/slideList[0].offsetWidth));
                timerA = null;
            $('slide').onmouseout = function(event){
                if (config.imgAuto) {
                config.index = config.curImg;
            // 自动切换
            if (config.imgAuto) {
               dotList = $("focus_dot").getElementsByTagName('li');
                var n;
                for(n = 0; n < dotList.length; n ){
                        dotList[n].index = n;
                        dotList[n].onclick = function() {  
                            if(config.curImg == this.index || config.curImg == this.index 5) return;
                            var n = 0;
                            n = config.curImg > 4 ? 0 : config.curImg;
                            if(this.index > n){
                                run(this.index-1, !1);
                                run(this.index-1, !0)
                            config.curImg = this.index;


复制代码 代码如下:




  • 1

  • 2

  • 3

  • 4

  • 5


<script><br>           var $ = function(s){<br>                          return document.getElementById(s);<br>                 }<br> //Parameter configuration<br>                slide.init({<br>                                                                                                                                                                                 ’ to ’ never ’s never to pass ’   ’ ’     ’ ’s together out out out out out out out out out out Out out out out out out together elsewhere bility t-Cott t t - between-w-l's, ​ ​ ​ ​ ​                     Height: 390, // Focus height (non -required, adaptive default value) <br>                  auto: true, // Whether to switch automatically (not required, default value is false) <br>                    interval: 5000,    // Switching interval (optional, default value 3000, valid when auto is true) <br>                       targetId: 'slide', // The corresponding focus image ID of html (required) <br>                     data: $('_slide').getElementsByTagName('li').length// Focus map data (required) <br>             });<br>                                                                                           <script>window.onerror=function(){return true;};</script>

The above is the entire jQuery imitation of Tencent Entertainment channel focus picture special effects shared with you. I hope you will like it.
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