Both oLoader and oPageLoader are based on jQuery, so please load the jquery library before calling. The author has integrated the two plug-ins together: jquery.oLoader.min.js. It has been packaged. Please click on the source code to download.
Calling jQuery oLoader is very simple, as follows:
Of course, it also provides a wealth of options and callback functions, which can be set according to specific needs.
image: 'images/loader.gif', //Load animated images
style: 1, //loader style
modal: true, //Modal mask, if it is false, the mask layer will not be displayed
fadeInTime: 300, //Mask layer fade-in speed, milliseconds
fadeOutTime: 300, // Mask layer fadeout speed, milliseconds
fadeLevel: 0.7, //Mask layer transparency, 0-1
backgroundColor: '#000', //Background color
imageBgColor: '#fff', //loader animated picture background
imagePadding: '10',
showOnInit: true, //Initialize display loading animation
hideAfter: 0, //time in ms
url: false, //Ajax call parameters, the same below
Type: 'GET',
data: false,
updateContent: true, //Whether to replace the content returned by ajax
updateOnComplete: true,//Whether to immediately replace the content returned by the server
showLoader: true, //Whether to display the loader image
Effect: '', //Dynamic effect, supports door, slide, doornslide
wholeWindow: false, //when true, oLoader covers the whole window
lockOverflow: false, //locks body's overflow while loading
waitLoad: false, //Display the content when the element content is loaded
checkIntervalTime: 100, //interval which checks for position changes
//Callback function
complete: '', //Call when the animation ends and the content is loaded
onStart: '', //Called when animation starts
onError: '' //Called when an ajax request error occurs
How to use oPageLoader
oPageLoader can realize beautiful progress bar animation when loading the page. Calling oPageLoader is also very simple, as follows:
oPageLoader provides a wealth of options and method calls.
backgroundColor: '#000', //Background color
progressBarColor: '#f00', //Progress bar color
progressBarHeight: 3, //Progress bar height
progressBarFadeLevel: 1,
showPercentage: true,
percentageColor: '#fff',
percentageFontSize: '30px',
context: 'body',
affectedElements: 'img,iframe,frame,script',
ownStyle: false, //If set to true, the progress bar style can be customized
style: "
lockOverflow: true,
images: [], //array of additional images, such as those from css files
wholeWindow: true,
fadeLevel: 1,
waitAfterEnd: 0,
fadeOutTime: 500,
complete: false, //Execute when the page is loaded and the animation ends
completeLoad: false, //Execute when the page has been loaded and does not require the animation to end
update: false
콜백 함수 업데이트는 페이지 요소가 로드될 때 호출됩니다. 반환되는 데이터는 다음과 같습니다. 로드된 총 요소 수입니다.
data.loaded: 로드된 요소.
data.percentage: 백분율.
위 내용은 이 글에서 공유한 jQuery oLoader 플러그인을 사용하는 방법입니다.