Home >Web Front-end >JS Tutorial >Detailed explanation of public, private, static properties and methods of js object-oriented_javascript skills
Nowadays, JavaScript is very popular. For website developers, JavaScript is a language that must be mastered. However, with the popularity and use of frameworks such as jquery, many people lack an in-depth understanding of native JavaScript and are accustomed to functional The editing style is always unclear about closures and prototypes. It is a poor use of js object-oriented, and to understand js object-oriented, you must first understand what public methods, privileged methods, and static methods are in js
1. Public properties and public methods
function User(name,age){ this.name = name;//公有属性 this.age = age; } User.prototype.getName = function(){//公有方法 return this.name; } var user = new User('fire子海',26); console.log(user.getName());//output:fire子海
2. Private properties and methods
function User(name,age){ var name = name;//私有属性 var age = age; function alertAge(){//私有方法 alert(age); } alertAge(age); //弹出26 } var user = new User('fire子海',26);
3. Static properties and methods
In PHP, methods that can be called without instantiation are called static methods. The same is true with JS. You can call the methods and properties of the object without instantiation, that is, by using the new operator to materialize the object.
function User(){} User.age = 26;//静态属性 User.myname = 'fire子海'; User.getName =function(){//静态方法 return this.myname;//如果这里使用this.name,返回的将是User,所有改用了myname, } console.log(User.getName());//output:fire子海
4. Privileged methods
function User(name,age){ var name = name;//私有属性 var age = age; this.getName = function(){ //特权方法 return name;//私有属性和方法不能使用this调用 } } var user = new User('fire子海',26); console.log(user.getName());//output:fire子海
5. Static class
For static methods and static attributes, we don’t need to create them like in the third step. If netizens have read my article "How to create an image carousel in js", they will know that they can be created using literals.
var user = { init:function(name,age){ this.name = name; this.age = age; }, getName:function(){ return this.name; } } user.init('fire子海',26); console.log(user.getName());//output:fire子海
6. Calling rules for public methods
To call public methods, we must first instantiate the object
In public methods, public properties and privileged methods are called without this. Static methods and properties cannot be called using this. They must be called through the object itself, that is, the object name. Public methods cannot call private methods
function User(){ this.myname = 'fire子海';//公有属性 this.age = 26; this.do = function(){//特权方法 return this.myname+'学习js'; } } User.eat = function(food){ return '晚餐只有'+food; } User.prototype.alertAge = function(){ alert(this.age); } User.prototype.alertDo = function(){ alert(this.do());//调用特权方法 } User.prototype.alertEat = function(food){ alert(User.eat(food));//只能通过对象本身调用静态方法 //alert(this.ear(food))这样调用将出错:this.eat is not a function } var user = new User(); user.alertAge();//alert:26 user.alertDo();//alert:fire子海学习js user.alertEat('方便面')//alert:晚餐只有方便面
7. Static method calling rules
When using static methods, you can call them without instantiating the object. Object instances cannot call static methods of the object, only the static properties and methods of the instance itself
function User(){} User.age = 26;//静态属性 User.myname = 'fire子海'; User.getName =function(){//静态方法 return this.myname; } var user = new User(); console.log(user.getName);//TypeError: user.getName is not a function user.supper = '方便面'; user.eat = function(){ return '晚餐只有'+this.supper; } user.eat();//晚餐只有方便面
Static methods cannot call public properties, public methods, private methods, private properties, privileged methods and prototype properties
function User(){ this.myname = 'fire子海';//公有属性 this.age = 26; this.do = function(){//特权方法 return this.myname+'学习js'; } } User.prototype.alertAge = function(){//公共方法,也叫原型方法 alert(this.age); } User.prototype.sex = '男';//原型属性 User.getName= function(){//静态方法 return this.myname; } User.getAge = function(){ this.alertAge(); } User.getDo = function(){ return this.do(); } //console.log(User.getName())//undefined //console.log(User.getDo());//TypeError: this.do is not a function //console.log(User.getAge())//TypeError: this.alertAge is not a function
8. Calling rules for privileged methods
Privileged methods call public methods and public properties through this, call static methods and properties through the object itself, and directly call private properties and private methods in the method body
function User(girlfriend){ var girlfriend = girlfriend; function getGirlFriend(){ return '我女朋友'+girlfriend+'是美女!'; } this.myname = 'fire子海';//公有属性 this.age = 26; this.do = function(){//特权方法 return this.myname+'学习js'; } this.alertAge = function(){ this.changeAge();//特权方法调用公有方法 alert(this.age); } this.alertGirlFriend = function(){ alert(getGirlFriend());//调用私有方法 } } User.prototype.changeAge = function(){ this.age = 29; } var user = new User('某某'); user.alertAge();//alert:29 user.alertGirlFriend();//alert:我的女朋友某某是美女!
9. Private methods
The private methods and properties of the object are not accessible from the outside. Inside the method, you cannot call the public methods, public properties, and privileged methods of the object
function User(girlfriend){ var girlfriend = girlfriend; this.myname = 'fire子海';//公有属性 this.age = 26; function getGirlFriend(){ //this.myname ;//此时的this指向的window对象,并非User对象, // this.myname = 'fire子海',此时的this指向的是getGirFriend对象了。 //如果通过this调用了getGirFriend中不存在的方法呀属性,this便会指向window 对象,只有this调用了getGirlFriend存在的方法和属性,this才会指定getGirlFriend; alert(User.eat('泡面'));//alert:晚餐只有方便面 } this.do = function(){//特权方法 return this.myname+'学习js'; } this.alertAge = function(){ this.changeAge();//特权方法调用公有方法 alert(this.age); } this.alertGirlFriend = function(){ getGirlFriend();//调用私有方法 } } User.eat = function(supper){ return '晚餐只有'+supper; } var user = new User('某某'); user.alertGirlFriend();
The above is the entire content of this article, I hope you all like it.