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Solution to black screen when watching videos on Windows 7 computer

2024-04-24 13:16:28519browse

You may feel very frustrated when you encounter a black screen problem while watching videos on your Win7 computer. This problem can be caused by a variety of factors, including outdated graphics drivers, corrupted video files, or conflicting system settings. PHP editor Youzi will provide you with a detailed guide to solve the black screen video problem on Win7 computers step by step. By following our instructions, you will be able to diagnose the cause of the black screen and find an effective solution.

Check the web cache, as shown in the picture:

Solution to black screen when watching videos on Windows 7 computer

2. Check whether the flash player is the latest version, if not, upgrade it, as shown in the picture:

Solution to black screen when watching videos on Windows 7 computer

3. Or enter your problem in 360 human service for help, as shown in the picture:

Solution to black screen when watching videos on Windows 7 computer

4. Check the graphics card driver Is it normal or try to update the graphics card driver to solve the problem, as shown in the picture:

Solution to black screen when watching videos on Windows 7 computer

5. It may be caused by the computer’s IE version being too old. You can upgrade the IE version to see if the problem can be solved. As shown in the picture:

Solution to black screen when watching videos on Windows 7 computer

6. Finally, check whether there is a problem with the graphics card, remove the graphics card and reinstall it or replace it with a new one, as shown in the picture:

Solution to black screen when watching videos on Windows 7 computer

The above is the detailed content of Solution to black screen when watching videos on Windows 7 computer. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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