Home >Web Front-end >JS Tutorial >js control div popup layer implementation method
The example in this article describes the implementation method of js controlling div pop-up layer. Share it with everyone for your reference. The specific analysis is as follows:
This is a pop-up layer with good functions and easy to call and control. Interested friends can debug and run it to see how it works~O(∩_∩)O~
弹出窗口(可拖动,背景灰色透明)*{padding:0; margin:0}.close{float:right;cursor:default}") function $(id){ return document.getElementById(id)} function AlertMsg(title,content){ var msgw,msgh,msgbg,msgcolor,bordercolor,titlecolor,titlebg,con; con = "分类:确定 取消"; //弹出窗口设置 msgw = 300; //窗口宽度 msgh = 150; //窗口高度 msgbg = "#FFF"; //内容背景 msgcolor = "#000"; //内容颜色 bordercolor = "#000"; //边框颜色 titlecolor = "#FFF"; //标题颜色 titlebg = "#369"; //标题背景 //遮罩背景设置 var sWidth,sHeight; sWidth = screen.availWidth; sHeight = document.body.scrollHeight; //创建遮罩背景 var maskObj = document.createElement("div"); maskObj.setAttribute('id','maskdiv'); maskObj.style.position = "absolute"; maskObj.style.top = "0"; maskObj.style.left = "0"; maskObj.style.background = "#777"; maskObj.style.filter = "Alpha(opacity=30);"; maskObj.style.opacity = "0.3"; maskObj.style.width = sWidth + "px"; maskObj.style.height = sHeight + "px"; maskObj.style.zIndex = "10000"; document.body.appendChild(maskObj); //创建弹出窗口 var msgObj = document.createElement("div") msgObj.setAttribute("id","msgdiv"); msgObj.style.position ="absolute"; msgObj.style.top = (screen.availHeight - msgh) / 4 + "px"; msgObj.style.left = (screen.availWidth - msgw) / 2 + "px"; msgObj.style.width = msgw + "px"; msgObj.style.height = msgh + "px"; msgObj.style.fontSize = "12px"; msgObj.style.background = msgbg; msgObj.style.border = "1px solid " + bordercolor; msgObj.style.zIndex = "10001"; //创建标题 var thObj = document.createElement("div"); thObj.setAttribute("id","msgth"); thObj.className = "DragAble"; thObj.style.cursor = "move"; thObj.style.padding = "4px 6px"; thObj.style.color = titlecolor; thObj.style.background = titlebg; var titleStr = "关闭"+""+ title +""; thObj.innerHTML = titleStr; //创建内容 var bodyObj = document.createElement("div"); bodyObj.setAttribute("id","msgbody"); bodyObj.style.padding = "10px"; bodyObj.style.lineHeight = "1.5em"; bodyObj.innerHTML = con; var txt = document.createTextNode(content) bodyObj.appendChild(txt); //生成窗口 document.body.appendChild(msgObj); $("msgdiv").appendChild(thObj); $("msgdiv").appendChild(bodyObj); } function CloseMsg(){ //移除对象 document.body.removeChild($("maskdiv")); $("msgdiv").removeChild($("msgth")); $("msgdiv").removeChild($("msgbody")); document.body.removeChild($("msgdiv")); } //拖动窗口 var ie = document.all; var nn6 = document.getElementById&&!document.all; var isdrag = false; var y,x; var oDragObj; function moveMouse(e) { if (isdrag) { oDragObj.style.top = (nn6 ? nTY + e.clientY - y : nTY + event.clientY - y)+"px"; oDragObj.style.left = (nn6 ? nTX + e.clientX - x : nTX + event.clientX - x)+"px"; return false; } } function initDrag(e) { var oDragHandle = nn6 ? e.target : event.srcElement; var topElement = "HTML"; while (oDragHandle.tagName != topElement && oDragHandle.className != "DragAble") { oDragHandle = nn6 ? oDragHandle.parentNode : oDragHandle.parentElement; } if (oDragHandle.className=="DragAble") { isdrag = true; oDragObj = oDragHandle.parentNode; nTY = parseInt(oDragObj.style.top); y = nn6 ? e.clientY : event.clientY; nTX = parseInt(oDragObj.style.left); x = nn6 ? e.clientX : event.clientX; document.onmousemove = moveMouse; return false; } } document.onmousedown = initDrag; document.onmouseup = new Function("isdrag=false"); //--> " _ue_custom_node_="true">
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