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How to join Douyin group buying in a physical store? Is there any commission for joining Douyin group buying?

2024-04-15 13:49:07583browse

How to join Douyin group buying in a physical store? Is there any commission for joining Douyin group buying?

php editor Xinyi said that Douyin group buying channels, Kuaishou group buying channels, etc. on short video platforms such as Douyin and Kuaishou have attracted much attention recently. At the same time, physical stores have also begun to get involved in group buying. However, for consumers, there are discounts for joining Douyin group buying and Kuaishou group buying, but not necessarily for joining physical store group buying. PHP editor Xinyi will provide you with a detailed analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of group buying in physical stores, as well as the precautions for joining group buying in physical stores, to help consumers make group buying purchases more wisely.

1. How to join Douyin group buying in a physical store?

1. Register a Douyin account: You need to register a Douyin account. If you already have a Douyin account, you can skip this step directly.

In the Douyin APP, users need to undergo real-name authentication before they can register a Douyin account. The specific operation is: On the "Me" page, click "Douyin Account", then select "Real-name Authentication", and follow the prompts to complete the authentication.

3. Apply for Douyin group buying: After completing the real-name authentication, you need to apply for the Douyin group buying function. On the "Me" page of Douyin APP, click "Douyin Account", then select "Group Buying", follow the prompts to submit relevant information and wait for platform review.

4. Approval: After the platform is approved, you can publish group buying activities on Douyin. On the "Douyin Account" page, click "Group Purchase", then select "Add Product", fill in the product information, set coupons and purchase methods, etc., and finally publish it.

2. Is there any commission for joining Douyin group buying in a physical store?

1. Douyin group buying commission: Douyin group buying commission is divided into two parts, one is the platform commission and the other is the promotion commission. The platform commission is charged according to a certain proportion of the group purchase transaction amount, while the promotion commission is settled based on the promotion effect.

2. Promotion commission distribution: Promotion commission is mainly divided into two parts: for Douyin experts and for members. When Douyin experts publish group buying activities, they can set a promotion commission ratio. After group members purchase group purchase products, the promotion commission will be distributed to Douyin experts and group members according to the set ratio.

3. Commission settlement: The commission settlement period for Douyin group buying is T 30, that is, within 30 days after the transaction is completed, the platform will settle the commission to your Douyin account.

Physical stores joining Douyin group buying can not only broaden sales channels and increase sales, but also increase brand exposure through the traffic advantage of the Douyin platform. Although Douyin group buying requires commission, compared with other promotion channels, Douyin group buying has lower commissions and can obtain higher returns.

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