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Where is the thinkphp entry file?

2024-04-09 18:06:23476browse

ThinkPHP entry file is the first PHP file executed when the framework starts. It is located in the project root directory, usually index.php. It is responsible for initializing the framework, loading configuration files and routing requests, including defining root directory constants, introducing core files, creating App instances and starting the application. As a key part of framework startup, the entry file is responsible for initializing the environment, loading classes and routing requests, and finally starts the application to process the request and return a response.

Where is the thinkphp entry file?

ThinkPHP entry file

ThinkPHP entry file is the first PHP file to be executed when the framework starts. It is responsible for initializing the framework, loading configuration files and routing requests.

Entry file location

In a ThinkPHP project, the entry file is usually located in the project root directory, and the file name is usually index.php.

Entry file content

The entry file contains the following content:

  1. Definition of ThinkPHP root directory constant THINK_PATH.
  2. Introduce ThinkPHP core file thinkphp/base.php.
  3. Create an instance of \think\App and start the application.

Entry file example



The entry file is a key part of the ThinkPHP framework startup process. It is responsible for:

  • Initializing the framework environment, including setting the document root directory, defining constants and loading configurations.
  • Load the autoloading class so that the framework and its components can be loaded automatically.
  • Route the request and forward the request to the corresponding controller and action.
  • Start the application, process the request and return the response.

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