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The media shares iPhone 16 renderings and discusses the reasons behind Apple’s introduction of the “photo button”

2024-04-08 19:31:04530browse

According to news on April 8, foreign media yankodesign produced a high-definition rendering of the iPhone 16 based on the recently exposed spy photos of the "Family Portrait" model and compiled previous relevant exposures.

媒体分享 iPhone 16 渲染图,并探讨苹果引入“拍照按钮”背后理由The blog post shows multiple high-definition renderings of iPhone 16 phones and states that the biggest difference is the introduction of a camera button. The blog post did not describe too much about rendering, and spent more space interacting with netizens to explore the motivations behind Apple’s choice to introduce the camera button. 媒体分享 iPhone 16 渲染图,并探讨苹果引入“拍照按钮”背后理由媒体分享 iPhone 16 渲染图,并探讨苹果引入“拍照按钮”背后理由媒体分享 iPhone 16 渲染图,并探讨苹果引入“拍照按钮”背后理由The media believes that Apple introduced the camera button on the iPhone 16 series. There may be two explanations, which are briefly summarized as follows:

Apple's design has reached the end of its rope.

Apple regularly updates its iPhone series every year, but the scope of innovation has become smaller and smaller in recent years. 媒体分享 iPhone 16 渲染图,并探讨苹果引入“拍照按钮”背后理由
Photo button close-up
The iPhone 8 series can be said to be the "boring" version of the iPhone X. The iPhone 13 series has basically no changes (mainly Cinematic Mode), which was introduced in the iPhone 14 series We have reached Smart Island, but overall there is not much breakthrough.

Apple intends to weaken the iPhone and focus on the Vision Pro head display

Apple’s current development focus is gradually shifting to the Vision Pro head display, so the update range of the iPhone product line will become smaller and smaller. Eventually the iPhone gave way to the Vision Pro, just like the iPod did 12 years ago. There are multiple rumors that Apple is building a cheaper Vision headset (without a "Pro" designation) for the mass market to immerse people in the world of spatial computing... Until then , the iPhone serves no more than a glorified photography device. But this speculation is too vague, and this reason is currently not sufficient to explain Apple’s introduction of the camera button.

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