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Xiaomi OV and other models already support 5.5G: real uplink and downlink speed display

2024-03-31 08:01:04536browse

php editor Youzi recently learned that Xiaomi OV and other models already support 5G networks, with a maximum download speed of up to 2Gbps, which is several times faster than 4G networks. Moreover, the latency of 5G is also lower, and the experience of applications such as games and live broadcasts will be smoother. The arrival of 5G will completely change the way people surf the Internet, allowing people to enjoy faster Internet speeds and a better Internet experience. We look forward to the promotion and popularization of 5G to better meet the arrival of the digital era.

China Mobile announced the official commercial use of 5G-Advanced (5.5G), covering 100 cities.

vivo product manager Han Boxiao said that after April we will enter the 5.5G era and showed the speed test results of the vivo X100 Pro mobile phone.

The picture shows that the download speed of X100 Pro is 3619.19Mbps, the upload speed is 160.75Mbps, and the status bar mark is "5G-A".

China Mobile’s official 5.5G measured speed is faster, reaching 5132.34Mbps downlink and 163.07Mbps uplink, with latency as low as 19ms, which is 10 times faster than 5G.

Xiaomi OV and other models already support 5.5G: real uplink and downlink speed display

China Mobile plans to launch the world's largest 5G-A commercial network deployment in 300 cities within this year, and launch more than 20 5.5G terminals.

Currently, Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen3 and MediaTek Dimensity 9400 terminals have been tested for 5.5G networks. It is expected that upgrades will be pushed in April, ushering in a comprehensive 5.5G era. 5.5G (5G-A) is a key stage in the development from 5G to 6G. Compared with 5G, 5G-A has the characteristics of higher speed, larger connection, and lower latency.


The above is the detailed content of Xiaomi OV and other models already support 5.5G: real uplink and downlink speed display. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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