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How to find the content of the video account that I have commented on? Is there a quick way to increase the search weight of Douyin account?

2024-03-28 13:30:49935browse

How to find the content of the video account that I have commented on? Is there a quick way to increase the search weight of Douyin account?

When we browse video platforms, we will inevitably encounter some high-quality comment channels that we cannot ignore. At this time, you will wonder how to find the content in the comment channel you like? PHP editor Baicao introduces you to several quick ways to improve the search weight of audio accounts! Through these methods, I believe you will be able to find video content that suits your taste more easily.

1. How to find the content of the video account that you have commented on?

Using the personal homepage, users can view the video content they have rated through the personal homepage. On your personal homepage, there is a "Comments" option. After clicking it, you can see all your comment records.

Users can use the search function to find the video content they are interested in. Just enter relevant keywords in the search box to find video content related to your comments.

3. Participate through topics: Users can find the content of the video accounts they have commented on by participating in topics. In the topic page, you can see all the topics you have participated in. After clicking to enter, you can find the video account content related to your comments.

2. Is there a quick way to increase the search weight of Douyin accounts?

1. Improve personal information: Users can improve their Douyin personal information, including avatar, nickname, personal introduction, etc., to improve the recognition of the account, thereby increasing the search weight.

2. Stay active: Users should keep their Douyin account active and regularly publish new content, comments, likes, etc. The platform will increase search weight based on the user's activity.

3. Use appropriate tags: When posting videos, users should choose appropriate tags. The tags should be relevant to the content, which can help users to be searched more easily.

4. Optimize the title: When publishing a video, users should use an attractive title. The title should be concise and clear to attract users to click.

Finding the content of the video account that you have commented on can help users better participate in discussions and interactions. Increasing the search weight of Douyin accounts can make users easier to find and increase exposure and attention. Users can improve their account search weight by improving their profile, staying active, using appropriate tags, and optimizing titles. Only through continuous efforts and optimization can we gain more attention and recognition on the Douyin platform.

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