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Detailed explanation of the communication mechanism of AngularJS_AngularJS

2016-05-16 15:54:091037browse

Almost everyone around the world is asking now! Is anyone out there? This is USS AngularJS, we are in trouble, our services speak Klingon and our controllers cannot communicate with them Ferengi command communication. Can anyone help us!

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been asked this question about what is the best way for components to communicate in AngularJS. Many times the answer is to use a $rootScope object to reach anyone who wants to listen. Broadcast $broadcast a message. However, that's really not the best way to do this. Broadcasting messages between components means that they need to know some details of other components' encoding, which limits their modularity and reuse. .

In this article I will show you how to use the publish/subscribe pattern for internal component communication in AngularJS.

AngularJS has many ways you can use to communicate between components, but the most commonly used methods require you to know too many details about how those components communicate, which increases the coupling between components and reduces Their modularity and cohesion. This makes it difficult to reuse your components in other applications.

By using the publish/subscribe design pattern, we can reduce the coupling between components and encapsulate the details of their communication. This will help increase the modularity, testability and reliability of your components. Reusability.

The publish/subscribe pattern implementation I will describe was recommended by Eric Burley, @eburley in his post angularjs.org Observations, About the publish/subscribe pattern.. .

The sample application I described will show you how you can use the publish/subscribe pattern for internal controller communication and controller service communication. You can find it in my repository on GitHub angularjs- pubsub Find the source code below.

First we need a communication channel

First, let’s talk about the services used to handle publishing and subscribing information. I defined a service interface that provides methods for publishing and subscribing information, which we can use to process the information we want to exchange.

In the code below, I define two internal messages; _EDIT_DATA_, to indicate that we need to edit the data passed along with the message, and _DATA_UPDATED_, to indicate that our data has been changed. These are defined internally and cannot be accessed by users, which helps hide the implementation.

For each piece of information, there are two methods; one is used to publish the information and push it to subscribers, and the other allows subscribers to register a callback method, which will be called when the information is received.

The methods used to publish information to subscribers are editData, on line 9, and dataUpated, on line 19. They push private notifications to pending events via the $rootScope.$broadcast method.

The method used to register events is to establish a listener through $scope.$on. After receiving the broadcast message, the events registered by the subscriber to the service will be executed in turn. At the same time, since the subscriber needs its own scope to be passed as a parameter, we can use it to execute the monitored information, thus avoiding the complicated processing of maintaining the listener list. The methods to register the event are onEditData on line 13, and onDataUpdated on line 23.

In order to hide implementation details, I used the Revealing Module (revealing module: ugly name) pattern to only return those methods that I want users to use.

  // define the request notification channel for the pub/sub service
  .factory('requestNotificationChannel', ['$rootScope', function ($rootScope) {
    // private notification messages
    var _EDIT_DATA_ = '_EDIT_DATA_';
    // publish edit data notification
    var editData = function (item) {
      $rootScope.$broadcast(_EDIT_DATA_, {item: item});
    //subscribe to edit data notification
    var onEditData = function($scope, handler) {
      $scope.$on(_EDIT_DATA_, function(event, args) {
    // publish data changed notification
    var dataUpdated = function () {
    // subscribe to data changed notification
    var onDataUpdated = function ($scope, handler) {
      $scope.$on(_DATA_UPDATED_, function (event) {
    // return the publicly accessible methods
    return {
      editData: editData,
      onEditData: onEditData,
      dataUpdated: dataUpdated,
      onDataUpdated: onDataUpdated

Post a message

Publishing a message is simple. First we need to introduce some dependencies for requestNotificationChannel in our controller. You can see this in the second line of the definition of dataService below. When an event occurs, if you need to know what changes have occurred, To send signals to other objects, you only need to call the appropriate notification method on requestNotificationChannel. If you notice the saveHop, deleteHop and addHop methods of dataService, you will see that they all call the dataUpdated method on requestNotificationChannel. This method A signal will be sent to the listener, which has been registered using the onDataUpdated method.

  // define the data service that manages the data
  .factory('dataService', ['requestNotificationChannel', function (requestNotificationChannel) {
    // private data
    var hops = [
      { "_id": { "$oid": "50ae677361d118e3646d7d6c"}, "Name": "Admiral", "Origin": "United Kingdom", "Alpha": 14.75, "Amount": 0.0, "Use": "Boil", "Time": 0.0, "Notes": "Bittering hops derived from Wye Challenger. Good high-alpha bittering hops. Use for: Ales Aroma: Primarily for bittering Substitutions: Target, Northdown, Challenger", "Type": "Bittering", "Form": "Pellet", "Beta": 5.6, "HSI": 15.0, "Humulene": 0.0, "Caryophyllene": 0.0, "Cohumulone": 0.0, "Myrcene": 0.0, "Substitutes": ""} ,
      { "_id": { "$oid": "50ae677361d118e3646d7d6d"}, "Name": "Ahtanum", "Origin": "U.S.", "Alpha": 6.0, "Amount": 0.0, "Use": "Boil", "Time": 0.0, "Notes": "Distinctive aromatic hops with moderate bittering power from Washington. Use for: Distinctive aroma Substitutes: N/A", "Type": "Aroma", "Form": "Pellet", "Beta": 5.25, "HSI": 30.0, "Humulene": 0.0, "Caryophyllene": 0.0, "Cohumulone": 0.0, "Myrcene": 0.0, "Substitutes": ""} ,
      { "_id": { "$oid": "50ae677361d118e3646d7d6e"}, "Name": "Amarillo Gold", "Origin": "U.S.", "Alpha": 8.5, "Amount": 0.0, "Use": "Boil", "Time": 0.0, "Notes": "Unknown origin, but character similar to Cascade. Use for: IPAs, Ales Aroma: Citrus, Flowery Substitutions: Cascade, Centennial", "Type": "Aroma", "Form": "Pellet", "Beta": 6.0, "HSI": 25.0, "Humulene": 0.0, "Caryophyllene": 0.0, "Cohumulone": 0.0, "Myrcene": 0.0, "Substitutes": ""} ,
      { "_id": { "$oid": "50ae677361d118e3646d7d6f"}, "Name": "Aquila", "Origin": "U.S.", "Alpha": 6.5, "Amount": 0.0, "Use": "Boil", "Time": 0.0, "Notes": "Aroma hops developed in 1988. Limited use due to high cohumolone.Used for: Aroma hops Substitutes: ClusterNo longer commercially grown.", "Type": "Aroma", "Form": "Pellet", "Beta": 3.0, "HSI": 35.0, "Humulene": 0.0, "Caryophyllene": 0.0, "Cohumulone": 0.0, "Myrcene": 0.0, "Substitutes": ""} ,
      { "_id": { "$oid": "50ae677361d118e3646d7d70"}, "Name": "Auscha (Saaz)", "Origin": "Czech Republic", "Alpha": 3.3, "Amount": 0.0, "Use": "Boil", "Time": 0.0, "Notes": " Use for: Pilsners and Bohemian style lagers Aroma: Delicate, mild, clean, somewhat floral -- Noble hops Substitute: Tettnanger, LublinExamples: Pulsner Urquell", "Type": "Aroma", "Form": "Pellet", "Beta": 3.5, "HSI": 42.0, "Humulene": 0.0, "Caryophyllene": 0.0, "Cohumulone": 0.0, "Myrcene": 0.0, "Substitutes": ""} ,
    // sends notification that data has been updated
    var saveHop = function(hop) {
    // removes the item from the array and sends a notification that data has been updated
    var deleteHop = function(hop) {
      for(var i = 0; i < hops.length; i++) {
        if(hops[i]._id.$oid === hop._id.$oid) {
          hops.splice(i, 1);
    // internal function to generate a random number guid generation
    var S4 = function() {
      return (((1+Math.random())*0x10000)|0).toString(16).substring(1);
    // generates a guid for adding items to array
    var guid = function () {
     return (S4() + S4() + "-" + S4() + "-4" + S4().substr(0,3) + "-" + S4() + "-" + S4() + S4() + S4()).toLowerCase();
    // function to add a hop to the array and sends a notification that data has been updated
    var addHop = function(hop) {
      hops.id.$oid = guid();
    // returns the array of hops
    var getHops = function() {
      return hops;
    // returns a specific hop with the given id
    var getHop = function(id) {
      for(var i = 0; i < hops.length; i++) {
        if(hops[i]._id.$oid === id) {
          return hops[i];
    // return the publicly accessible methods
    return {
      getHops: getHops,
      getHop: getHop,
      saveHop: saveHop,
      deleteHop: deleteHop,
      addHop: addHop


从 requestNotificationChannel 接收事件通知也很简单,额外的我们只需要回调处理器来在消息被发送时使用通知来做一些自己的处理. 我们将再次需要添加一些依赖到面向我们的控制器、服务以及指令的 requestNotificationChannel 上, 你可以在下面代码的第二行中看到这些. 接下来我们需要定义一个事件回调处理器来对事件通知做出回应,你可以在下面的第五行代码中看到. 然后我们需要通过调用 onDataUpdated 方法来吧我们的回调处理器注册到requestNotificationChannel,并传入来自控制器和回调处理器的范围, 我们在第9行代码中做了这些事情.


  //define the controller for view1
  .controller('view1-controller', ['$scope', 'dataService', 'requestNotificationChannel', function($scope, dataService, requestNotificationChannel) {
    $scope.hops = dataService.getHops();
    var onDataUpdatedHandler = function() {
      $scope.hops = dataService.getHops();
    requestNotificationChannel.onDataUpdated($scope, onDataUpdatedHandler);
    $scope.onEdit = function(hop) {
    $scope.onDelete = function(hop) {


我们也可以将 the requestNotificationChannel 用于控制器间的通信. 我们只需要有一个控制器扮演发布者的角色,而另外一个控制器扮演订阅者的角色就行了. 如果你观察到前段代码第11行view1-controller的onEdit方法,你会看到它发送了一个editData消息,消息包含需要使用 requestNotificationChannel 编辑的项.  下面的 view2-controller 从第5行到第9行将它的 onEditDataHandler 用 requestNotificationChannel 进行了注册. 如此无论何时view1-controller一旦发送editData消息,带上要修改的项,view2-controller都会受到editData消息的通知,获得该项并将其更新到它的模型.

  //define the controller for view1
  .controller('view2-controller', ['$scope', 'dataService', 'requestNotificationChannel', function($scope, dataService, requestNotificationChannel) {
    $scope.hop = null;
    var onEditDataHandler = function(item) {
      $scope.hop = item;
    requestNotificationChannel.onEditData($scope, onEditDataHandler);
    $scope.onSave = function() {
      $scope.hop = null;
    $scope.onCancel = function() {
      $scope.hop = null;


有一件事情可能会被忽略,我们在组件间用了通信接口,而这些接口,它们需要一个好的文档来说明应当如何使用。上面的例子中,如果没有文档,用户肯定不会知道 onEditData 会给回调函数传一个待编辑数据。所以当你开始用这个模式,用好的技巧在于,给方法写注释文档,以确保通知服务明确知道发生了什么事情。

好了,我们探讨了如何在你的 AngularJS 应用中使用订阅/发布模式来实现模块间通信。该模式可以让你的模块从内部消息解耦,更便于复用。你甚至可以把模块之间的通信全部替换成订阅/发布模式。尤其当你的服务中有很多异步请求,以及你希望把数据缓存在服务中,从而减少和服务器通信的时候,这种模式相当有效。

我希望这对你有所帮助,你可以在我的 GitHub 仓库 angularjs-pubsub 下找到例子的代码。

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