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Some tips for using Backbone.js_javascript class library

2016-05-16 15:52:081027browse

Since the first version of Backbone.js was released 3 years ago, Backbone.js has become a popular open source JavaScript "MV*" framework and gained people's favor. Although Backbone.js provides a framework for JavaScript applications, it still leaves developers with many design patterns to choose from. However, many common problems will arise when developers first use Backbone.js.

So, in this article, we’re going to introduce a lot of different design patterns you can use in your Backbone.js applications, and we’ll also look at some of the common performance scaling issues that arise for developers. problem.
Object deep copy

JavaScript treats all native type variables by value. So, the value of the variable is passed when it is referenced.

var helloWorld = “Hello World”;
var helloWorldCopy = helloWorld;

For example, the above code sets the value of the variable helloWorldCopy to the value of the variable helloWorld. In this way, since its value is copied, any changes to the value of helloWorldCopy will not modify the value of helloWorld. JavaScript treats all non-primitive types of variables by reference, which means that when the variable is passed, the memory address reference will be passed.

var helloWorld = {
  ‘hello': ‘world'
var helloWorldCopy = helloWorld;

For example, the above code will set helloWorldCopy to a reference to helloWorld, and, as you may have guessed, any modification to the value of helooWorldCopy will directly result in a change in the value of helloWorld. If you want a copy of helloWorld, you can create a copy object.

Maybe you are thinking "Why can Backbone.js be interpreted as doing all the work by passing reference?" In fact, Backbone.js does not copy objects, which means that if you call .get() from the model The method obtains an object, and any modification to this object will directly modify the original object. Let's look at an example to illustrate where this might happen. If you have a Person model like the following:

var Person = Backbone.Model.extend({
  defaults: {
    'name': 'John Doe',
    'address': {
      'street': '1st Street'
      'city': 'Austin',
      'state': 'TX'
      'zipCode': 78701

This way you create a new person object:

var person = new Person({
  'name': 'Phillip W'

Now let’s operate some properties of the new object:

person.set('name', 'Phillip W.', { validate: true });
The above code successfully assigns a value to the name attribute of the person object. Now we are manipulating the address attribute of the person object. Of course, let's verify the address properties before we do that.

var Person = Backbone.Model.extend({
  validate: function(attributes) {
    if(isNaN(attributes.address.zipCode)) return "Address ZIP code must be a number!";
  defaults: {
    'name': 'John Doe',
    'address': {
      'street': '1st Street'
      'city': 'Austin',
      'state': 'TX'
      'zipCode': 78701

Now, let’s try to set an incorrect ZIP code to the address attribute.

var address = person.get('address');
address.zipCode = 'Hello World';
// Raises an error since the ZIP code is invalid
person.set('address', address, { validate: true });
/* Prints an object with these properties.
  'street': '1st Street'
  'city': 'Austin',
  'state': 'TX'
  'zipCode': 'Hello World'

What will happen? There was an error with our verification! Why are properties still changed? As we said earlier, Backbone.js does not copy model properties; it returns whatever you request. So, as you might guess, if you need an object, you will get a reference to the object, and any operation on the object will directly change the object in the model. If you want to debug, this may lead you down a bottomless rabbit hole.
This issue is something to be aware of when using Backbone.js, and even seasoned JavaScript programmers sometimes fail to pay attention to it. This issue is heavily discussed in the Backbone.js discussion group on GitHub. As Jeremy Ashkenas pointed out, executing a deep object reference is a difficult problem to solve, and a deep object reference is very expensive.

Fortunately, jQuery provides a deep copy function to implement $.extend. Like, Underscore.js, a Backbone.js dependency, provides the _.extend method, but I have to avoid using it because it does not perform a copy. Deep Copy, Lo-Dash, a fork of Underscore.js, provides the option of a deep clone of an object using the _.clone method. However, I use the syntax rules used by the $.extend method of the model to perform a deep clone of an arbitrary object. Remember that after passing it, it turns out that it executes a deep cloning method

var address = $.extend(true, {}, person.address);

我们现在快速准确的复制一个theaddressobject?,并且我们能够更改它对于我们要点没有包括在内的我们不用担心会更改它原有的模型。你必须要意思到这个父工厂对于上面所有的事例因为它所有的地址对象成员都是不可变的(numbers, strings, etc.),与此同时这上面所有的事例工厂当你要深度复制对象里面包含的对象时你都必须小心的使用。你必须也要知道一个小小的性能影响都来自于执行一个深度的克隆,但是我从来没有看到过很明显的问题。然而,如果你要深度的克隆一个大对象或者成千上万的对象所有的立即复制,你将有可能做大量的性能分析。这将领导我们直接到下一个模式。





var Hotel = Backbone.Model.extend({
  defaults: {
    "availableRooms": ["a"],
    "rooms": {
      "a": {
        "size": 1200,
        "bed": "queen"
      "b": {
        "size": 900,
        "bed": "twin"
      "c": {
        "size": 1100,
        "bed": "twin"
    getRooms: function() {
      $.extend(true, {}, this.get("rooms"));
    getRoomsByBed: function(bed) {
      return _.where(this.getRooms(), { "bed": bed });


var Hotel = Backbone.Model.extend({
  defaults: {
    "availableRooms": ["a"],
    "rooms": [
        "name": "a",
        "size": 1200,
        "bed": "queen"
        "name": "b",
        "size": 900,
        "bed": "twin"
        "name": "c",
        "size": 1100,
        "bed": "twin"
    getRooms: function() {
      var rooms = $.extend(true, {}, this.get("rooms")),
       newRooms = {};
      // transform rooms from an array back into an object
      _.each(rooms, function(room) {
        newRooms[room.name] = {
          "size": room.size,
          "bed": room.bed
    getRoomsByBed: function(bed) {
      return _.where(this.getRooms(), { "bed": bed });


离题说一句,这个模式既可以被认为是装饰模式,因为它隐藏了创建对象拷贝的复杂性,也可以认为是桥接模式,因为它可以用来将数据转换为所期望的形式。一个好的经验是对任何对象元素使用getters 和setters 。


尽管Backbone.js有模型和集合映射的规定去具象状态的传输(or REST-ful)的端点,你将花大量的时间去找你想要的存储数据在你的模型或者不是在服务器上的连接。另外一些关于Backbone.js的文章,例如“Backbone.js Tips: Lessons From the Trenches” 是通过SupportBee的Prateek Dayal ,这个模式还有其他的描述。让我们一起来快速的看一个小例子来帮助我们说明它可能会派上用场。假设你有一个集合。

  <li><a href="#" data-id="1">One</a></li>
  <li><a href="#" data-id="2">Two</a></li>
  . . .
  <li><a href="#" data-id="n">n</a></li>

当使用者点击其中一个项目时,这个项目成为了被选中状态并且对于使用者作为选中项目是通过 aselectedclass 添加的是可视化的。以下这是一种方式:

var Model = Backbone.Model.extend({
  defaults: {
    items: [
        "name": "One",
        "id": 1     
        "name": "Two",
        "id": 2     
        "name": "Three",
        "id": 3     
var View = Backbone.View.extend({
  template: _.template($('#list-template').html()),
  events: {
    "#items li a": "setSelectedItem"
  render: function() {
  setSelectedItem: function(event) {
    var selectedItem = $(event.currentTarget);
    // Set all of the items to not have the selected class
    $('#items li a').removeClass('selected');
    return false;
<script id="list-template" type="template">
<ul id="items">
    <% for(i = items.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { %>
        <a href="#" data-id="<%= item[i].id %>"><%= item[i].name %></a></li>
<% } %></ul>

现在我们能够很容易的判断被选中的项目,并且我们没有必要通过对象模型去判断。这种模式对于存储无用的数据是非常有用的以至于 你可能非常想要去跟踪;请记住你能够创建一个模型并且没有必要去关联于他们存储的一些无用的图像数据。

var View = Backbone.View.extend({
  initialize: function(options) {
    // Re-render when the model changes
    this.model.on('change:items', this.render, this);
  template: _.template($('#list-template').html()),
  events: {
    "#items li a": "setSelectedItem"
  render: function() {
  setSelectedItem: function(event) {
    var selectedItem = $(event.currentTarget);
    // Set all of the items to not have the selected class
    $('#items li a').removeClass('selected');
    // Store a reference to what item was selected
    this.selectedItemId = selectedItem.data('id'));
    return false;






var View = Backbone.View.extend({
  initialize: function(options) {
    this.model.on('change', this.render, this);
  template: _.template($(‘#template').html()),
  render: function() {
    $(‘#a', this.$el).html(this.model.get(‘a'));
    $(‘#b', this.$el).html(this.model.get(‘b'));


当我遇到这个问题,我迅速的用Google搜索了一下,看看别人是怎么做的,结果找到了Ian Storm Taylor的博客,“分解你的Backbone.js渲染方法”,他在其中描述了在模型中监听单独的属性变化,然后仅仅重新渲染相对于变化属性的视图部分。Taylor也描述了返回对象的引用,以便单独的渲染函数可以很容易的链接在一起。上面的例子现在现在就变得更易于维护,性能更优。因为我们仅仅更新了模型变化的属性相对应的视图部分。

var View = Backbone.View.extend({
  initialize: function(options) {
    this.model.on('change:a', this.renderA, this);
    this.model.on('change:b', this.renderB, this);
  renderA: function() {
    $(‘#a', this.$el).html(this.model.get(‘a'));
    return this;
  renderB: function() {
    $(‘#b', this.$el).html(this.model.get(‘b'));
    return this;
  render: function() {



正如 Jeremy Ashkenas 在 Backbone.js的 GitHub问题 之一中所指出的,Backbone.js 并没有实施数据与视图层之间关注点的任何真正分离,除非模型未引用视图而创建。因为Backbone.js并没有执行一个关注点分离,所以你应该将其分离吗?我和许多其他的Backbone.js开发人员,如Oz Katz 和 Dayal ,都相信答案毫无疑问是yes:模型与集合,也就是数据层,应该彻底的与绑定到它们的视图无关,保持一个清晰的关注点分离。如果你没有遵循关注点分离,你的基础代码将很快变成意大利面条式的代码,而没有人喜欢意大利面条式的代码。






routes: { 'search/:foo': 'searchFoo', 'search/:bar': 'searchBar', 'search/:foo/:bar': 'search' }, search: function(foo, bar) { }, // I know this function will actually still map correctly, but for explanatory purposes, it's left in. searchFoo: function(foo) { this.search(foo, undefined); }, searchBar: function(bar) { this.search(undefined, bar); },

你也许能想象的到,这个模式可以使路由功能很快膨胀。当我第一次遇到这个问题时,我试图创建了一些用正则表达式定义的解析函数来“神奇”的去匹配参数,当然这个是可以工作的-但这也是有约束条件的。这样,我废弃了这个想法(有时,我仍然可以用Backbone插件来解决)。我进入GitHub中的一个 议题,其中Ashkenas建议应该让所有的参数都和search函数匹配。

routes: {
  'search/:foo': 'searchFoo',
  'search/:bar': 'searchBar',
  'search/:foo/:bar': 'search'
search: function(foo, bar) {  
// I know this function will actually still map correctly, but for explanatory purposes, it's left in.
searchFoo: function(foo) {
  this.search(foo, undefined);
searchBar: function(bar) {
  this.search(undefined, bar);


model.fetch() 不会清除你的模型


var Model = Backbone.Model.extend({
  defaults: {
    x: 1,
    y: 1,
    z: 1
var model = new Model();
/* model.attributes yields
  x: 1,
  y: 1,
  z: 1
} */
/* let's assume that the endpoint returns this
  y: 2,
  z: 2,
} */
/* model.attributes now yields
  x: 1,
  y: 2,
  z: 2
} */

PUTs 需要一个 ID 属性

这一条也经常将Backbone.js的新手绊倒。要想在调用.save()的时候让模型发送一个HTTP PUT请求,你的模型需要有一个ID属性集。记得HTTP PUT谓词是设计来做更新的吧,所以发送一个PUT请求,你的模型需要有一个ID,这么做是有意义的。在理想的世界里,你的所有模型都具有一个名为ID的完美的ID属性,但是你从端点接收到的JSON数据可能并不总是具有完美命名的IDs。

因此,如果你需要更新一个模型,请在保存之前确认模型上有ID。Backbone.js 的0.5以及更高版本允许你用id属性来更新模型的ID属性名称,如果你的端点返回的不是名为id的IDs的话。

parse: function(response) {
  _.each(response.cars, function(car, i) {
    // map the returned ID of carID to the correct attribute ID
    response.cars[i].id = response.cars[i].carID;
  return response;


有时你会发现你的模型或者集合需要在页面加载时被初始化赋值。许多关于Backbone.js模式的文章,例如Rico Sta Cruz的 “Backbone 模式” 和 Katz的 “ 避免常见的Backbone.js陷阱” ,讨论了这种模式。这种模式实现很容易,只需在页面中内联一段脚本,通过你选择的服务端语言,将单个模型属性或者JSON形式的数据呈现出来。例如,在Rails语言中,我采用下面方法之一:

// a single attribute
var model = new Model({
  hello: <%= @world %>
// or to have json
var model = new Model(<%= @hello_world.to_json %>);





// Inside your model
validate: function(attrs) {
  var errors = [];
  if(attrs.a < 0) {
      'message': 'Form field a is messed up!',
      'class': 'a'
  if(attrs.b < 0) {
      'message': 'Form field b is messed up!',
      'class': 'b'
  if(errors.length) {
    return errors;
// Inside your view
this.model.on('invalid', function(model, errors) {
  _.each(errors, function(error, i) {
    $(‘.' + error.class).addClass('error');



我的一个朋友,Derick Bailey,推荐了一个可替代模式,就是为每个模型属性触发自定义的errors事件。这将允许你的视图能够针对单独的属性绑定到特定的error事件:

// Inside your model
validate: function(attrs) {
  if(attrs.a < 0) {
      this.trigger(‘invalid:a', 'Form field a is messed up!', this);
  if(attrs.b < 0) {
      this.trigger(‘invalid:b', 'Form field b is messed up!', this);
// Inside your view
this.model.on('invalid:a', function(error) {
this.model.on('invalid:b', function(error) {



如果你的浏览器端模型或者集合收到了无效的JSON,尽管HTTP的状态代码是200,但浏览器端依然会触发一个“错误”事件。这种事件常发生于本地模拟JSON数据造成的。那么,一个好的方法就是读取经过 JSON 验证器验证了的模拟JSON数据文件。或者从你的IDE获得相应的 插件来及时获取格式错误的JSON信息。



var AlertView = Backbone.View.extend({
  set: function(typeOfError, message) {
    var alert = $(‘.in-page-alert').length &#63; $(‘.in-page-alert'): $(‘.body-alert');
      .removeClass(‘error success warning')

上面的代码首先会检查是否已在视图代码中创建了指定视图in-page-alert div。如果没有,则接着查看一般性的在其它地方声明的body-alert div。这样可以让你发送具有一致性的错误信息以及当你忘记指定一个in-page-alert div时提供有用且可靠的信息。如下面的模式简化了让你怎样在你的试图中处理错误信息:

var alert = new AlertView();
this.model.on('error', function(model, error) {
  alert.set('TYPE-OF-ERROR', error);


这是一个比任何东西都重要的可用性问题。如果你正在开发一个单页面应用程序,谨记更新每个页面的标题。我写过一个的插件(Backbone.js Router Title Helper)来扩展 backbone.js router 的功能。它通过一个 Map 对象来控制路由,键来代表路由函数的名字,值则映射到页面的标题。

Backbone.Router = Backbone.Router.extend({
  initialize: function(options){
    var that = this;
    this.on('route', function(router, route, params) {
      if(that.titles) {
        if(that.titles[router]) document.title = that.titles[router];
        else if(that.titles.default) document.title = that.titles.default;
        else throw 'Backbone.js Router Title Helper: No title found for route:' + router + ' and no default route specified.';



// Inside a router
initialize: function() {
  this.cached = {
    view: undefined,
    model: undefined
index: function(parameter) {
  this.cached.model = this.cached.model || new Model({
    parameter: parameter
  this.cached.view = this.cached.view || new View({
    model: this.cached.model

这个模式可以加速你得应用,因为你不用重复初始化你得Backbone.js对象。然而,它会过多的消耗内存;所以,缓存对象就要在整个应用中使用。如果以前你用过Backbone.js开发过应用,也许你会问你自己,“ 我要重取数据该怎么做?”你可以每次在如下路径中触发后重取数据:

// Inside a router
initialize: function() {
  this.cached = {
    view: undefined,
    model: undefined
index: function(parameter) {
  this.cached.model = this.cached.model || new Model({
    parameter: parameter
  this.cached.view = this.cached.view || new View({
    model: this.cached.model

当你的应用从端点(如,一个收件箱)必须检索最新数据时上面的模式就可以工作。当然,如果你要拿的数据时凭借应用的某个状态(假设这个状态是通过URL和参数来决定的),甚至是在用户上一个页面应用的状态没有改变, 你可以重取数据。一个好的解决方案去重拿数据时当应用(参数)发生变化时:

// Inside a router
initialize: function() {
  this.cached = {
    view: undefined,
    model: undefined
index: function(parameter) {
  this.cached.model = this.cached.model || new Model({
  this.cached.model.set('parameter', parameter);
  this.cached.view = this.cached.view || new View({
    model: this.cached.model
// Inside of the model
initialize: function() {
  this.on("change:parameter", this.fetchData, this);



var Thing = Backbone.View.extend(/** @lends Thing.prototype */{
  /** @class Thing
   * @author Phillip Whisenhunt
   * @augments Backbone.View
   * @contructs Thing object */
  initialize() {},
  /** Gets data by ID from the thing. If the thing doesn't have data based on the ID, an empty string is returned.
   * @param {String} id The id of get data for.
   * @return {String} The data. */
  getDataById: function(id) {}

If you add documentation comments to the Backbone class as above, you can add parameters, return types, and description documentation comments to all classes and functions. Make sure to keep the initialization function as a declared function, this will help us generate the JSDoc. If you want to see the JSDoc example project, download the example at HomeAway Calendar Widget. There is also a Grunt.js plug-in, grunt-jsdoc-plugin, which can also be used as part of your documentation comments.

Contact test-driven development model

I think if you use Backbone.js, you should follow Test Driven Development (TDD) when developing models and collections. The first time I followed TDD for unit testing when creating models and collections with Jasmine.js, it failed. Once a unit test is written and it fails, I rewrite the entire model and collection.

With this, all my Jasmine tests are passing, and I'm confident that my models and collections will work as I expect. Since I follow TDD, my view layer is very easy to write and very simple. When you start using TDD, your speed will of course be very slow; but once you keep TDD in your mind, your programming efficiency and quality will magically improve.

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