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In the background management system, access permission control is usually required to limit the access capabilities of different users to the interface. If a user lacks specific permissions, he or she cannot access certain interfaces.
This article will use the waynboot-mall project as an example to introduce how to introduce the permission control framework Spring Security into common back-end management systems. The outline is as follows:
waynboot-mall project address: https://github.com/wayn111/waynboot-mall
Spring Security is an open source project based on the Spring framework, designed to provide powerful and flexible security solutions for Java applications. Spring Security provides the following features:
Directly introduce the spring-boot-starter-security dependency into the waynboot-mall project,
org.springframework.boot spring-boot-starter-security 3.1.0
Configuring Spring Security in Spring Security 3.0 is a little different from the past. For example, it no longer inherits WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter. In the waynboot-mall project, the specific configuration is as follows,
@Configuration @EnableWebSecurity @AllArgsConstructor @EnableMethodSecurity(securedEnabled = true, jsr250Enabled = true) public class SecurityConfig { private UserDetailsServiceImpl userDetailsService; private AuthenticationEntryPointImpl unauthorizedHandler; private JwtAuthenticationTokenFilter jwtAuthenticationTokenFilter; private LogoutSuccessHandlerImpl logoutSuccessHandler; @Bean public SecurityFilterChain filterChain(HttpSecurity httpSecurity) throws Exception { httpSecurity // cors启用 .cors(httpSecurityCorsConfigurer -> {}) .csrf(AbstractHttpConfigurer::disable) .sessionManagement(httpSecuritySessionManagementConfigurer -> { httpSecuritySessionManagementConfigurer.sessionCreationPolicy(SessionCreationPolicy.STATELESS); }) .exceptionHandling(httpSecurityExceptionHandlingConfigurer -> { httpSecurityExceptionHandlingConfigurer.authenticationEntryPoint(unauthorizedHandler); }) // 过滤请求 .authorizeHttpRequests(authorizationManagerRequestMatcherRegistry -> { authorizationManagerRequestMatcherRegistry .requestMatchers("/favicon.ico", "/login", "/favicon.ico", "/actuator/**").anonymous() .requestMatchers("/slider/**").anonymous() .requestMatchers("/captcha/**").anonymous() .requestMatchers("/upload/**").anonymous() .requestMatchers("/common/download**").anonymous() .requestMatchers("/doc.html").anonymous() .requestMatchers("/swagger-ui/**").anonymous() .requestMatchers("/swagger-resources/**").anonymous() .requestMatchers("/webjars/**").anonymous() .requestMatchers("/*/api-docs").anonymous() .requestMatchers("/druid/**").anonymous() .requestMatchers("/elastic/**").anonymous() .requestMatchers("/message/**").anonymous() .requestMatchers("/ws/**").anonymous() // 除上面外的所有请求全部需要鉴权认证 .anyRequest().authenticated(); }) .headers(httpSecurityHeadersConfigurer -> { httpSecurityHeadersConfigurer.frameOptions(HeadersConfigurer.FrameOptionsConfig::disable); }); // 处理跨域请求中的Preflight请求(cors),设置corsConfigurationSource后无需使用 // .requestMatchers(CorsUtils::isPreFlightRequest).permitAll() // 对于登录login 验证码captchaImage 允许匿名访问 httpSecurity.logout(httpSecurityLogoutConfigurer -> { httpSecurityLogoutConfigurer.logoutUrl("/logout"); httpSecurityLogoutConfigurer.logoutSuccessHandler(logoutSuccessHandler); }); // 添加JWT filter httpSecurity.addFilterBefore(jwtAuthenticationTokenFilter, UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter.class); // 认证用户时用户信息加载配置,注入springAuthUserService httpSecurity.userDetailsService(userDetailsService); return httpSecurity.build(); } @Bean public AuthenticationManager authenticationManager(AuthenticationConfiguration authenticationConfiguration) throws Exception { return authenticationConfiguration.getAuthenticationManager(); } /** * 强散列哈希加密实现 */ @Bean public BCryptPasswordEncoder bCryptPasswordEncoder() { return new BCryptPasswordEncoder(); } }
Here is a detailed introduction to the SecurityConfig configuration class:
To use Spring Security, you only need to add the corresponding @PreAuthorize annotation to the method or class that needs to control access permissions, as follows,
@Slf4j @RestController @AllArgsConstructor @RequestMapping("system/role") public class RoleController extends BaseController { private IRoleService iRoleService; @PreAuthorize("@ss.hasPermi('system:role:list')") @GetMapping("/list") public R list(Role role) { Page page = getPage(); return R.success().add("page", iRoleService.listPage(page, role)); } }
We added the @PreAuthorize("@ss.hasPermi('system:role:list')") annotation to the list method to indicate that the currently logged in user has system:role:list permissions to access the list method, otherwise a permission error will be returned .
In the SecurityConfig configuration class, we define UserDetailsServiceImpl as our implementation class for loading user information, so as to compare the user's account and password in the database with the account and password passed in by the front end. code show as below,
@Slf4j @Service @AllArgsConstructor public class UserDetailsServiceImpl implements UserDetailsService { private IUserService iUserService; private IDeptService iDeptService; private PermissionService permissionService; public static void main(String[] args) { BCryptPasswordEncoder bCryptPasswordEncoder = new BCryptPasswordEncoder(); System.out.println(bCryptPasswordEncoder.encode("123456")); } @Override public UserDetails loadUserByUsername(String username) throws UsernameNotFoundException { // 1. 读取数据库中当前用户信息 User user = iUserService.getOne(new QueryWrapper().eq("user_name", username)); // 2. 判断该用户是否存在 if (user == null) { log.info("登录用户:{} 不存在.", username); throw new UsernameNotFoundException("登录用户:" + username + " 不存在"); } // 3. 判断是否禁用 if (Objects.equals(UserStatusEnum.DISABLE.getCode(), user.getUserStatus())) { log.info("登录用户:{} 已经被停用.", username); throw new DisabledException("登录用户:" + username + " 不存在"); } user.setDept(iDeptService.getById(user.getDeptId())); // 4. 获取当前用户的角色信息 Set rolePermission = permissionService.getRolePermission(user); // 5. 根据角色获取权限信息 Set menuPermission = permissionService.getMenuPermission(rolePermission); return new LoginUserDetail(user, menuPermission); } }
Let’s give an explanation of the code logic of UserDetailsServiceImpl. You can understand it with the help of the code.
This article explains to you how to introduce the permission control framework Spring Security 3.0 version into the back-end management system and code practice. I believe it can help everyone have a clear understanding of the permission control framework Spring Security. Later, you can follow the usage guide in this article to introduce Spring Security into your own projects step by step for access control.
The above is the detailed content of Spring Security permission control framework usage guide. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!