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Concurrency control technology in Linux drivers: principles and practice

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If you are an embedded Linux developer, you may encounter this question: How to safely share device resources between multiple tasks or threads? How to avoid data races and inconsistencies? How to improve system performance and reliability? These issues all involve concurrency control technology, that is, how to coordinate the access of multiple execution entities to shared resources. In this article, we will introduce the commonly used concurrency control technologies in Linux drivers, including atomic operations, spin locks, semaphores, mutex locks, read-write locks, sequential locks and RCU, etc., and give examples of their usage and attention. matter.

Concurrency control technology in Linux drivers: principles and practice

In order to achieve effective management of critical resources, application layer programs have atomic variables, condition variables, and semaphores to control concurrency. The same problem also exists in driver development, such as a driver being called by multiple application layer programs at the same time. , at this time, the global variables in the driver will belong to the process space of multiple application layer processes at the same time. In this case, some technologies must also be used to control concurrency. This article will discuss the technical characteristics and application scenarios of the following concurrency control technologies in the kernel.

  1. Interrupt mask
  2. Atomic operations
    1. Atomic variable operations
    2. Atomic bit operations
  3. spin lock
    1. Traditional spin lock
    2. Read and write spin lock
    3. Sequential lock
    4. RCU
  4. signal
    1. Traditional semaphore
    2. Read and write semaphores
    3. Amount completed
  5. Mutex

Interrupt Mask

As the name suggests, it means to block all interrupts. In embedded systems, interrupt shielding can have three levels, 1. Hardware interface shielding, 2. Hardware GIC shielding, 3. CPU (kernel) shielding. If it is blocked at the interface, then the interrupt will be lost and cannot be found at all. If it is shielded at the GIC, then if irq_1, irq_2, irq_3 interrupts come during the shielding period, because there is only one pending flag, the pending flag will be set when irq_3 finally comes. After that, the shielding is unblocked, and the CPU finds that there is a pending flag. If the bit is set, it will still be processed, but 1 and 2 will definitely be lost. The shielding at ARM, that is, the shielding in the kernel, depends on how it is set. If it is local_irq_disable, then it is lost, just like the shielding at the interface. If it is local_irq_save, it is the same as the second one, chasing the last interrupt. The kernel also has a corresponding mechanism to count interrupts and know how many interrupts have come during this period. However, in actual operations, in most cases we will not chase the missed interrupts unless the interrupt is very important.

What we are discussing here is interrupt masking in the kernel. Since many important operations in the kernel rely on interrupts, it is very dangerous to mask all interrupts. The code executed inside must be as fast as possible. Moreover, since the process scheduling of the kernel is also driven by interrupts, it is very dangerous to mask all interrupts. There must be no code that may trigger sleep, otherwise it cannot be woken up. Note that interrupt masking only masks the interrupts of this CPU, so it does not solve the competition problem caused by SMP. Usually, interrupt masking is used in conjunction with spin locks to prevent access spins The critical section protected by the lock was interrupted by an interrupt

Ordinary interrupt mask

local_irq_disable();    //屏蔽中断
local_irq_save(flags);  //屏蔽中断并保存目前CPU中的中断位信息

/* 临界区 */

local_irq_enable();     //解除屏蔽
local_irq_restore(flags);   //解除屏蔽并恢复中断位信息

Interrupt masking in the bottom half

local_bh_disable();     //屏蔽中断

/* 临界区 */


Atomic operations

Atomic operations are operations that cannot be interrupted. They are the same as the concept of the application layer. The atomic operation template in the kernel is as follows:

Integer atomic variable

atomic_t tv = ATOMIC_INIT(初值);
int atomic_read(atomic_t *v);
void atomic_set(atomic_t *v, int i); 

 *atomic_dec_and_test - 尝试将原子变量-1
 *v:如果-1之后原子变量变为0,返回非0, 否则返回0
int atomic_dec_and_test(volatile atomic_t *v);
int atomic_inc_and_test(volatile atomic_t *v);
int atomic_sub_and_test(int i, volatile atomic_t *v);

int atomic_add_return(int i, atomic *v);
int atomic_sub_return(int i, atomic *v);
int atomic_inc_return(atomic *v);
int atomic_dev_return(atomic *v);


static atomic_t tv;
static int demo_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *filp)
        return -EBUSY;
    /* 操作代码 */
    return 0;
static int demo_release(struct inode *inode, struct file *filp)
    return 0;

static int __init demo_init(void)
    // init atomic_t
    atomic_set(&tv, 1);

Bit atomic operations

Bit atomic operations are atomic bit operations. A large number of "bits" are used in the kernel to record information, such as bitmaps. These operations must be atomic. The kernel API is as follows:

void set_bit(nr,void *addr);

void clear_bit(nr,void *addr);

void change_bit(nr,void *addr);

test_bit(nr, void *addr);

int test_and_set_bit(nr, void *addr);
int test_and_clear_bit(nr,void *addr);
int test_and_change_bit(nr,void *addr);

Spin Lock

means "spinning in place". When the lock is unsuccessful, spin, and the spin lock will continue to occupy the CPU for variable testing. Since it is an atomic operation, the CPU usage will rise to 100%. Therefore, when using spin locks, the code in the critical section needs to be very short, otherwise it will affect system performance. In addition, as a kind of lock mechanism, when using spin locks, you also need to pay attention to the occurrence of deadlocks. Spin locks cannot be called during locking. Functions that may cause process scheduling, if the process blocks after obtaining the spin lock, eg, copy_from_user(), copy_to_user(), kmalloc(), msleep(), etc., once blocking occurs, it may cause the kernel to crash.

Spin locks can be used to solve SMP race problems. Different types of spin locks have their own processing mechanisms, suitable for different situations. Includingtraditional spin locks, read-write spin locks, RCU mechanisms, sequential locks, etc., spin locks are the underlying implementation tools for semaphores and mutexes.

Comparison\Type Traditional spin lock Read and write spin lock Sequential lock RCU mechanism
Application occasions Resources that need to be exclusive to the locker Requires resources exclusive to the writer Resources that are rarely read and written at the same time Read more and write less resources
Read Read Concurrency ×
Read Write Concurrency × ×
Write Write Concurrency × × ×


int cnt=0;
lock_t lock;
static int my_open()
static int release()



spinlock_t spinlock
void spin_lock_init(spinlock_t *);

//spin_lock - 加锁函数(忙等)
void spin_lock(spinlock_t *lock);
int spin_trylock(spinlock_t *lock);
spin_lock_irq();    //=spin_lock() + local_irq_disable()
spin_lock_irqsave(); //= spin_lock() + lock_irq_save();
spin_lock_bh();     //=spin_lock() + local_bh_disable();

void spin_unlock(spinlock_t *lock);
spin_unlock_irq();    //=spin_unlock() + local_irq_enable()
spin_unlock_irqrestore(); //= spin_unlock() + lock_irq_restore();
spin_unlock_bh();     //=spin_unlock() + local_bh_enable();



  • 读者 + 读者 不互斥
  • 读者 + 写者 互斥
  • 写者 + 写者 互斥
rwlock_t rwlock;
void rwlock_init(rwlock_t *lock);

void read_lock(rwlock_t *lock);
int read_trylock(rwlock_t *lock);
void read_lock_irqsave(rwlock_t *lock,unsigned long flags);
void read_lock_irq(rwlock_t *lock, unsigned long flags);
void read_lock_bh(rwlock_t *lock);

void read_unlock(rwlock_t *lock)
void read_unlock_irqrestrore(rwlock_t *lock,unsigned long flags);
void read_unlock_irq(rwlock_t *lock, unsigned long flags);
void read_unlock_bh(rwlock_t *lock);

void write_lock(rwlock_t *lock)
int write_trylock(rwlock_t *lock)
void write_lock_irqsave(rwlock_t *lock,unsigned long flags);
void write_lock_irq(rwlock_t *lock, unsigned long flags);
void write_lock_bh(rwlock_t *lock);

void write_unlock(rwlock_t *lock)
void write_unlock_irqrestrore(rwlock_t *lock,unsigned long flags);
void write_unlock_irq(rwlock_t *lock, unsigned long flags);
void write_unlock_bh(rwlock_t *lock);



  • 读者 + 读者 不互斥
  • 读者 + 写者 不互斥 , 临界区没有指针+读者需自己注意更新
  • 写者 + 写者 互斥
struct seqlock_t sl;

void write_seqlock(seqlock_t *sl);
void write_tryseqlock(seqlock_t *sl);
void write_seqlock_irqsave(lock,flags); //=local_irq_save() + write_seqlock()
void write_seqlock_irq(seqlock_t *sl);  //=local_irq_disable() + write_seqlock()
void write_seqlock_bh(seqlock_t *sl);   //local_bh_disable() + write_seqlock()

void write_sequnlock(seqlock_t *sl);
void write_sequnlock_irqsave(lock,flags); //=local_irq_restore() + write_sequnlock()
void write_sequnlock_irq(seqlock_t *sl);  //=local_irq_enable() + write_sequnlock()
void write_sequnlock_bh(seqlock_t *sl);   //local_bh_enable() + write_sequnlock()

unsigned read_seqbegin(const seqlock_t *sl);
read_seqbegin_irqsave(lock,flags);  //=local_irq_save() + read_seqbegin();

int read_seqretry(const seqlock_t *sl,unsigned iv);
read_seqretry_irqrestore(lock,iv,flags);    //=local_irq_restore() + read_seqretry();


RCU即Read-Copy Update,即读者直接读,写者先拷贝再择时更新,是另外一种读写锁的升级版,这种机制在VFS层被大量使用。正如其名,读者访问临界资源不需要锁,从下面的rcu_read_lock的定义即可看出,写者在写之前先将临界资源进行备份,去修改这个副本,等所有的CPU都退出对这块临界区的引用后,再通过回调机制,将引用这块资源的原指针指向已经修改的备份。从中可以看出,在RCU机制下,读者的开销大大降低,也没有顺序锁的指针问题,但是写者的开销很大,所以RCU适用于读多写少的临界资源。如果写操作很多,就有可能将读操作节约的性能抵消掉,得不偿失。

  • 读者 + 读者 不互斥
  • 读者 + 写者 不互斥 , 读者自己注意更新
  • 写者 + 写者 不互斥 ,写者之间自己去同步




rcu_read_lock();            //preempt_disbale()
rcu_read_lock_bh();         //local_bh_disable()

rcu_read_unlock()           //preempt_enable()
rcu_read_unlock_bh();       //local_bh_enable()


同步即是RCU写操作的最后一个步骤-Update,下面这个接口会则色写执行单元,直到所有的读执行单元已经完成读执行单元临界区,写执行单元才可以继续下一步操作。如果有多个RCU写执行单元调用该函数,他们将在一个grace period(即所有的读执行单元已经完成对临界区的访问)之后全部被唤醒。




void call_rcu(struct rcu_head *head,void (*func)(struct rcu_head *rcu));

下面这个接口会将软中断的完成也当作经历一个quiecent state(静默状态),因此如果写执行单元调用了该函数,在进程上下文的读执行单元必须使用rcu_read_lock_bh();

void call_rcu_bh(struct rcu_head *head,void (*func)(struct rcu_head *rcu));


void list_add_rcu(struct list_head *new, struct list_head *head);
void list_add_tail_rcu(struct list_head *new,struct list_head *head);
void list_del_rcu(struct list_head *entry);
void list_replace_rcu(struct list_head *old,struct list_head *new);
void hlist_del_rcu(struct hlist_node *n);
void hlist_add_head_rcu(struct hlist_node *n, struct hlist_head *h);






Interrupt ContextOnly down_trylock() canCan


内核的信号量和应用层的信号量的使用方式类似,但没有获取信号量这一步骤,因为内核中中的信号量可以映射到所有调用这个模块的用户进程的内核空间。这些用户进程也就直接共享了一个信号量,所以也就没有获取信号量一说,相关的内容我在”Linux IPC System V 信号量”一文中有所讨论。


struct semphore sem;

void sem_init(struct semaphore * sem,int val);

void down(struct semaphore *sem);
int down_interruptible(struct semaphore *sem);
int down_trylock(struct semaphore *sem);

void up(struct semaphore *sem);


读写信号量与信号量的关系 和 读写自旋锁与自旋锁的关系类似,他们的互斥逻辑都是一样的,这里不再赘述

struct rw_semaphore my_rwsem;
void init_rwsem(struct rw_semaphore *sem);

void down_read(struct rw_semaphore *sem);
int down_read_trylock(struct rw_semaphore *sem);

void up_read(struct rw_semaphore *sem);

void down_write(struct rw_semaphore *sem);
int down_write_trylock(struct rw_semaphore *sem);

void up_write(struct rw_semaphore *sem);


struct rw_semaphore my_rwsem;
void init_rwsem(&my_rwsem);

down_read(&my_rwsem);   //若要非阻塞:down_read_trylock(&my_rwsem);

/* 读临界区 */



down_write(&my_rwsem);  //若要非阻塞:down_write_trylock(&my_rwsem); 

/* 写临界区 */




struct completion my_completion;

void wait_for_completion(struct completion *c);

void complete(struct completion *c);        //只唤醒一个等待的执行单元
void complete_all(struct completion *c);    //释放所有等待该完成量的执行单元



struct mutex my_mutex;

void mutex_lock(struct mutex *lock);
int mutex_trylock(struct mutex *lock);
int mutex_lock_interruptible(struct mutex *lock);

void mutex_unlock(struct mutex *lock);


project signal Spin Lock
Critical Section Time Shorter process switching time Critical section execution time is shorter
Process Context Critical sections can sleep or schedule Critical sectionCannot sleep or schedule

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