Home >Software Tutorial >Office Software >Excel VBA code: Merge child rows to parent rows, the result is parent row 1 and its children
Assuming your first line is the title line start with the second line
Sub merge()
Endcol1 = Sheet1.[iv1].End(xlToLeft).Column
endrow1 = Sheet1.Range("B65536").End(xlUp).Row
endcol2 = Sheet2.[iv1].End(xlToLeft).Column
endrow2 = Sheet2.Range("B65536").End(xlUp).Row
Dim A As Range
Dim BiaoYiID As Range
Dim BiaoErID As Range
Dim MyRange1 As Range
Dim BiaoErH As Range
Dim leiji As Long
Set BiaoErID = Sheet2.Range(Cells(2, 2), Cells(endrow2, 2))
For i = 2 To endrow1
sxh = i lieji
lieji1 = 0
biaoerneirong = Sheet1.Range("B" & sxh).Text
Set A = BiaoErID.Find(biaoerneirong, after:=BiaoErID.Cells(BiaoErID.Cells.Count), lookat:=xlWhole)
If Not A Is Nothing Then
biaoertopaddress = A.Address
sxh1 = sxh lieji1
BIAORADDRESS = A.Address(RowAbsolute:=False, ColumnAbsolute:=False)
biaoyiaddress = Sheet1.Range("B" & sxh1).Address(RowAbsolute:=False, ColumnAbsolute:=False)
lieji = lieji 1
lieji1 = lieji1 1
For ii = 0 To endcol2
ActiveCell.Offset(0, ii) = Sheet2.Range(BIAORADDRESS).Offset(0, ii)
Set A = BiaoErID.FindNext(A)
Loop While Not A Is Nothing And A.Address biaoertopaddress
End If
End Sub
Sub worksheet number statistics ()
If Sheets(1).Name "Statistics on the number of worksheets" Then
yn = MsgBox ("[Worksheet Quantity Statistics] worksheet does not exist, create [Worksheet Quantity Statistics]?", vbYesNo, "Create [Worksheet Quantity Statistics] worksheet")
If yn = vbYes Then
Sheets.Add(Sheets(1)).Name = "Statistics on the number of worksheets"
End If
End If
Sheets ("Statistics on the number of worksheets").Select
Cells(1, 1).Value = "The number of worksheets is"
Cells(1, 2).Value = Sheets.Count
End Sub
A worksheet named Worksheet Statistics will be created, and the number of worksheets will be displayed in the first row
Public m& 'Define public variable m
Sub lqxs()
Dim Arr, i&, Brr(1 To 27, 1 To 23), rq, nl 'Define the above variables, Brr is a two-dimensional array with 27 rows and 23 columns
Sheet1.Activate 'Make sheet1 the currently active sheet
[c5:z32].ClearContents 'Clear the data in cells C5 to Z32
Myr = Sheet2.[a65536].End(xlUp).row 'Assign the number of rows in the area with data in column A of Sheet2 to the Myr variable
Arr = Sheet2.Range("a7:t" & Myr) 'Name the range from column A7 to column T and row Myr as Arr
For i = 1 To UBound(Arr) 'Loop
rq = DateSerial(Left(Arr(i, 7), 4), Mid(Arr(i, 7), 5, 2), Right(Arr(i, 7), 2)) 'Change G in Sheet2 The data in the column changes to date format, such as: 2013/12/12
nl = DateDiff("yyyy", rq, Now) 'Determine whether the year of the data date in column G in Sheet2 is the same as this year. If it is the same, 0 will be returned. If it is not the same, 1 will be returned.
Call jd(Arr(i, 13)) 'Call jd() function
Brr(1, nl 1) = Brr(1, nl 1) 1 'Add one to the value of array Brr(1, nl 1)
Brr(m, nl 1) = Brr(m, nl 1) 1 'Add one to the value of array Brr(1, nl 1)
[d5].Resize(27, 23) = Brr 'Start by assigning the value of the array to cell D5, and go to the 22nd column on the right of the 26th row below
[c5].Formula = "=sum(rc[1]:rc[23])" 'Add formula to cell C5, C5=D5 E5 F5 AB5
[c5].AutoFill [c5].Resize(27, 1) 'Format filling Fill the format of C5 into cell C31
[d6].Formula = "=sum(r[1]c:r[4]c)" 'Add formula to cell D6, D6=D7 D8 D9 D10
[d6].AutoFill [d6].Resize(1, 23) 'Format filling, fill the format of D6 into cell AB31
End Sub
The above is the detailed content of Excel VBA code: Merge child rows to parent rows, the result is parent row 1 and its children. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!