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jquery implements user information modification verification input method summary_jquery

2016-05-16 15:49:431635browse


var realnameFlag = 0;
var addressFlag = 0;
var zipFlag=0;
var cellphoneFlag=0;
var homephoneFlag=0;
var oldpasswordFlag=1;
var newpasswordFlag=1;
function check_email()
  var email = $.trim($("#email").val());
  if (email == null || email == "") 
    emailFlag = 1;
    $("#emailMsg").html("<span class='tips'>请输入邮箱信息</span>");
  // 判断输入框内是否为邮箱格式 
  if (email.replace(/[^\x00-\xff]/g, "**").length <= 4 || email.replace(/[^\x00-\xff]/g, "**").length >= 50) 
    $("#emailMsg").html("<span class='tips'>邮箱长度不正确</span>");
    emailFlag = 1;
    return ;
  var reg = /^[\w-]+(\.[\w-]+)*@[\w-]+(\.[\w-]+)+$/;
  if (reg.test(email)) {
    emailFlag = 0;
    return ;
  } else {
    $("#emailMsg").html("<span class='tips'>邮箱格式不正确</span>");
    emailFlag = 1;
    return ;
function check_realname()
  var realname = $.trim($("#realname").val());
  // 判断是否为空
  if (realname == null || realname == "") 
    $("#realnameMsg").html("<span class='tips'>请输入真实姓名,20个英文或10个汉字</span>");
    realnameFlag = 1;
  } else if (realname.indexOf("··") != -1) 
    $("#realnameMsg").html("<span class='tips'>请输入真实姓名,20个英文或10个汉字</span>");
    realnameFlag = 1;
    // 姓名前后不能加·
  } else if (realname.substring(0, 1) == "·" || realname.substring(realname.length - 1) == "·") 
    realnameFlag = 1;
    $("#realnameMsg").html("<span class='tips'>请输入真实姓名,20个英文或10个汉字</span>");
  } else 
    var reg = new RegExp("^([a-zA-Z]|[\\u4E00-\\u9FFF])+$", "g");
    if (!reg.test(realname)) 
      $("#realnameMsg").html("<span class='tips'>请输入真实姓名,20个英文或10个汉字</span>");
      realnameFlag = 1;
    } else 
    if (realname.replace(/[^\x00-\xff]/g, "**").length >= 4  && realname.replace(/[^\x00-\xff]/g, "**").length <= 20) 
      realnameFlag = 0;
    } else {
      realnameFlag = 1;
      $("#realnameMsg").html("<span class='tips'>请输入真实姓名,20个英文或10个汉字</span>");
function check_cellphone()
  var cellphone = $.trim($("#cellphone").val());
  while (true) {
    var start = cellphone.substring(0, 1);
    if (start == "0") {
      cellphone = cellphone.substring(1);
    } else {
  if (cellphone == null || cellphone == "") {
    $("#cellphoneMsg").html("<span class='tips'>请输入移动电话号码</span>");
    cellphoneFlag = 1;
  var re = /^1{1}[3,4,5,8]{1}\d{9}$/; // 判断是否为数字的正则表达式
  if (!re.test(cellphone)) {
    cellphoneFlag = 1;
    $("#cellphoneMsg").html("<span class='tips'>请输入正确的移动电话号码</span>");
  } else {
    cellphoneFlag = 0;
function check_homephone()
  var homephone = $.trim($("#homephone").val());
  if(homephone == null || homephone == "")
    return ;
  var re=/(^(\d{3,4}-)&#63;\d{7,8})$|(^1{1}[3,4,5,8]{1}\d{9}$)/;
    $("#homephoneMsg").html("<span class='tips'>请正确输入电话号码,格式为: 000-00000000</span>");
    return ;
function check_address()
  var address = $.trim( $("#address").val());
  // 判断是否为空
  if(address == null || address == "")
    $("#addressMsg").html("<span class='tips'>请输入详细地址</span>");
    addressFlag = 1;
  if (address.replace(/[^\x00-\xff]/g, "**").length > 120) {
    addressFlag = 1;
    $("#addressMsg").html("<span class='tips'>长度超长</span>");
  } else {
    addressFlag = 0;
function check_zip()
  var zip=$.trim($("#zip").val());
  var re=/^[0-9]+$/;
  if(zip.length != 0 && (!re.test(zip) || zip.length != 6))
    $("#zipMsg").html("<span class='tips'>请输入邮政编码,由6位数字组成</span>");  
function check_oldPassword()

  var oldPS = $.trim($("#oldPassword").val());
  if(oldPS == null || oldPS == "")
    oldpasswordFlag = 1;  
    $("#oldpsMsg").html("<span class='tips'>请输入旧密码</span>");
    return false;
  var re=/^.{6,16}$/;
    oldpasswordFlag = 1;  
    $("#oldpsMsg").html("<span class='tips'>旧密码输入长度不正确</span>");
    return false;
    oldpasswordFlag = 0;  
function check_newPassword()
  var newPS = $.trim($("#newPassword").val());
  if(newPS == null || newPS == "")
    $("#newpsMsg").html("<span class='tips'>请输入新密码,由6-16位字符组成!</span>");
    return false;
  //var re=/^[A-Za-z0-9_-]{6,16}$/;
  var re=/^.{6,16}$/;
  if (newPS.replace(/[^\x00-\xff]/g, "**").length <6 || newPS.replace(/[^\x00-\xff]/g, "**").length > 16) 
    newpasswordFlag = 1;  
    $("#newpsMsg").html("<span class='tips'>新密码长度不正确</span>");
    return false;
    newpasswordFlag = 1;  
    $("#newpsMsg").html("<span class='tips'>新密码长度不正确</span>");
    return false;
    newpasswordFlag = 0;  
function check_repeatPassword()
  if( $("#repeatPassword").val()==null || $.trim($("#repeatPassword").val()) =="")
    $("#repsMsg").html("<span class='tips'>请输入重复新密码</span>");
    newpasswordFlag = 1;  
    return false;
  if ( $.trim($("#repeatPassword").val()) != $.trim($("#newPassword").val()))
    newpasswordFlag = 1;  
    $("#repsMsg").html("<span class='tips'>两次密码输入的不一致!</span>");
    return false;
    newpasswordFlag = 0;  
function check_cardNum()
  var cardnum = $.trim( $("#cardNum").val());
  if(cardnum == null || cardnum == "")
    $("#numMsg").html("<span class='tips'>请输入卡号</span>");
    cardnumFlag = 1;
    return false;
function check_passWord()
  var password = $.trim( $("#passWord").val());
  if(password == null || password == "" )
    passwordFlag = 1;
    $("#psMsg").html("<span class='tips'>请输入密码</span>");
    return false;
    passwordFlag = 0;
function check_vcode()
  var vcode = $.trim( $("#vcode").val());
  if(vcode == null || vcode =="")
    vcodeFlag = 1; 
    $("#vcodeMsg").html("<span class='tips'>请输入验证码</span>");
    return false;
  var re= /^[0-9]*$/;
    vcodeFlag = 1; 
    $("#vcodeMsg").html("<span class='tips'>请正确输入验证码</span>");
    return false;
    vcodeFlag = 0; 
/*** 修改用户信息验证 begini */
// begin email
$("#email").focus(function() {  check_email();});
// 邮箱格式判断
//end email

//bengin realname
$("#realname").focus(function() {check_realname();});
// 校验realname是否正确
$("#realname").blur(function() {check_realname();});
//end realname

//bengin cellphone
$("#cellphone").focus(function() {  check_cellphone();  });
// 手机号码格式判断
$("#cellphone").blur(function() {  check_cellphone(); });
//end cellphone

//bengin homephone
$("#homephone").focus(function(){ check_homephone();  });
$("#homephone").blur(function(){ check_homephone();});
//end homephone

//bengin addr
// 校验address是否正确
$("#address").focus(function(){ check_address();  });
$("#address").blur(function() {  check_address();});
//end addr

//bengin zip
$("#zip").focus(function(){ check_zip();  });
$("#zip").blur(function(){  check_zip();  });
//end zip
  var province=$(this).val();
  $.post("_jquery", {"type":"getProvince" , province:province}, function(msg){
  var city=$(this).val();
  $.post("_jquery", {"type":"getCity" , city:city}, function(msg){
/*** 修改用户信息验证 end ***********/

/***------密码修改验证 begin *************/
//begin oldpassword
$("#oldPassword").focus(function(){  check_oldPassword();});
$("#oldPassword").blur(function(){  check_oldPassword();});
//end oldpassword

//begin newpassword
$("#newPassword").focus(function(){  check_newPassword();});
$("#newPassword").blur(function(){  check_newPassword();});

// repeatpassword
$("#repeatPassword").focus(function(){  check_repeatPassword();});
$("#repeatPassword").blur(function(){  check_repeatPassword();});
/***------密码修改验证 end *************/

/**** ---------卡查询表单提交验证 begin ***********/
var cardnumFlag = 0;
var passwordFlag = 0;
var  vcodeFlag = 0; 
$("#cardNum").focus(function(){  check_cardNum();});
$("#cardNum").blur(function(){  check_cardNum();});

$("#passWord").focus(function(){ check_passWord();});
$("#passWord").blur(function(){  check_passWord();});

$("#vcode").focus(function(){ check_vcode(); });
 $("#vcode").blur(function(){ check_vcode(); });
  var re= /^[0-9]*$/;
  if(cardnumFlag != 0 || $.trim($("#cardNum").val()) == "" || $("#cardNum").val() == null )
    return ;
  if(passwordFlag != 0 || $.trim($("#passWord").val()) == "" || $("#passWord").val() == null)
    return ;
  if(($("#vcode").val() != "" && !re.test($("#vcode").val())) || vcodeFlag != 0 || $("#vcode").val() == "" )
    return ;
/**** ---------卡查询表单提交验证 end ***********/


$("#cancelreason").bind('input propertychange', function() { 
 var maxLength = 65; 
 if ($(this).val().length > maxLength) { 
   $(this).val($(this).val().substring(0, maxLength)); 
 return false;

//end ready
function formsubmit()
  var province=$("#province").val();
  var city=$("#city").val();
  var region=$("#region").val();
  if(emailFlag != 0 || $("#email").val()== null || $("#email").val()== "")
    return ;
  if(realnameFlag != 0 || $("#realname").val()== null || $("#realname").val()== "")
    return ;
  if(cellphoneFlag != 0)
    return ;
  if(homephoneFlag != 0)
    return ;
  if( province == "" || city == "" || region== "" || province == null || city == null || region== null)
    $("#szcode").html("<span class='tips'>请选择地区</span>");
    return ;
  if(addressFlag != 0 || $("#address").val() == null || $("#address").val() == "")
    return ;
  if(zipFlag != 0)
    return ;
function formreset()

function psformSubmit()
  var oldps = $.trim($("#oldPassword").val());
  var newps = $.trim( $("#newPassword").val());
  var reps = $.trim($("#repeatPassword").val());
  if( oldpasswordFlag != 0 || oldps =="" || oldps ==null )
    return ;
  if(newpasswordFlag != 0 || newps =="" || newps ==null )
    return ;
  if( newpasswordFlag != 0 || reps == null || reps =="" || reps != newps)
    return ;
function dochange()
  ///$("#vcodeImg").attr("src","_verifycode&#63;" + new Date());
  var  imgObj="#vcodeImg";
  $(imgObj).fadeOut('fast', function(){
    var datenow = new Date();
    $(this).attr('src', '_verifycode&#63;ver=' + datenow.getMilliseconds()).delay(200).fadeIn('slow');

function removefavorite(goodsid)

function selectProvince(value)
{  //导出省份下市区 信息。
  $.post("_jquery", {"type":"getProvince",province:value}, function(data){  
function selectCity(value)
{  //导出市区 下县城信息。
  $.post("_jquery", {"type":"getCity",city:value}, function(data){  


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