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vivo Lanxin Qianxun chatbot is officially launched, equipped with a self-developed AI universal large model

2023-11-24 20:47:051461browse

DoNews reported on November 24 that vivo Qianxun, a natural language dialogue robot based on the blue heart model, was officially launched on November 24. vivo Qianxun was launched as a public version of the APP, which not only enriched vivo's product ecology, but also demonstrated vivo's outstanding strength in the field of artificial intelligence technology and its sincere attitude towards openness and open source

vivo Lanxin Qianxun chatbot is officially launched, equipped with a self-developed AI universal large model

vivo Qianxun APP: AI personal assistant on call around the clock

vivo Qianxun is an all-weather personal assistant developed based on the blue heart model, covering two core application scenarios of "AI conversation" and "AI inspiration". In the "AI Dialogue" module, vivo Qianxun provides two functions: "Super Q&A" and "Super Picture Creation". Users can conduct text Q&A, open Q&A, and document-based Q&A through natural and smooth dialogue, which is highly efficient. obtain information and knowledge. In addition, vivo Qianxun is also capable of tasks such as poetry creation, AI painting, lyrics creation and title writing

vivo Lanxin Qianxun chatbot is officially launched, equipped with a self-developed AI universal large model

vivo Lanxin Qianxun chatbot is officially launched, equipped with a self-developed AI universal large model

vivo Qianxun “AI Conversation” function highlights: Vivo Qianxun’s “AI Conversation” function has the following highlights:

Under the "AI Inspiration" module, vivo Qianxun can provide social media copywriting creation, PPT outline generation, Chinese and English text translation and other functions. It also has interesting inspiration tools such as outfit suggestions. The inspiration square is equipped with inspiration skill cards in different scenarios, covering most creative scenarios in work, study and life. Users only need to enter the corresponding card and enter their requirements, and vivo Qianxun will quickly generate corresponding copywriting based on the card context, providing extensive inspiration support for users' work, study, and life.

vivo Lanxin Qianxun chatbot is officially launched, equipped with a self-developed AI universal large model

vivo Lanxin Qianxun chatbot is officially launched, equipped with a self-developed AI universal large model

The highlight of vivo Qianxun’s “AI Inspiration” function is the content that needs to be rewritten

vivo Qianxun’s comprehensive and intelligent functions will greatly reduce the threshold for using artificial intelligence services and become a practical and easy-to-use personal assistant for users.

Create the future of AI intelligent life, bring more excitement and create more expectations

The launch of vivo Qianxun APP marks another breakthrough for vivo in the field of AI intelligence. In order to bring users an industry-leading intelligent experience, vivo will continue to uphold the spirit of innovation, continuously promote the development and application of AI technology, and look forward to leading people towards a more intelligent future and building an AI intelligent technology ecosystem

Currently, the vivo Qianxun APP has been launched on the vivo App Store and iOS APP Store, and more application markets will be launched one after another.

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