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PHP underlying memory management and performance optimization

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PHP underlying memory management and performance optimization

PHP is a popular server-side scripting language that is widely used in web development. Memory management and performance optimization are important topics during PHP development. This article will discuss the underlying memory management principles of PHP and some performance optimization techniques, and give specific code examples.

PHP Memory Management Principle
PHP is an interpreted language that dynamically allocates memory at runtime to store data such as variables, objects, and functions. PHP's memory management is implemented through Zend Memory Manager. Zend Memory Manager is responsible for PHP's memory allocation, release and garbage collection operations. Understanding how Zend Memory Manager works is crucial to developing efficient PHP applications.

Memory allocation of PHP
In PHP, memory allocation of variables is performed automatically. When we declare a variable and assign a value, PHP dynamically allocates memory based on the variable's type and value. For example:

$var = "Hello World";

In the above example, PHP will dynamically allocate memory based on the length of the string "Hello World". For composite data types such as arrays and objects, PHP also dynamically allocates memory to store their structures and data.

PHP’s memory release
PHP’s memory release is achieved through the garbage collection mechanism. When a variable is no longer referenced, PHP's garbage collection mechanism automatically releases the memory it occupies. For example:

$var = "Hello World";

In the above example, the variable $var is released through the unset function, and PHP's garbage collection mechanism will release the memory occupied by the variable at the appropriate time.

Performance optimization of PHP
In addition to understanding the principles of memory management, we also need to understand some performance optimization techniques to improve the performance of PHP applications.

  1. Use appropriate data structures
    PHP provides a variety of data structures, such as arrays, linked lists, stacks, etc. Choosing the appropriate data structure can improve the running efficiency of the program. For example, linked lists may be more efficient than arrays for scenarios that require frequent insertion and deletion operations.
// 使用数组
$arr = array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
unset($arr[2]); // 删除索引为2的元素

// 使用链表
$list = new SplDoublyLinkedList();
$list->offsetUnset(1); // 删除索引为1的元素
  1. Avoid frequent memory allocation and release
    Frequent memory allocation and release will cause memory fragmentation and reduce program performance. We can avoid frequent memory operations by preallocating and reusing memory. For example, if you need to create and destroy objects frequently, you can use an object pool to reuse objects.
class ObjectPool {
    private $pool = array();
    public function getObject() {
        if (!empty($this->pool)) {
            return array_pop($this->pool);
        return new SomeObject();
    public function releaseObject($obj) {
        $this->pool[] = $obj;
  1. Use cache to reduce repeated calculations
    For some time-consuming calculation results, we can use cache to reduce repeated calculations and improve the running efficiency of the program. PHP provides a variety of caching mechanisms, such as Memcached, Redis, etc. Leveraging caching can effectively reduce the number of accesses to the database or computationally intensive operations.
function expensiveCalculation($key) {
    $result = getFromCache($key);
    if ($result === null) {
        $result = performCalculation();
        setToCache($key, $result);
    return $result;
  1. Use PHP's built-in functions
    PHP provides many built-in functions, which are optimized and implemented in C language. Using these functions can improve the execution efficiency of the program. . For example, using the built-in function array_map is more efficient than writing a loop to implement the map operation yourself.
// 使用自定义循环
function myMap($arr, $function) {
    $result = array();
    foreach ($arr as $item) {
        $result[] = $function(item);
    return $result;

// 使用内置函数
$result = array_map($function, $arr);

By understanding PHP’s underlying memory management principles and some performance optimization techniques, we can write more efficient PHP applications. In addition to some of the tips mentioned in this article, there are many other performance optimization methods, such as using cache, avoiding too many recursive calls, reducing file I/O, etc. I hope this article can help readers better understand PHP's memory management and performance optimization and apply it in actual development.

The above is the detailed content of PHP underlying memory management and performance optimization. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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