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Baidu showcases a variety of AI native applications, leading generative AI into the "iPhone moment"

2023-10-20 08:21:081060browse

Since the rise of AI in 2012, it is generally believed that only China and the United States compete in this high-tech field in the world, and the two countries have long maintained a neck-and-neck posture.

However, if Chinese companies are ahead of their American counterparts in the field of AI for the first time, it must be this time in 2023.

The 2023 Baidu World Conference will be held in Beijing Shougang Park on October 17. As a benchmark in the AI ​​industry, Baidu released more than ten AI native applications and nearly 50 AI technology exhibitions at this conference. Executives gave 30 hours of AI keynote speeches. Robin Li, founder, chairman and CEO of Baidu, Teach you step by step how to make AI native applications.

This is quite similar to the scene when the App Store was released in 2008. A new technology, a new ecology, and a new business model were about to emerge at the same time.

百度亮出多款AI原生应用, 引领生成式AI迈入 “iPhone时刻”

Since the arrival of the big model era known as "AI 2.0", Baidu has become one of the few domestic technology companies that can predict the general trend of AI development early and insist on long-term investment many years ago.

With long-term technology accumulation in the field of artificial intelligence and high-pressure, marathon R&D investment, Baidu is not only the first company in China to launch an AI large language model, but also one of the few in the world to truly realize the "chip-framework" in the field of AI. -Model-Application” technology enterprise with full-stack layout.

At this conference, Baidu has unprecedentedly showcased more than ten AI native applications at once, which is the result of its accumulation and precipitation in the field of AI technology over the years. It fully demonstrates Baidu’s expertise in AI large models and their applications. It has technological advantages and unsurpassed AI product development capabilities.

Looking back at the peaks of previous technological waves in the past 20 years, the biggest advantage of Chinese enterprises is the huge market and massive fertile ground for industrial applications.

These "available, easy-to-use, and worth-using" AI native applications launched by Baidu this time are the main promoters of democratizing generative AI, and can truly help users and customers improve quality, reduce costs, and increase growth. efficiency and the role of expanding the boundaries of capabilities, empowering thousands of industries.

As the leader of the AI ​​industry on a new track and a new journey, Baidu has also started its own "iPhone moment."

Commercial application, leading the new development track of generative AI

Since this year, the “big model arms race” in the global science and technology field has accelerated. However, as the underlying technology base, large models cannot directly create commercial benefits.

As a tool that replaces human labor, generative AI’s ultimate value must be reflected in business implementation. This understanding has gradually become a consensus in the industry, and many technology companies have begun to shift their focus from independent research and development of large models to the development of generative AI applications and products based on large models.

Baidu has already had "foresight" about this.

At this year’s Baidu World Conference, Robin Li once again said: “Without a rich AI native application ecosystem built on basic models, large models are worthless.”

In other words, it is meaningless to simply roll up large models. The ultimate goal of research and development of large AI models is to implement and transform them into tools that can be used by ordinary people. The "volume" model is not as good as the "volume" application. Large models may eventually fall into one or a few categories of models, but there are thousands of applications.

"Volume" application happens to be the strength of Chinese companies.

Looking back at the mobile Internet wave at the beginning of the 21st century, China, which was originally a latecomer, relied on its commercial innovation in mobile Internet application tools and products, relying on the world's largest consumer market, to give birth to Alibaba, Tencent, and Baidu. , JD.com, ByteDance and other Internet giants. In the emerging Internet era dominated by generative AI, Chinese technology giants are expected to once again replicate the glory of the mobile Internet era.

Among many Chinese technology companies, Baidu undoubtedly has the absolute lead in the field of AI applications.

Its advantages not only come from its applications covering hundreds of industries or scenarios such as intelligent search engines, digital marketing, information consulting, smart homes, autonomous driving, mobile maps, travel and tourism, knowledge libraries, etc., which is conducive to AI technology and products It has been commercialized; and it has a leading layout in the chips, frameworks, and model layers that support the application layer. It can be said that Baidu has no shortcomings in this field.

百度亮出多款AI原生应用, 引领生成式AI迈入 “iPhone时刻” Baidu has a layout in the four-layer technology stack of generative AI

Image source: Baidu Intelligent Cloud official website

At the chip level, Kunlun Core’s second-generation AI chip has been officially released and mass-produced in August 2021. It uses Kunlun Core’s self-developed new generation XPU-R architecture and is the first domestic general-purpose AI chip using GDDR6 video memory. , the performance is improved by 2-3 times compared to the first generation, and it can support functions such as hardware virtualization, inter-chip interconnection, and video encoding and decoding. Delivery to Internet and various industry customers has been launched in 2021, and the current commercialization is progressing smoothly.

百度亮出多款AI原生应用, 引领生成式AI迈入 “iPhone时刻” Baidu’s second generation Kunlun core AI chip

Picture source: Kunlun Core official website

At the framework level, Baidu PaddlePaddle is based on Baidu’s years of deep learning technology research and business applications. It is China’s first open source, feature-rich, industrial-level deep learning platform independently developed by Baidu. Flying Paddle has now become the world's mainstream deep learning framework, and there are more than 30 types of chips or IP adapted to Flying Paddle.

At the model level, Baidu officially released Wenxin Model 4.0 at this conference. Robin Li said that this is the most powerful Wenxin large model to date. It has achieved a comprehensive upgrade of the basic model and has significantly improved its understanding, generation, logic and memory capabilities. Its comprehensive capabilities are "nothing compared to GPT-4." Not inferior."

百度亮出多款AI原生应用, 引领生成式AI迈入 “iPhone时刻”

Baidu World Conference releases Wenxin Big Model 4.0

To the B-side, Baidu Qianfan Large Model Platform has become China's largest and most open large model development platform. Not only 42 mainstream large models have settled in, but also 17,000 companies have developed industrial models and solutions here, covering Nearly 500 scenes from all walks of life were included.

Baidu AI native application, turning on the “iPhone moment” of generative AI

Relying on the leading four-layer architecture mentioned above, Baidu is accelerating its development in the field of generative AI. All of the more than ten AI native applications released and explained at the scene, including Baidu Search, Baidu Library, and Baidu Netdisk, are "capable of playing."

Through the on-site demonstration, you can see that these national-level applications that everyone is very familiar with have been completely transformed by AI "reconstruction". Compared with traditional Internet products, the overall user experience of AI-empowered applications has been significantly upgraded, and intelligent interaction capabilities are more powerful. The human-machine prompt interaction model will continue to change users' usage habits in a subtle way, helping users to work, live and entertain with higher quality and efficiency, thereby evolving a new business model.

百度亮出多款AI原生应用, 引领生成式AI迈入 “iPhone时刻”

For example, the "highlight" of this conference, Wenxin Model 4.0, has significantly improved its four major abilities of understanding, generation, logic, and memory compared to version 3.5. At the scene, Robin Li also demonstrated Wen Xinyiyan's ability to understand complex prompt words such as out-of-sequence, vague intentions, and subtext, as well as his creative ability to quickly generate advertising posters, advertising copy, and marketing videos based on the materials.

百度亮出多款AI原生应用, 引领生成式AI迈入 “iPhone时刻”

The four major abilities of Wenxin Big Model have been comprehensively improved

Baidu Wenxin Yiyan APP, which was officially launched in March, has now formed the largest prompt ecosystem in the country, covering nearly 10,000 prompt words, and the cumulative usage of the online prompt words has reached 20 million times. Wen Xin Yi Yan APP can be well integrated into personal study, office, creation, painting, chat and other scenarios, becoming a high-quality AI assistant for users.

Many netizens have discovered that the experience of searching on Baidu has changed a lot in 2023. Behind this, Baidu's housekeeping products are once again undergoing reconstruction. Baidu's new search has three characteristics: ultimate satisfaction, recommendation stimulation and multiple rounds of interaction.

When users search for questions, the new search will "no longer give you a bunch of links", but will generate multi-modal answers in text, pictures, and dynamic charts through understanding the content, allowing users to get answers in one step. When targeting complex needs, the "multi-round interaction" feature can also meet users' more personalized search needs through prompts, adjustments, etc.

Such AI interactive search not only improves the quality and efficiency of user searches and saves time browsing irrelevant and useless information, but also breaks through the application scope of search and expands product boundaries, which will lead to intergenerational changes in the search industry.

百度亮出多款AI原生应用, 引领生成式AI迈入 “iPhone时刻”

Three major characteristics of Baidu’s new search

Robin Li also demonstrated the first generative business intelligence product in China - Baidu GBI - built with AI native thinking.

Compared with the high threshold and difficulty of data analysis of traditional BI software, Baidu GBI can perform data query and analysis tasks through natural language interaction, and also supports the injection of professional knowledge. Baidu GBI can shorten the data analysis and report writing work that takes business analysts more than ten days to complete to minutes, greatly liberating the labor force, improving work efficiency, and supporting faster and better business decisions.

百度亮出多款AI原生应用, 引领生成式AI迈入 “iPhone时刻”

The first generative BI in China——Baidu GBI

By understanding and regenerating massive documents, pictures and videos, Baidu Netdisk and Wenku have the ability to create: Netdisk can not only accurately locate a certain frame of the video, but also summarize the entire length of the video in a few seconds. 1-hour video content, and extract golden sentences and key points from it; the library is based on 1 billion high-quality materials to assist in writing manuscripts and making PPT, becoming a veritable "productivity tool".

As of now, Baidu New Library has more than 13 million users, more than 100 million functions have been used, more than 20 million content has been generated, and more than 2 million PPTs have been generated. As a "one-stop intelligent document creation platform", Baidu Wenku can not only improve the work quality and sales of workers, but also significantly improve the professionalism of the output content in a short period of time, completely subverting our office, study and creation habit.

百度亮出多款AI原生应用, 引领生成式AI迈入 “iPhone时刻”

One-stop intelligent document creation platform—Baidu New Library

Another Baidu flagship product, Baidu Maps, has also been reshaped and upgraded into a travel guide for users. Baidu Maps, which has been transformed by AI, has been upgraded to the world's first AI-native map product. Users only need to state their needs, and Maps can mobilize thousands of service interfaces to help users recommend restaurants, compare information on multiple locations, give travel suggestions, etc. Multi-level menus become one-step direct access, quick response, and no longer require complex operations. .

百度亮出多款AI原生应用, 引领生成式AI迈入 “iPhone时刻”

The world’s first AI native map product—Baidu Map

Speaking of Baidu’s AI native commercial applications, we have to mention Baidu’s “AI Native commercial panoramic application” that enables “one person to become an AI marketing team”. Relying on the AI ​​marketing "Family Bucket", Baidu's "AI Native Business Panoramic Application" reconstructs the marketing business ecosystem with generative AI technology. It can improve the efficiency and effectiveness of advertising and reduce marketing costs at the customer level. It will transform Internet marketing at the industry level. Traditional model.

百度亮出多款AI原生应用, 引领生成式AI迈入 “iPhone时刻”

Baidu Marketing releases “AI Native Business Panoramic Application”

The new AI business engine "Yangji" has three core breakthroughs:

The first is generative targeting. For the first time in the industry, advertisements are directly generated based on generative retrieval, which greatly improves system recall efficiency;

The second is generative creativity, which reconstructs creative copywriting through AI large models and realizes online real-time personalized generation to provide better creativity;

The third is to build a new generation of end-to-end intelligent advertising auction framework to achieve globally optimal advertising distribution and billing, greatly improving the distribution efficiency of the system.

The world's first AI Native marketing platform "Qingge" built on the technical core "Yangji" has AI capabilities such as insight, analysis, and production, helping customers easily place advertisements and directly bring benefits. By using "Qingge", users can generate 100 pieces of copywriting in 2 minutes and create a digital human video in 5 minutes. At present, Qingge has covered more than 400 companies, the average advertising creation time has been shortened from 2 hours to 5 minutes, and the average conversion volume has increased by 10%.

The first new generative AI conversational marketing product "Brand BOT" unveiled in China is based on the brand's large model "brain". It can not only support enterprises in promoting brand culture and products, but also answer users' questions and enhance users' trust in the brand. and stickiness. The well-known domestic brand "Feihe" is the first to use the brand BOT to interact with consumers in a conversational manner using a digital person in the image of a mother.

Baidu ecosystem links 1 billion users and millions of ecological partners, and is an important battlefield for Baidu application layer reconstruction. These extensive and content-rich AI native applications are laying a solid foundation for Baidu to build a prosperous native application ecosystem.

The generative AI products released by Baidu this time that are "available, easy to use and worth using" will set industry benchmarks, lead industry trends, inspire many technology companies to pay attention and focus on the field of generative AI commercial applications, and promote the overall industry Development, starting the “iPhone moment” of generative AI.

At this conference, Baidu will promote generative AI applications to the general public and all walks of life for the first time in the world. It also has high "positive externalities" for the entire society.

On the one hand, these "available, easy-to-use, and worth-using" generative AI tools have truly achieved "zero threshold" for ordinary users to use high technology, making professional and efficient production and life tools no longer just for a few people. Using tools, everyone can enjoy the convenience, speed and efficiency brought by high technology, truly achieving the "universalization" and "universalization" of AI.

On the other hand, as large model technology continues to improve, a large number of AI native applications will continue to emerge, digital technology and the real economy will be deeply integrated, and generative AI will empower thousands of industries. At present, Baidu's generative AI technology has been applied in real industries such as manufacturing, energy, electric power, chemical industry, and transportation, including using intelligent inspections to reduce safety hazards, using intelligent scheduling to shorten delivery cycles, using intelligent decision-making to improve enterprise efficiency, and using intelligent Information control solves traffic congestion and so on.

In the future, Baidu will use its "all-inclusive" AI native applications to promote the efficiency and quality improvement of the entire society in production, life, and work. It is expected to lead generative AI to bring unprecedented "efficiency" to the entire society. revolution".

The above is the detailed content of Baidu showcases a variety of AI native applications, leading generative AI into the "iPhone moment". For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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