Home >Web Front-end >JS Tutorial >Example of the mini-game 'Flappy Pig' implemented in pure javascript_javascript skills
The example in this article describes the small game "Flappy Pig" implemented in pure JavaScript. Share it with everyone for your reference. The details are as follows:
Flappy Pig is Pig, a web version of "Flappy Bird" written in native javascript. I also wonder why I came up with this thing, and it took me a precious weekend, but since I wrote it, I will share it with everyone.
option.js is as follows:
/** * 原生javascript实现的《Flappy Pig》v0.1.0 * ======================================= * @author keenwon * Full source at http://keenwon.com */ var flappy = (function (self) { 'use strict'; //设置 self.option = { //重力加速度,屏幕像素和实际物理上的米有差别,所以存在换算 g: 400, //跳跃的初速度,控制猪的弹跳力 v0: 400, //柱子移动速度 vp: 2.5, //频率,控制动画帧数,默认20ms frequency: 20, //关卡数 levels: 100, //开头的空白距离 safeLift: 500, //地板高度(和图片有关) floorHeight: 64, //猪的宽度 pigWidth: 33, //猪的高度 pigHeight: 30, //猪当前高度 pigY: 300, //猪距离左边的距离, pigLeft: 80, //柱子Html pillarHtml: '<div class="top"></div><div class="bottom"></div>', //柱子宽度 pillarWidth: 45, //柱子上下间隔高度 pillarGapY: 108, //柱子左右间隔宽度 pillarGapX: 250, //上柱子的基础定位值(就是top值,和css写法有关) pillarTop: -550, //下柱子的基础定位值 pillarBottom: -500 }; return self; })(flappy || {})
util.js is as follows:
/** * 原生javascript实现的《Flappy Pig》v0.1.0 * ======================================= * @author keenwon * Full source at http://keenwon.com */ var flappy = (function (self) { 'use strict'; //工具 self.util = { preventDefaultEvent: function (event) { event = window.event || event; if (event) { if (event.preventDefault) { event.preventDefault(); } else { event.returnValue = false; } } }, $: function (id) { return document.getElementById(id); }, getChilds: function (obj) { var childs = obj.children || obj.childNodes, childsArray = new Array(); for (var i = 0, len = childs.length; i < len; i++) { if (childs[i].nodeType == 1) { childsArray.push(childs[i]); } } return childsArray; } }; return self; })(flappy || {})
pig.js is as follows:
/** * 原生javascript实现的《Flappy Pig》v0.1.0 * ======================================= * @author keenwon * Full source at http://keenwon.com */ var flappy = (function (self) { 'use strict'; var option = self.option, $ = self.util.$; //猪 self.pig = { Y: 0, //猪当前高度(底边) init: function (overCallback, controller) { var t = this; t.s = 0, //位移 t.time = 0, //时间 t.$pig = $('pig'); t.$pig.style.left = option.pigLeft + 'px'; t._controller = controller; t._addListener(overCallback); }, //添加监听 _addListener: function (overCallback) { this._overCallback = overCallback; }, //启动 start: function () { var t = this, interval = option.frequency / 1000; t.s = option.v0 * t.time - t.time * t.time * option.g * 2; //竖直上抛运动公式 t.Y = option.pigY + t.s; if (t.Y >= option.floorHeight) { t.$pig.style.bottom = t.Y + 'px'; } else { t._dead(); } t.time += interval; }, //跳 jump: function () { var t = this; option.pigY = parseInt(t.$pig.style.bottom); t.s = 0; t.time = 0; }, //撞到地面时触发 _dead: function () { this._overCallback.call(this._controller); }, //撞到地面的处理 fall: function () { var t = this; //摔到地上,修正高度 t.Y = option.floorHeight; t.$pig.style.bottom = t.Y + 'px'; }, //撞到柱子的处理 hit: function () { var t = this; //坠落 var timer = setInterval(function () { t.$pig.style.bottom = t.Y + 'px'; if (t.Y <= option.floorHeight) { clearInterval(timer); } t.Y -= 12; }, option.frequency); } }; return self; })(flappy || {})
pillar.js is as follows:
/** * 原生javascript实现的《Flappy Pig》v0.1.0 * ======================================= * @author keenwon * Full source at http://keenwon.com */ var flappy = (function (self) { 'use strict'; var option = self.option, util = self.util, $ = util.$; //柱子 self.pillar = { currentId: -1, //当前柱子id init: function () { var t = this; //缓存上下柱子位置的换算因子 t._factor = option.pillarBottom - option.pillarGapY + 450; //s表示一个位置,到达这个位置的柱子就是“当前的柱子”,就算是靠近猪了,开始计算猪有没有撞到这根柱子,10是提前量。 t._s = option.pigLeft + option.pigWidth + 10; t._render(); }, //把柱子渲染到DOM树中 _render: function () { var t = this, initleft = option.safeLift; t.left = 0; t.dom = document.createElement('div'); t.dom.className = t.dom.id = 'pillarWrapper'; for (var i = 0, j = option.levels; i < j; i++) { var el = document.createElement('div'); el.innerHTML = option.pillarHtml; el.className = 'pillar'; el.id = 'pillar-' + i; el.style.left = initleft + 'px'; var childs = util.getChilds(el), topEl = childs[0], bottomEl = childs[1], pos = t._random(i); topEl.style.top = pos.top + 'px'; bottomEl.style.bottom = pos.bottom + 'px'; el.setAttribute('top', 600 + pos.top); el.setAttribute('bottom', 0 - pos.bottom); t.dom.appendChild(el); initleft += option.pillarGapX; } $('screen').appendChild(t.dom); }, //计算柱子位置 _random: function (i) { var t = this, x = Math.random(), h = Math.abs(Math.sin((i+1) * x)) * 290; return { top: option.pillarTop + h, bottom: t._factor - h } }, //移动柱子 move: function () { var t = this; t.dom.style.left = -t.left + 'px'; t._find(t.left); t.left += option.vp; }, //找到当前的柱子 _find: function (l) { var t = this, x = (t._s + l - option.safeLift) / option.pillarGapX, intX = parseInt(x); //intX是当前柱子 if (x > 0 && t.currentId != intX && Math.abs(x - intX) < 0.1) { t.currentId = intX; } } }; return self; })(flappy || {})
position.js is as follows:
/** * 原生javascript实现的《Flappy Pig》v0.1.0 * ======================================= * @author keenwon * Full source at http://keenwon.com */ var flappy = (function (self) { 'use strict'; var pig = self.pig, pillar = self.pillar, option = self.option, $ = self.util.$; //位置判断 self.position = { init: function (overCallback, controller) { var t = this; t.pillarWrapper = $('pillarWrapper'); t.pigX1 = option.pigLeft, t.pigX2 = option.pigLeft + option.pigWidth, //猪的左右位置,固定的 t._controller = controller; t._addListener(overCallback); }, //添加监听 _addListener: function (overCallback) { this._overCallback = overCallback; }, judge: function () { var t = this, currentPillar = $('pillar-' + pillar.currentId); if (pillar.currentId == -1) { return; } t.pigY2 = 600 - pig.Y; t.pigY1 = t.pigY2 - option.pigHeight; //猪的上下位置 t.pY1 = currentPillar.getAttribute('top'); t.pY2 = currentPillar.getAttribute('bottom'); t.pX1 = parseInt(currentPillar.style.left) + parseInt(t.pillarWrapper.style.left); t.pX2 = t.pX1 + option.pillarWidth; //柱子的上下左右位置 console.log(t.pillarWrapper.style.left); if (option.pigLeft + option.pigWidth >= t.pX1 && option.pigLeft <= t.pX2) { if (t.pigY1 < t.pY1 || t.pigY2 > t.pY2) { t._dead(); } } }, //撞到柱子时触发 _dead: function () { this._overCallback.call(this._controller); }, }; return self; })(flappy || {})
controller.js is as follows:
/** * 原生javascript实现的《Flappy Pig》v0.1.0 * ======================================= * @author keenwon * Full source at http://keenwon.com */ var flappy = (function (self) { 'use strict'; var pig = self.pig, pillar = self.pillar, pos = self.position, util = self.util, $ = util.$, option = self.option; //控制器 self.controller = { init: function () { var t = this; t._isStart = false; t._timer = null; pig.init(t.fall, t); pillar.init(); pos.init(t.hit, t); t.addKeyListener(); }, addKeyListener: function () { var t = this; document.onkeydown = function (e) { var e = e || event; var currKey = e.keyCode || e.which || e.charCode; if (currKey == 32) { t.jump(); util.preventDefaultEvent(e); } } }, jump: function () { var t = this; if (!t._isStart) { $('begin').style.display = 'none'; t._createTimer(function () { pig.start(); pillar.move(); pos.judge(); $('score').innerHTML = pillar.currentId + 1; }); t._isStart = true; } else { pig.jump(); } }, hit: function () { var t = this; t.over(); pig.hit(); }, fall: function () { var t = this; t.over(); pig.fall(); }, over: function () { var t = this; clearInterval(t._timer); $('end').style.display = 'block'; }, _createTimer: function (fn) { var t = this; t._timer = setInterval(fn, option.frequency); } }; return self; })(flappy || {})
game.js is as follows:
/** * 原生javascript实现的《Flappy Pig》v0.1.0 * ======================================= * @author keenwon * Full source at http://keenwon.com */ var flappy = (function (self) { 'use strict'; var controller = self.controller, option = self.option, pig = self.pig, pillar = self.pillar, pos = self.position, util = self.util, $ = self.util.$; //主程序 self.game = { init: function () { var t = this; t._isStart = false; t._isEnd = false; t._timer = null; pig.init(t.fall, t); pillar.init(); pos.init(t.hit, t); t.addKeyListener(); }, addKeyListener: function () { var t = this; document.onkeydown = function (e) { var e = e || event; var currKey = e.keyCode || e.which || e.charCode; if (currKey == 32) { if (!t._isEnd) { t.jump(); } else { window.location.reload(); } util.preventDefaultEvent(e); } } }, jump: function () { var t = this; if (!t._isStart) { $('start').style.display = 'none'; t._createTimer(function () { pig.start(); pillar.move(); pos.judge(); $('score').innerHTML = pillar.currentId + 1; }); t._isStart = true; } else { pig.jump(); } }, hit: function () { var t = this; t.over(); pig.hit(); }, fall: function () { var t = this; t.over(); pig.fall(); }, over: function () { var t = this; clearInterval(t._timer); t._isEnd = true; $('end').style.display = 'block'; }, _createTimer: function (fn) { var t = this; t._timer = setInterval(fn, option.frequency); } }; flappy.init = function () { self.game.init(); } return self; })(flappy || {})
I hope this article will be helpful to everyone’s JavaScript programming design.