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Creating a Custom Directive for WordPress Post Listing on the Front End

2023-08-30 08:13:13617browse

重写后的标题为:Creating a Custom Directive for WordPress Post Listing on the Front End

In the previous part of this series, we bootstrapped the AngularJS application, configured routing for different views, and built services around routing for posts, users, and categories. Using these services, we are now finally able to get data from the server to power the frontend.

In this part of the series, we will work on building a custom AngularJS directive for the post list functionality. In the current installment of this series, we’ll:

  • Introduction to AngularJS directives and why we should create one
  • Directions for planning the post list function and its required parameters

  • Create a custom AngularJS directive and its template for the post list

So let’s first introduce AngularJS directives and why we need them.

Introduction to AngularJS directives

Directives in AngularJS are a way to modify the behavior of HTML elements and reuse repeatable blocks of code. They can be used to modify the structure of HTML elements and their sub-elements, so they are the perfect way to introduce custom UI widgets.

While analyzing the wireframes in the first part of this series, we noticed that the post list functionality is used in three views, namely:

  1. Publish list
  2. About the Author

  3. Category Post List

So instead of writing a separate function to list the posts on these three pages, we can create a custom AngularJS directive that contains the business logic to retrieve the posts using the service we created earlier in this series. In addition to business logic, this directive will also contain rendering logic for listing posts on certain views. Also defined in this directive are the functions of post pagination and retrieval of posts based on certain conditions.

So creating a custom AngularJS directive for the post list functionality allows us to define the functionality in just one place, which will make it easier for us to extend or modify this functionality in the future without having to change the code in all three instances of it. .

With that said, let’s start writing custom directives for the post list functionality.

Custom AngularJS directive for planning post list

Before we start writing any code for building the post list functionality directive, let's analyze the functionality required in the directive.

At the most basic level, we need a directive that can be used on views of the post list, author profile, and category page. This means that we will create a custom UI widget (or DOM tag) placed in the HTML and AngularJS will handle the rest based on the options we provide for the specific instance of the directive.

So we will create a custom UI widget identified by the following tag:


But we also need this instruction to be flexible, that is, take parameters as input and take corresponding actions. Consider a user profile page, where we would like to display only posts belonging to that specific user, or a category page, where posts belonging to that category would be listed. These parameters can be provided in two ways:

  1. As a parameter in the URL
  2. Directly use the directive as an attribute value

Providing parameters in the URL seems to be native to the API, as we are already familiar with doing so. Therefore, a user can retrieve a set of posts belonging to a specific user via:

The above functions can be achieved through the $routeParams service provided by AngularJS. Here we can access the parameters provided by the user in the URL. We already looked at it when registering routes in the previous part of this series.

As for providing parameters directly to the directive as attribute values, we can use the following:

<post-listing post-args="{author=1}"></post-listing>

The post-args attribute in the snippet above takes an argument to retrieve a specific set of posts, currently it takes an author ID. This property can take any number of arguments to retrieve posts supported by the /wp/v2/posts route. So if we want to retrieve a set of posts written by a user with ID 1 and belonging to the category ID 10, we can do something like this:

<post-listing post-args="{author=1, filter[cat]=10}"></post-listing>

The filter[cat] parameter in the above code is used to retrieve a set of posts belonging to a certain category.

Paging is also a basic function when using the post list page. This directive will handle post-pagination, and this functionality will be driven by the values ​​of the X-WP-Total and X-WP-TotalPages headers returned by the server with the response body. Therefore, users will be able to navigate back and forth between the previous set of posts and the next set of posts.

With the meat and potatoes of the custom directive for posting a list determined, we now have a pretty solid foundation to start writing the code.

Build custom directives for post list

Building directives for the post list feature involves two steps:

  1. 创建用于检索帖子和处理其他内容的业务逻辑。
  2. 为这些帖子创建一个渲染视图以显示在页面上。

我们的自定义指令的业务逻辑将在指令声明中处理。为了在 DOM 上呈现数据,我们将创建一个用于列出帖子的自定义模板。让我们从指令声明开始。


AngularJS 中的指令可以使用以下语法为模块声明:

 * Creating a custom directive for posts listing
quiescentApp.directive( 'postListing', [function() {
    return {

}] );

在这里,我们使用模块中可用的 .directive() 方法在模块上声明指令。该方法将指令的名称作为第一个参数,并且该名称与元素标签的名称密切相关。由于我们希望 HTML 元素为 <post-listing></post-listing>,因此我们提供了标签名称的驼峰式表示形式。您可以在官方文档中了解有关 AngularJS 执行的规范化过程以匹配指令名称的更多信息。

我们在上面的代码中使用的用于声明指令的符号称为安全样式的依赖注入。在这种表示法中,我们提供了一个依赖项数组作为指令所需的第二个参数。目前,我们尚未为自定义指令定义任何依赖项。但由于我们需要 Posts 服务来检索帖子(我们在本系列的上一部分中创建的)以及本机 AngularJS 的 $routeParams $location服务用于访问URL参数和当前路径,我们定义如下:

 * Creating a custom directive for posts listing
quiescentApp.directive( 'postListing', ['$routeParams', '$location', 'Posts', function( $routeParams, $location, Posts ) {
    return {
        restrict: 'E',
        scope: {
            postArgs: '='
        link: function( $scope, $elem, $attr ) {
}] );

然后,这些依赖项可供定义为数组最后一个元素的函数使用。该函数返回一个包含指令定义的对象。目前,我们在指令定义对象中有两个属性,即 restrictlink

restrict 选项定义了我们在代码中使用指令的方式,该选项可以有四个可能的值:

  1. A:用于将指令用作现有 HTML 元素的属性。
  2. E:用于使用指令作为元素名称。

  3. C:用于使用指令作为类名。

  4. M:用于将该指令用作 HTML 注释。

restrict 选项也可以接受上述四个值的任意组合。

由于我们希望指令成为新元素 <post-listing></post-listing>,因此我们将限制选项设置为 E。如果我们要使用预先存在的 HTML 元素上的属性来定义指令,那么我们可以将此选项设置为 A。在这种情况下,我们可以使用 在 HTML 代码中定义该指令。

第二个 <code class="inline">scope 属性用于修改指令的范围。默认情况下, <code class="inline">scope 属性的值为 false,这意味着指令的范围与其父级的范围相同。当我们向它传递一个对象时,会为该指令创建一个隔离的范围,并且需要由其父级传递给该指令的任何数据都通过 HTML 属性传递。这就是我们在代码中所做的,我们使用的属性是 post-args,它被标准化为 postArgs


<code class="inline">scope 对象中的 postArgs 属性可以接受以下三个值中的任意一个:

  1. =:表示传递给属性的值将被视为对象。
  2. @:这意味着传递到属性的值将被视为纯字符串。

  3. &:表示传递给属性的值将被视为函数。

由于我们选择使用 = 值,因此传递到 post-args 属性的任何值都将被视为 JSON 对象,我们可以使用该对象作为检索帖子的参数。

第三个属性 link 用于定义一个函数,该函数用于操作 DOM 并定义该指令所需的 API 和函数。该函数是处理指令所有逻辑的地方。

link 函数接受作用域对象、指令的 HTML 元素以及指令的 HTML 元素上定义的属性的对象的参数。目前,我们分别为范围对象和 HTML 元素传递两个参数 $scope$elem

让我们在 $scope 属性上定义一些变量,我们将使用该变量在 DOM 上呈现帖子列表功能。

 * Creating a custom directive for posts listing
quiescentApp.directive( 'postListing', ['$routeParams', '$location', 'Posts', function( $routeParams, $location, Posts ) {
    return {
        restrict: 'E',
        scope: {
            postArgs: '='
        link: function( $scope, $elem, $attr ) {
            // defining variables on the $scope object
            $scope.posts = [];
            $scope.postHeaders = {};
            $scope.currentPage = $routeParams.page ? Math.abs( $routeParams.page ) : 1;
            $scope.nextPage = null;
            $scope.previousPage = null;
            $scope.routeContext = $location.path();
}] );

因此,我们在 $scope 对象上定义了六个属性,我们可以在 DOM 中访问它们。这些属性是:

  1. $posts:保存服务器返回的 post 对象的数组。
  2. $postHeaders:用于保存服务器将与响应正文一起返回的标头的对象。我们将使用它们来处理导航。

  3. $currentPage:保存当前页码的整型变量。

  4. $previousPage:保存上一页页码的变量。

  5. $nextPage:保存下一页编号的变量。

  6. $routeContext:用于使用 $location 服务访问当前路径。

我们之前为 HTML 属性定义的 postArgs 属性已在指令内的 $scope 对象上可用。

现在我们准备使用 Posts 服务向服务器发出请求以检索帖子。但在此之前,我们必须考虑用户作为 URL 参数提供的参数以及 post-args 属性中提供的参数。为此,我们将创建一个函数,使用 $routeParams 服务来提取 URL 参数,并将它们与通过 post-args 属性提供的参数合并: p>

 * Creating a custom directive for posts listing
quiescentApp.directive( 'postListing', ['$routeParams', '$location', 'Posts', function( $routeParams, $location, Posts ) {
    return {
        restrict: 'E',
        scope: {
            postArgs: '='
        link: function( $scope, $elem, $attr ) {
            // defining variables on the $scope object
            $scope.posts = [];
            $scope.postHeaders = {};
            $scope.currentPage = $routeParams.page ? Math.abs( $routeParams.page ) : 1;
            $scope.nextPage = null;
            $scope.previousPage = null;
            $scope.routeContext = $location.path();
            // preparing query arguments
            var prepareQueryArgs = function() {
                var tempParams = $routeParams;
                delete tempParams.id;
                return angular.merge( {}, $scope.postArgs, tempParams );
}] );

上述代码中的 prepareQueryArgs() 方法使用 angular.merge() 方法,该方法扩展了 $scope。 postArgs 对象与 $routeParams 对象。但在合并这两个对象之前,它首先使用 delete 运算符从 $routeParams 对象中删除 id 属性。这是必要的,因为我们将在类别和用户视图上使用此指令,并且我们不希望类别和用户 ID 被错误地解释为帖子 ID。

准备好查询参数后,我们终于准备好调用服务器并检索帖子,我们使用 Posts.query() 方法来执行此操作,该方法采用两个参数:

  1. 包含用于进行查询的参数的对象。
  2. 查询完成后执行的回调函数。

因此,我们将使用 prepareQueryArgs() 函数为查询参数准备一个对象,并在回调函数中设置 上某些变量的值$scope 属性:

// make the request and query posts
Posts.query( prepareQueryArgs(), function( data, headers ) {
    $scope.posts = data;
    $scope.postHeaders = headers();
    $scope.previousPage = ( ( $scope.currentPage + 1 ) > $scope.postHeaders['x-wp-totalpages'] ) ? null : ( $scope.currentPage + 1 );
    $scope.nextPage = ( ( $scope.currentPage - 1 ) > 0 ) ? ( $scope.currentPage - 1 ) : null;

回调函数获取响应正文和响应标头的两个参数。这些分别由 dataheaders 参数表示。

headers 参数是一个函数,它返回一个包含服务器响应标头的对象。

剩下的代码非常不言自明,因为我们正在设置 $scope.posts 数组的值。为了设置 $scope.previousPage$scope.nextPage 变量的值,我们使用 x-wp-totalpages 属性postHeaders 对象。



为了使我们的指令发挥作用,我们需要做的最后一件事是为帖子列表制作一个单独的模板并将其链接到指令。为此,我们需要修改指令声明并包含 templateUrl 属性,如下所示:

 * Creating a custom directive for posts listing
quiescentApp.directive( 'postListing', ['$routeParams', '$location', 'Posts', function( $routeParams, $location, Posts ) {
    return {
        restrict: 'E',
        scope: {
            postArgs: '='
        templateUrl: 'views/directive-post-listing.html',
        link: function( $scope, $elem, $attr ) {
}] );

上面代码中的 templateUrl 属性引用了 views 目录中名为 directive-post-listing.html 的文件。因此,在 views 文件夹中创建此文件并粘贴以下 HTML 代码:

<!-- post listing starts -->
<article class="post-entry">
    <h2 class="post-title"><a href="post-single.html">Good design is a lot like clear thinking made visual.</a></h2>
    <figure class="post-thumbnail">
        <img src="img/img-712-348.jpg" alt="Featured Image">
    <p class="post-meta">
        By <a href="author.html">Bilal Shahid</a> in <a href="category.html">Quotes</a>
    <div class="post-content">
        <p>Created days forth. Dominion. Subdue very hath spirit us sixth fish creepeth also. First meat one forth above. You'll Fill for. Can't evening one lights won't. Great of make firmament image. Life his beginning blessed lesser meat spirit blessed seas created green great beginning can't doesn't void moving. Subdue evening make spirit lesser greater all living green firmament winged saw tree one divide wherein divided shall dry very lesser saw, earth the. Light their the.</p>
<!-- post listing ends -->

<!-- pagination links start -->
<div class="post-pagination">
    <a href="#" class="button">Older Posts</a>
    <a href="#" class="button">Newer Posts</a>
<!-- pagination links end -->

这是非常基本的 HTML 代码,表示单个帖子条目和帖子分页。我已从 views/listing.html 文件中复制了它。我们将使用一些 AngularJS 指令,包括 ng-repeatng-hrefng-srcng -bind-html,显示当前驻留在指令的 $scope 属性中的数据。

将 HTML 代码修改为以下内容:

<!-- post listing starts -->
<article class="post-entry" ng-repeat="post in posts">
    <h2 class="post-title"><a ng-href="#/posts/{{post.slug}}">{{post.title.rendered}}</a></h2>
    <figure class="post-thumbnail" ng-show="post.quiescent_featured_image">
        <img ng-src="{{post.quiescent_featured_image}}" alt="Featured Image">
    <p class="post-meta">
        By <a ng-href="#/users/{{post.author}}">{{post.quiescent_author_name}}</a> 
        in <a ng-href="#/categories/{{category.term_id}}" ng-repeat="category in post.quiescent_categories">{{category.name}}{{$last ? '' : ', '}}</a>
    <div class="post-content" ng-bind-html="post.excerpt.rendered"></div>
<!-- post listing ends -->

上面的代码使用 ng-repeat 指令来迭代 $scope.posts 数组。指令声明中 $scope 对象上定义的任何属性都可以直接在模板中使用。因此,我们在模板中将 $scope.posts 数组直接引用为 posts

通过使用 ng-repeat 指令,我们确保 article.post-entry 容器将在 中的每个帖子中重复posts 数组,每个帖子在内循环中被称为 post 。这个 post 对象包含服务器返回的 JSON 格式的数据,包含帖子标题、帖子 ID、帖子内容和特色图像链接等属性,这是同伴添加的附加字段插件。

在下一步中,我们将帖子标题、帖子链接和特色图像链接等值替换为 post 对象中的属性。


<!-- pagination links start -->
<div class="post-pagination">
    <a ng-href="#{{routeContext}}?page={{nextPage}}" class="button" ng-class="{'disabled': !nextPage}">Newer Posts</a>
    <a ng-href="#{{routeContext}}?page={{previousPage}}" class="button" ng-class="{'disabled': !previousPage}">Older Posts</a>
<!-- pagination links end -->

我们首先访问我们在指令声明中定义的 routeContext 属性,并使用 ?page= 参数作为后缀,并使用 nextPagepreviousPage 变量用于在帖子之间来回导航。我们还检查下一页或上一页链接是否不是 null,否则我们将 .disabled 类添加到 Zurb Foundation 提供的按钮。

现在我们已经完成了该指令,是时候对其进行测试了。我们通过在 HTML 中放置一个 &lt;post-listing&gt;&lt;/post-listing&gt; 标签来实现这一点,最好位于 <footer></footer> 的上方标签。这样做意味着帖子列表将出现在页脚上方。不要担心格式和样式,我们将在本系列的下一部分中处理它们。

这就是为帖子列表功能创建自定义 AngularJS 指令的过程。


在有关使用 WP REST API 和 AngularJS 创建前端的系列的当前部分中,我们为帖子列表功能构建了一个自定义 AngularJS 指令。该指令使用我们在本系列前面部分创建的 Posts 服务。该指令还以 HTML 属性和 URL 参数的形式获取用户输入。


The above is the detailed content of Creating a Custom Directive for WordPress Post Listing on the Front End. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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