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Deep Dive: PayPal Integration Part 2: PayPal REST API

2023-08-29 12:45:01822browse

深入解析:PayPal整合第二部分:PayPal REST API

In this tutorial, I will show you how to make a payment using the PayPal REST API and C#. All the libraries they provide for different languages ​​like Ruby, Node.js, Python, PHP, etc. are very similar, so all the concepts here are applicable to all libraries.

Project settings

First, I created an MVC project in Visual Studio 2015: File > New > Project and selected ASP.NET Application.

深入解析:PayPal整合第二部分:PayPal REST API

Select the ASP.NET 5 Web Application template, which uses the new MVC 6. It's similar to MVC 5 if you're familiar with it.

深入解析:PayPal整合第二部分:PayPal REST API

As you can see in the photo below, I have added some files and folders to the solution. The two main things to note are:

  1. In Reference I removed the target DNX Core 5.0, which allows us to run this project in Mac OS X or Linux, but the PayPal libraries we need have not been updated yet.
  2. I added the "Services" folder where I will encapsulate the logic of the PayPal calls so we can keep the controller clean and simple.

深入解析:PayPal整合第二部分:PayPal REST API

Use NuGet to install the PayPal SDK. Right-click the solution name and select Manage NuGet Packages, then search for "PayPal" and install it.

深入解析:PayPal整合第二部分:PayPal REST API

Create PayPal App

To integrate our application with PayPal, we need to navigate to PayPal Developers and under REST API Applications, click Create Application.

深入解析:PayPal整合第二部分:PayPal REST API

Name your app and select a sandbox developer account to associate with the app. For testing purposes, we can navigate to http://sandbox.paypal.com and log in using the sandbox login details to view a test PayPal account and transactions.

深入解析:PayPal整合第二部分:PayPal REST API

After clicking Create Application we will see a confirmation screen containing the Client ID and Secret Token.

深入解析:PayPal整合第二部分:PayPal REST API

Copy the clientId and clientSecret tokens to appsettings.json as shown in the screenshot below:

深入解析:PayPal整合第二部分:PayPal REST API

Test Payment

PayPal provides a sandbox environment for testing. From there you can create test buyer and seller accounts. After signing up, you will have an enterprise account in the sandbox tied to your developer account.

To create a new test account, log in to the developer website, then click the Control Panel tab and navigate to Sandbox > Accounts. You can see a list of test accounts (if available) here:

深入解析:PayPal整合第二部分:PayPal REST API

If you haven't created a test account yet, go ahead and click Create AccountIn the upper right corner, create at least one test personal account and one test business account.

深入解析:PayPal整合第二部分:PayPal REST API

After you create a test account, you can log in through www.sandbox.paypal.com using the test email address and password you assigned to each account on the previous form. This is useful for testing whether funds will be transferred to your Test Business Account when you make a purchase using your Personal Test Account. Now you're ready to start integrating with PayPal and test whether funds are transferred from one account to another.

Single PayPal Payment

PayPal offers different payment methods. You can use direct credit card payments, which means your customers can't see the PayPal login page or summary - it all happens on your website. To do this you need to be PCI compliant and I recommend using Stripe as you only need SSL using their JavaScript library. To pay via PayPal, on the other hand, there are three steps:

  1. Specify payment information to create a payment.
  2. Get Payment Approval Redirect your customer to PayPal to approve the transaction.
  3. After PayPal redirects your customer back to your website, Execute the payment to get the funds.

In the Services folder of my MVC project, I created the PayPalPaymentService class and added the following methods in it:

public static Payment CreatePayment(string baseUrl, string intent)
    // ### Api Context
    // Pass in a `APIContext` object to authenticate 
    // the call and to send a unique request id 
    // (that ensures idempotency). The SDK generates
    // a request id if you do not pass one explicitly. 
    var apiContext = PayPalConfiguration.GetAPIContext();

    // Payment Resource
    var payment = new Payment()
        intent = intent,    // `sale` or `authorize`
        payer = new Payer() { payment_method = "paypal" },
        transactions = GetTransactionsList(),
        redirect_urls = GetReturnUrls(baseUrl, intent)

    // Create a payment using a valid APIContext
    var createdPayment = payment.Create(apiContext);

    return createdPayment;

private static List<Transaction> GetTransactionsList()
    // A transaction defines the contract of a payment
    // what is the payment for and who is fulfilling it. 
    var transactionList = new List<Transaction>();

    // The Payment creation API requires a list of Transaction; 
    // add the created Transaction to a List
    transactionList.Add(new Transaction()
        description = "Transaction description.",
        invoice_number = GetRandomInvoiceNumber(),
        amount = new Amount()
            currency = "USD",
            total = "100.00",       // Total must be equal to sum of shipping, tax and subtotal.
            details = new Details() // Details: Let's you specify details of a payment amount.
                tax = "15",
                shipping = "10",
                subtotal = "75"
        item_list = new ItemList()
            items = new List<Item>()
                new Item()
                    name = "Item Name",
                    currency = "USD",
                    price = "15",
                    quantity = "5",
                    sku = "sku"
    return transactionList;

private static RedirectUrls GetReturnUrls(string baseUrl, string intent)
    var returnUrl = intent == "sale" ? "/Home/PaymentSuccessful" : "/Home/AuthorizeSuccessful";

    // Redirect URLS
    // These URLs will determine how the user is redirected from PayPal 
    // once they have either approved or canceled the payment.
    return new RedirectUrls()
        cancel_url = baseUrl + "/Home/PaymentCancelled",
        return_url = baseUrl + returnUrl

public static Payment ExecutePayment(string paymentId, string payerId)
    // ### Api Context
    // Pass in a `APIContext` object to authenticate 
    // the call and to send a unique request id 
    // (that ensures idempotency). The SDK generates
    // a request id if you do not pass one explicitly. 
    var apiContext = PayPalConfiguration.GetAPIContext();
    var paymentExecution = new PaymentExecution() { payer_id = payerId };
    var payment = new Payment() { id = paymentId };

    // Execute the payment.
    var executedPayment = payment.Execute(apiContext, paymentExecution);

    return executedPayment;

Some parameters are passed in this call:

  • Intent: Three possible values: "sales" for immediate payment, "authorization" for authorization to capture payment later, or "order" for creating an order. When you are authorized to charge a payment later, you have a 3-day guarantee, but you can try to collect the payment up to 29 days later.
  • Payer: The source of funds for this payment, the payment method used - PayPal Wallet Payment, Bank Direct Debit, or Direct Credit Card.
  • Transaction: is used to specify the payment amount and optionally specify the items to be paid. If required, you can also specify subtotals, shipping costs, and taxes.
  • Redirect URL: Specify the URL to which PayPal redirects your customers after a transaction so that you can update the database and display a confirmation message.

The previous functionality can be used from the controller as follows:

public IActionResult CreatePayment()
    var payment = PayPalPaymentService.CreatePayment(GetBaseUrl(), "sale");
    return Redirect(payment.GetApprovalUrl());

public IActionResult PaymentCancelled()
    // TODO: Handle cancelled payment
    return RedirectToAction("Error");

public IActionResult PaymentSuccessful(string paymentId, string token, string PayerID)
    // Execute Payment
    var payment = PayPalPaymentService.ExecutePayment(paymentId, PayerID);

    return View();

As you can see, I created three actions:

  • CreatePayment: This is the action that triggers the payment. It calls PayPal to create the payment and then redirects the user to PayPal to approve the transaction.
  • Payment Success: This is what PayPal does to redirect the customer back after a successful payment. At this point, we can execute the payment and transfer the funds to our merchant account.
  • PaymentCancelled: Redirect the user from PayPal to this action if the user cancels the approval process. At this point, you may want to give the customer the option to try again or contact you.

Authorize payment to get later

This scenario is very similar to the previous case. You may want to use this method if you are trying to pre-order a product that is not yet available. The steps to get this payment are:

  1. Authorize payment: The "intent" parameter of this call should be "authorize".
  2. Getting paid: Remember, authorization is guaranteed for up to 3 days, but you can try to get paid for up to 29 days.

To implement this type of payment, I just added a new method in the PayPalPaymentService class to capture the payment:

public static Capture CapturePayment(string paymentId)
    var apiContext = PayPalConfiguration.GetAPIContext();

    var payment = Payment.Get(apiContext, paymentId);
    var auth = payment.transactions[0].related_resources[0].authorization;

    // Specify an amount to capture.  By setting 'is_final_capture' to true, all remaining funds held by the authorization will be released from the funding instrument.
    var capture = new Capture()
        amount = new Amount()
            currency = "USD",
            total = "4.54"
        is_final_capture = true

    // Capture an authorized payment by POSTing to
    // URI v1/payments/authorization/{authorization_id}/capture
    var responseCapture = auth.Capture(apiContext, capture);

    return responseCapture;

Then I added two new actions in HomeController to display this type of payment:

public IActionResult AuthorizePayment()
    var payment = PayPalPaymentService.CreatePayment(GetBaseUrl(), "authorize");
    return Redirect(payment.GetApprovalUrl());

public IActionResult AuthorizeSuccessful(string paymentId, string token, string PayerID)
    // Capture Payment
    var capture = PayPalPaymentService.CapturePayment(paymentId);

    return View();
  • AuthorizePayment is the action that triggers the payment. It is very similar to the previous "CreatePayment" function, but in this case we pass "authorize" as the intent parameter.
  • AuthorizeSuccessful is the action that will redirect your customer after successfully approving a PayPal payment. At this point, I'm capturing the payment, but you can save the paymentId in the database and capture the payment when needed.

In these code examples, I have hardcoded the payment variable values ​​for simplicity. In your real application you would probably wrap them in a method that takes all these values ​​as variables so that everything can be set and reused dynamically.


This is called a "Billing Plan" in PayPal - you can create a recurring payment plan and subscribe your customers to a billing plan by creating a Billing Agreement. Using the PayPal REST API, you can create, update, or delete billing plans; this is something you might use if you wanted to build an admin panel to manage these things for your business.

The steps to create a recurring charge to a customer are as follows:

  1. Create a billing plan and activate it. After you create a billing plan, it will have a "Created" status. It needs to be activated by issuing a PATCH request.
  2. Create Settlement Agreement and Execute: The response to the "Create Settlement Agreement" call includes links to approval_url and execute_url. We need to obtain approval of the billing agreement and then execute the billing agreement.

Billing Plan

Create billing plan

Create a billing plan that defines the billing cycle. This is a summary of the parameters we need to pass when creating the plan.

  • 名称:计费计划的名称。
  • 说明:计费计划的说明。
  • 类型:对于固定次数的定期付款,允许的值为“FIXED”;对于手动取消之前重复的计划,允许的值为“INFINITE”。
  • 商户首选项:这是一个指定首选项的对象,例如设置费用、付款的最大失败尝试次数、返回 URL、取消 URL、通知 URL,PayPal 在付款后将在其中重定向用户。李>
  • 付款定义:此计划的付款定义数组。通常,该数组将具有一两个付款定义。如果我们想提供免费试用或折扣价格试用,那么我们会设置两种付款定义。第一个定义是试用期,第二个定义是定期付款。付款定义的属性包括名称类型(试用或常规)、频率(日、周、月、年)、 >频率间隔(如果我们将频率设置为“周”并将频率间隔设置为“1”,则我们定义每周付款)、向客户收费的金额,以及cycles 是总付款次数。 收费模式用于指定计划金额之外的运费和税费。


// Define the plan and attach the payment definitions and merchant preferences.
// More Information: https://developer.paypal.com/webapps/developer/docs/api/#create-a-plan
var billingPlan = new Plan
    name = "Tuts+ Plus",
    description = "Monthly plan for courses.",
    type = "fixed",
    // Define the merchant preferences.
    // More Information: https://developer.paypal.com/webapps/developer/docs/api/#merchantpreferences-object
    merchant_preferences = new MerchantPreferences()
        setup_fee = GetCurrency("0"), // $0
        return_url = "returnURL", // Retrieve from config
        cancel_url = "cancelURL", // Retrieve from config
        auto_bill_amount = "YES",
        initial_fail_amount_action = "CONTINUE",
        max_fail_attempts = "0"
    payment_definitions = new List<PaymentDefinition>
        // Define a trial plan that will only charge $9.99 for the first
        // month. After that, the standard plan will take over for the
        // remaining 11 months of the year.
        new PaymentDefinition()
            name = "Trial Plan",
            type = "TRIAL",
            frequency = "MONTH",
            frequency_interval = "1",
            amount = GetCurrency("0"), // Free for the 1st month
            cycles = "1",
            charge_models = new List<ChargeModel>
                new ChargeModel()
                    type = "TAX",
                    amount = GetCurrency("1.65") // If we need to charge Tax
                new ChargeModel()
                    type = "SHIPPING",
                    amount = GetCurrency("9.99") // If we need to charge for Shipping
        // Define the standard payment plan. It will represent a monthly
        // plan for $19.99 USD that charges once month for 11 months.
        new PaymentDefinition
            name = "Standard Plan",
            type = "REGULAR",
            frequency = "MONTH",
            frequency_interval = "1",
            amount = GetCurrency("15.00"),
            // > NOTE: For `IFNINITE` type plans, `cycles` should be 0 for a `REGULAR` `PaymentDefinition` object.
            cycles = "11",
            charge_models = new List<ChargeModel>
                new ChargeModel
                    type = "TAX",
                    amount = GetCurrency("2.47")
                new ChargeModel()
                    type = "SHIPPING",
                    amount = GetCurrency("9.99")

// Get PayPal Config
var apiContext = PayPalConfiguration.GetAPIContext();

// Create Plan

新创建的结算计划处于 CREATED 状态。将其激活为“活动”状态,以便您的客户可以订阅该计划。要激活该计划,我们需要发出 PATCH 请求:

// Activate the plan
var patchRequest = new PatchRequest()
    new Patch()
        op = "replace",
        path = "/",
        value = new Plan() { state = "ACTIVE" }
plan.Update(apiContext, patchRequest);

如您所见,PayPal 库是其 REST API 的直接包装器,这很好,但与 Stripe 等其他 API 相比,该 API 也非常复杂。因此,将所有 PayPal 通信包装在对象中,为我们的应用程序提供更清晰、更简单的 API,这确实是一个不错的选择。在这里您可以看到封装在多个带有参数的函数中的代码的样子:

public static Plan CreatePlanObject(string planName, string planDescription, string returnUrl, string cancelUrl,
    string frequency, int frequencyInterval, decimal planPrice,
    decimal shippingAmount = 0, decimal taxPercentage = 0, bool trial = false, int trialLength = 0, decimal trialPrice = 0)
    // Define the plan and attach the payment definitions and merchant preferences.
    // More Information: https://developer.paypal.com/docs/rest/api/payments.billing-plans/
    return new Plan
        name = planName,
        description = planDescription,
        type = PlanType.Fixed,

        // Define the merchant preferences.
        // More Information: https://developer.paypal.com/webapps/developer/docs/api/#merchantpreferences-object
        merchant_preferences = new MerchantPreferences()
            setup_fee = GetCurrency("1"),
            return_url = returnUrl,
            cancel_url = cancelUrl,
            auto_bill_amount = "YES",
            initial_fail_amount_action = "CONTINUE",
            max_fail_attempts = "0"
        payment_definitions = GetPaymentDefinitions(trial, trialLength, trialPrice, frequency, frequencyInterval, planPrice, shippingAmount, taxPercentage)

private static List<PaymentDefinition> GetPaymentDefinitions(bool trial, int trialLength, decimal trialPrice,
    string frequency, int frequencyInterval, decimal planPrice, decimal shippingAmount, decimal taxPercentage)
    var paymentDefinitions = new List<PaymentDefinition>();

    if (trial)
        // Define a trial plan that will charge 'trialPrice' for 'trialLength'
        // After that, the standard plan will take over.
            new PaymentDefinition()
                name = "Trial",
                type = "TRIAL",
                frequency = frequency,
                frequency_interval = frequencyInterval.ToString(),
                amount = GetCurrency(trialPrice.ToString()),
                cycles = trialLength.ToString(),
                charge_models = GetChargeModels(trialPrice, shippingAmount, taxPercentage)

    // Define the standard payment plan. It will represent a 'frequency' (monthly, etc)
    // plan for 'planPrice' that charges 'planPrice' (once a month) for #cycles.
    var regularPayment = new PaymentDefinition
        name = "Standard Plan",
        type = "REGULAR",
        frequency = frequency,
        frequency_interval = frequencyInterval.ToString(),
        amount = GetCurrency(planPrice.ToString()),
        // > NOTE: For `IFNINITE` type plans, `cycles` should be 0 for a `REGULAR` `PaymentDefinition` object.
        cycles = "11",
        charge_models = GetChargeModels(trialPrice, shippingAmount, taxPercentage)

    return paymentDefinitions;

private static List<ChargeModel> GetChargeModels(decimal planPrice, decimal shippingAmount, decimal taxPercentage)
    // Create the Billing Plan
    var chargeModels = new List<ChargeModel>();
    if (shippingAmount > 0)
        chargeModels.Add(new ChargeModel()
            type = "SHIPPING",
            amount = GetCurrency(shippingAmount.ToString())
    if (taxPercentage > 0)
        chargeModels.Add(new ChargeModel()
            type = "TAX",
            amount = GetCurrency(String.Format("{0:f2}", planPrice * taxPercentage / 100))

    return chargeModels;



public static void UpdateBillingPlan(string planId, string path, object value)
    // PayPal Authentication tokens
    var apiContext = PayPalConfiguration.GetAPIContext();

    // Retrieve Plan
    var plan = Plan.Get(apiContext, planId);

    // Activate the plan
    var patchRequest = new PatchRequest()
        new Patch()
            op = "replace",
            path = path,
            value = value
    plan.Update(apiContext, patchRequest);


    planId: "P-5FY40070P6526045UHFWUVEI", 
    path: "/", 
    value: new Plan { description = "new description" });


理想情况下,当您不想接受新客户加入结算计划时,您需要将其更新为“非活动”状态。这不会影响该计划的现有计费协议。只需调用 UpdateBillingPlan 函数即可完成此操作:

    planId: "P-5FY40070P6526045UHFWUVEI",
    path: "/",
    value: new Plan { state = "INACTIVE" });



创建一个或多个结算计划后,您希望开始让客户注册您的订阅计划。为此,您需要收集客户详细信息并向 PayPal 提出请求。为了能够测试此功能,我向 HomeController 添加了几个操作:

public IActionResult Subscribe()
    var plan = PayPalSubscriptionsService.CreateBillingPlan("Tuts+ Plan", "Test plan for this article", GetBaseUrl());

    var subscription = PayPalSubscriptionsService.CreateBillingAgreement(plan.id, 
        new PayPal.Api.ShippingAddress
            city = "London", 
            line1 = "line 1",
            postal_code = "SW1A 1AA",
            country_code = "GB"
        }, "Pedro Alonso", "Tuts+", DateTime.Now);
    return Redirect(subscription.GetApprovalUrl());

public IActionResult SubscribeSuccess(string token)
    // Execute approved agreement

    return View();

public IActionResult SubscribeCancel(string token)
    // TODO: Handle cancelled payment
    return RedirectToAction("Error");
  • 订阅:这是调用的第一个操作。它正在创建一个测试结算计划,然后创建该计划的结算协议(订阅),并将用户重定向到 PayPal 以确认付款。
  • 订阅成功:此操作是成功订阅后用作“返回 URL”的操作。协议令牌标识符在查询字符串中传递,我们使用此令牌来执行计费协议并使其处于活动状态。
  • SubscribeCancel: 此操作用作“取消 URL”。如果由于某种原因付款失败,或者您的客户取消了 PayPal 付款,用户将采取此操作,您需要处理此问题。也许可以提供重试的选项。


public static Agreement CreateBillingAgreement(string planId, ShippingAddress shippingAddress, 
    string name, string description, DateTime startDate)
    // PayPal Authentication tokens
    var apiContext = PayPalConfiguration.GetAPIContext();

    var agreement = new Agreement()
        name = name,
        description = description,
        start_date = startDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss") + "Z",
        payer = new Payer() { payment_method = "paypal" },
        plan = new Plan() { id = planId },
        shipping_address = shippingAddress
    var createdAgreement = agreement.Create(apiContext);
    return createdAgreement;


public static void ExecuteBillingAgreement(string token)
    // PayPal Authentication tokens
    var apiContext = PayPalConfiguration.GetAPIContext();

    var agreement = new Agreement() { token = token };
    var executedAgreement = agreement.Execute(apiContext);



public static void SuspendBillingAgreement(string agreementId)
    var apiContext = PayPalConfiguration.GetAPIContext();

    var agreement = new Agreement() { id = agreementId };
    agreement.Suspend(apiContext, new AgreementStateDescriptor()
        { note = "Suspending the agreement" });



public static void ReactivateBillingAgreement(string agreementId)
    var apiContext = PayPalConfiguration.GetAPIContext();

    var agreement = new Agreement() { id = agreementId };
    agreement.ReActivate(apiContext, new AgreementStateDescriptor()
        { note = "Reactivating the agreement" });



public static void CancelBillingAgreement(string agreementId)
    var apiContext = PayPalConfiguration.GetAPIContext();

    var agreement = new Agreement() { id = agreementId };
    agreement.Cancel(apiContext, new AgreementStateDescriptor()
        { note = "Cancelling the agreement" });


这个选项非常有限,我希望从这次通话中可以更改订阅计划,以升级或降级客户。与 Stripe 不同,单次调用不支持此功能。您需要通过取消当前协议并创建新的升级或降级协议来处理这种情况。这并不理想,但将来可能会改变。


这是人们用来与 PayPal 集成的最常用功能的概述。他们的 API 比本文中解释的集成方法要大得多 - 您还可以发放退款和部分退款,并且他们针对本文涵盖的示例中的边缘情况提供了许多不同的选项。如果您有兴趣获得有关任何特定集成的更多详细信息,请在评论中留下建议。

The above is the detailed content of Deep Dive: PayPal Integration Part 2: PayPal REST API. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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