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Android 14 innovative features are coming: Headphone volume protection is more intelligent

2023-08-18 20:01:061428browse

In order to protect users’ hearing health, the Android 14 system will be released soon and introduce an innovative feature to more proactively prevent high volume from posing a threat to users

According to reports, the Android 14 system will introduce a new "Headphone volume too high warning" function to more proactively protect users' hearing health. This feature was launched to comply with EU safety standards to address the possible risks to hearing caused by prolonged exposure to high volume environments

Android 14创新功能来袭:耳机音量保护更智能

It is understood that the Android 14 system Frequency analysis of audio signals is performed to evaluate sound pressure levels and potential damage that may be caused to hearing. The system will also determine whether the safety threshold has been exceeded based on the accumulated "dose" in the past 7 days. Once exceeded, the system will immediately pop up a warning notification and automatically reduce the volume to below 85 decibels to ensure that the user's hearing is fully protected

However, it should be noted that this function currently only supports wired headphones and does not Works with Bluetooth devices. This is because the Bluetooth device can adjust the volume independently of the Android device. In addition, this feature is not turned on by default and will only take effect in the EU or when users actively choose to turn it on, so that users can manage their hearing protection more autonomously

The official version of Android 14 is expected to be released in the next Released within a few weeks and gradually rolled out to existing mobile phone users, it introduces an innovative feature designed to remind users to pay attention to their hearing health and avoid prolonged exposure to high-decibel audio environments. This feature will provide users with a safer and healthier listening experience, allowing them to use headphones with more confidence

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