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Complete code sharing for Python automated processing of Excel tables (class schedule analysis)

2023-08-09 17:34:141270browse

##Instead of giving an expanded explanation today, I will share the

Python I picked up during the Spring Festival. List, output the original course summary in the specified format.


1. Requirements

2. Function demonstration

3. Code

Complete code sharing for Python automated processing of Excel tables (class schedule analysis)
##1. Requirements
Complete code sharing for Python automated processing of Excel tables (class schedule analysis)
Complete code sharing for Python automated processing of Excel tables (class schedule analysis)
Complete code sharing for Python automated processing of Excel tables (class schedule analysis)

#Input: This is the following course schedule

From Monday to Friday, the morning and afternoon course teacher schedules for different classes

Complete code sharing for Python automated processing of Excel tables (class schedule analysis)Course schedule

Output 1: Curriculum schedule for each class

Every class is from Monday to Friday All course subjects

Complete code sharing for Python automated processing of Excel tables (class schedule analysis)Class curriculum

##Output 2: Each teacher’s curriculumThe course schedule of each teacher belonging to different classes from Monday to Friday

Teacher scheduleComplete code sharing for Python automated processing of Excel tables (class schedule analysis)
In addition to the above output, due to the need to package into tool software, the software When starting, you need to

enter your account number and password to run it. Here are the account numbers and passwords written into the program code!

Complete code sharing for Python automated processing of Excel tables (class schedule analysis)

2. Function demonstration

Complete code sharing for Python automated processing of Excel tables (class schedule analysis)
Complete code sharing for Python automated processing of Excel tables (class schedule analysis)
Complete code sharing for Python automated processing of Excel tables (class schedule analysis)
Complete code sharing for Python automated processing of Excel tables (class schedule analysis)
3. Code

Complete code sharing for Python automated processing of Excel tables (class schedule analysis)
Complete code sharing for Python automated processing of Excel tables (class schedule analysis)
Complete code sharing for Python automated processing of Excel tables (class schedule analysis)
#The complete code is attached, you can run it directly.

Of course, it is best to install the relevant third-party library first!

Backend reply

Class schedule analysis Receive the case data. The names involved in the data are randomly generated by the faker library!

import PySimpleGUI as sg
import sys
import pandas as pd
from openpyxl import Workbook
from openpyxl.styles import Font, Alignment
import os

import warnings
# 读取课程表原始数据
def get_data(fileName):
    df = pd.read_excel(fileName, header=[1,2,3])
    data = df.melt(id_vars=df.columns[:1].to_list())
    data.columns = ['班级','星期','上下午','第N节课','课程_老师']
    # data['课程_老师'] = data['课程_老师'].apply(lambda s:re.sub('上|必须|走.*','',s))
    data['课程'] = data['课程_老师'].apply(lambda s: s if '上' in s else s[:2])
    data['老师'] = data['课程_老师'].apply(lambda s: '' if '上' in s else s[2:]).str.strip().replace('','无')
    data['星期'] = data['星期'].str.strip()
    # data['课程路径'] = data['班级'].astype('str') + '班\n' + data['课程']
    return data

# 解析班级课表并保存
def get_class(data,path):
    wb = Workbook()
    ws = wb.active
    # 按班级
    for i in data['班级'].unique():
        result = data.query(f'班级=={i}').pivot(index=['第N节课'],columns='星期',values='课程')
        result = result[['星期一', '星期二', '星期三', '星期四', '星期五']]
        result.index = result.index.map(lambda x: f'第{x}节')
        result.index.name = ''
        result = result.append(pd.Series({'':'第8节', '星期一':'班/安'}),ignore_index=True)
        # 文件名
        filename = r'按班级课程表.xlsx'
        name = f'{i}班'
        filepath = path + '/' + filename
        # 构建excel表格内容
        title = f'课程表  {name}'
        value_list = [[title]]
        temp = result.values.tolist()
        # 写入数据
        for row in value_list:
        # 合并单元格
        cell = ws[f'A{(i-1)*11+1}']
        cell.font = Font(bold=True)
        cell.alignment = Alignment(horizontal='center')
        print(f'{name} 的课表已生成')

# 解析老师课表并保存
def get_teacher(data,path):
    wb = Workbook()
    ws = wb.active
    # 按老师
    for n,i in enumerate(data['老师'].unique()):
            result = data.query(f'老师=="{i}"').pivot(index=['第N节课'],columns='星期',values='班级')
        # 补全星期
        weekdays = ['星期一', '星期二', '星期三', '星期四', '星期五']
        for week in weekdays:
            if week not in result.columns:
                result[week] = ''
        result = result[weekdays]
        # 补全课时
        indexs = range(1,8)

        for index in indexs:
            if index not in result.index:
                result.loc[index,:] = ''
        result.index.name = ''
        # 文件名称
        filename = r'按老师课程表.xlsx'
        name = f'{i}'
        filepath = path + '/' + filename
        # 构建excel表格内容
        value_list = []
        title1 = '任课教师'
        title2 = i
        title3 = '学科'
        title4 = data.query(f'老师=="{i}"')['课程'].unique()[0]
        title = [[title1,'',title2,'',title3,title4],[]]
        temp = result.values.tolist()
        # 写入数据
        for row in range((n//4)*14+1, (n//4+1)*14+1):        
            for col in range(n%4*7+1, n%4*7+7):
                if row == (n//4)*14+1:
                    a = ws.cell(row=row, column=col)
                    a.font = Font(bold = True)
                    a = ws.cell(row=row, column=col)
                    a.alignment = Alignment(horizontal="center")
                    ws.cell(row=row, column=col, value=value_list[row-14*(n//4)-1][col-7*(n%4)-1])
                    ws.cell(row=row, column=col, value='')
        print(f'{name}老师 的课表已生成')     

# 构建GUI
layout_login = [[sg.Text('账号:'),sg.Input(key='account_id')],
                [sg.Text('密码:'),sg.Input(password_char='*', key='password')],
                [sg.Button('      确定      '), sg.Button('      关闭      ')]
w = sg.Window('请输入账号密码', layout=layout_login)
while True:
    event, values = w.read()
    if event in (None, '      关闭      '):
    # 判断账号密码
    elif values['account_id'] == 'admin' and values['password'] == 'admin':
layout = [[sg.Text('选择课程表原始文件')], [sg.Input(key='fileName',enable_events=True), sg.FileBrowse('打开',file_types=(("Text Files", "*.xls*"),))],
          [sg.Text('选择解析结果存储地址')], [sg.Input(key='path',enable_events=True), sg.FolderBrowse('浏览')],
          [sg.Output(size=(50, 8))],
          [sg.Button('   开始处理   '), sg.Button('      关闭      ')]]

window = sg.Window('课程表解析工具', layout)
while True:
    event, values = window.read()
    if event in (None, '      关闭      '):
    if event == '   开始处理   ':
        fileName = values['fileName']
        path = values['path']
        if os.path.exists(fileName) and os.path.exists(path):
            data = get_data(fileName)

The above is the entire content of this article, without too much explanation, everyone can study the code to deepen their learning!

Of course, the code only implements functions. There are many areas that can be iteratively optimized, and I leave them to you, dear~

The above is the detailed content of Complete code sharing for Python automated processing of Excel tables (class schedule analysis). For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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