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Use requestAnimationFrame to achieve good js animation performance_javascript skills

2016-05-16 15:46:542102browse

Use requestAnimationFrame to achieve js animation with good performance. First, let me give you a brief introduction to what are the advantages of requestAnimationFrame compared to setTimeout and setInterval?

Example 1:

requestAnimationFrame has two main advantages over setTimeout and setInterval:
1. requestAnimationFrame will concentrate all DOM operations in each frame and complete them in one redraw or reflow, and the time interval of redraw or reflow closely follows the refresh frequency of the browser. Generally speaking, This frequency is 60 frames per second.
2. In hidden or invisible elements, requestAnimationFrame will not be redrawn or reflowed, which of course means less cpu, gpu and memory usage.

Like setTimeout and setInterval, requestAnimationFrame is a global function. After calling requestAnimationFrame, it will ask the browser to redraw according to its own frequency. It receives a callback function as a parameter. When the browser is about to redraw, this function will be called and the callback will be passed to this function. The function takes the time as a parameter. Since the function of requestAnimationFrame is only one-time, if you want to achieve the animation effect, you must call requestAnimationFrame continuously, just like we do using setTimeout to implement animation. The requestAnimationFrame function returns a resource identifier, which can be passed as a parameter to the cancelAnimationFrame function to cancel the requestAnimationFrame callback. How about it? Is it very similar to clearTimeout of setTimeout?
Therefore, it can be said that requestAnimationFrame is a performance-optimized version of setTimeout specifically tailored for animation. The difference is that requestAnimationFrame does not specify the running time of the callback function itself, but executes the callback according to the browser's built-in refresh frequency. This Of course, you can achieve the best effect of animation that the browser can achieve.
At present, some of the browsers that support requestAnimationFrame still have their own private implementations, so the prefix must be added. For browsers that do not support requestAnimationFrame, we can only use setTimeout, because the usage of the two is almost the same, so the two are compatible. It's not difficult. For browsers that support requestAnimationFrame, we use requestAnimationFrame, and for browsers that do not support it, we gracefully downgrade to the traditional setTimeout. By encapsulating them, you can get an API that is uniformly compatible with all major browsers.
The code can be viewed here: https://gist.github.com/chaping/88813f56e75b0fd43f8c

var lastTime = 0;
var prefixes = 'webkit moz ms o'.split(' '); //各浏览器前缀
var requestAnimationFrame = window.requestAnimationFrame;
var cancelAnimationFrame = window.cancelAnimationFrame;
var prefix;
for( var i = 0; i < prefixes.length; i++ ) {
 if ( requestAnimationFrame && cancelAnimationFrame ) {
 prefix = prefixes[i];
 requestAnimationFrame = requestAnimationFrame || window[ prefix + 'RequestAnimationFrame' ];
 cancelAnimationFrame = cancelAnimationFrame || window[ prefix + 'CancelAnimationFrame' ] || window[ prefix + 'CancelRequestAnimationFrame' ];
if ( !requestAnimationFrame || !cancelAnimationFrame ) {
 requestAnimationFrame = function( callback, element ) {
 var currTime = new Date().getTime();
 var timeToCall = Math.max( 0, 16 - ( currTime - lastTime ) ); 
 var id = window.setTimeout( function() {
 callback( currTime + timeToCall );
 }, timeToCall );
 lastTime = currTime + timeToCall;
 return id;
 cancelAnimationFrame = function( id ) {
 window.clearTimeout( id );
window.requestAnimationFrame = requestAnimationFrame; 
window.cancelAnimationFrame = cancelAnimationFrame;

This way we can use requestAnimationFrame and cancelAnimationFrame on all browsers.
Here is a simple example to illustrate how to use requestAnimationFrame for animation. The following code will move the div with the ID demo to the right to 300px

in the form of animation.
<div id="demo" style="position:absolute; width:100px; height:100px; background:#ccc; left:0; top:0;"></div>
var demo = document.getElementById('demo');
function rander(){
 demo.style.left = parseInt(demo.style.left) + 1 + 'px'; //每一帧向右移动1px
 if(parseInt(demo.style.left)<=300) requestAnimationFrame(arguments.callee);

Example 2:

JavaScript animations have always been implemented through timers and intervals. Although the use of CSS transitions and animations has made animation more convenient in web development, the implementation of animation based on JavaScript has changed little over the years. It wasn't until the release of Firefox 4 that the first improvements to JavaScript animations were introduced. But to fully understand the improvement, it will help us understand how web animation evolves and improves.
The first pattern for creating animations is to use chained setTimeout() calls. For a long time in the days of Netscape 3′s hayday, developers remembered a kind of fixed latest quotation status bar that could be seen everywhere on the Internet. It usually looked like this:

 var msg = "新的广告", 
 len = 25, 
 pos = 0, 
 padding = msg.replace(/./g, " ").substr(0,len), 
 finalMsg = padding + msg; 
 function updateText(){ 
 var curMsg = finalMsg.substr(pos++, len); 
 window.status = curMsg; 
 if (pos == finalMsg.length){ pos = 0; } 
 setTimeout(updateText, 100); 
 setTimeout(updateText, 100); 

If you want to test this code in the browser, you can create a new one
Tags are used to simulate window.status, for example: newsticker example
This annoying web pattern was later met with resistance to the disabling of window.status, but with the release of Explorer 4 and Netscape 4, browsers gave developers more control over page elements for the first time. Technology appears again. In this way, a new animation mode appears that uses JavaScript to dynamically change the size, position, color, etc. of elements. For example, here is an animation that changes the width of a div to 100% (similar to a progress bar):

 function updateProgress(){ 
 var div = document.getElementByIdx_x("status"); 
 div.style.width = (parseInt(div.style.width, 10) + 5) + "%"; 
 if (div.style.width != "100%"){ setTimeout(updateProgress, 100); } 
 setTimeout(updateProgress, 100); 


 function updateAnimations(){ 
 setInterval(updateAnimations, 100); 

鉴于此,为流畅动画的最佳时间间隔为1000毫秒/ 60,约17ms。在这个频率你会看到流畅的动画,那是因为你最大的接近了浏览器能达到的频率。跟以前的动画相比,你会发现17ms间隔的动画更加平滑,也更快(因为动画更新更频繁,没有做其他任何修改的情况下),多个动画可能需要节流,以免17ms的动画完成得太快。
Internet Explorer 8 and earlier 15.625ms
Internet Explorer 9 and later 4ms.
Firefox and Safari ~10ms.
Chrome has a timer 4ms.

IE在版本9之前的的分辨率为15.625,所以0~15之间的任意值可能是0或15,但没有分别。IE9的计时器分辨率改进为4ms,但涉及到动画时也是不具体的,chrome的计时器分辨率为4ms,firefox 和 safari的为10ms。因此即使你把间隔设定为最佳的显示效果,你也仅仅是得到这个近似值。
Mozilla 的 Robert O'Callahan 在思考这个问题,并想出了一个独特的方案。他指出CSS transitions 和 animations的优势在于浏览器知道哪些动画将会发生,所以得到正确的间隔来刷新UI。而javascript动画,浏览器不知道动画正在发生。他的解决方案是创建一个mozRequestAnimationFrame()方法来告诉浏览器哪些javascript代码正在执行,这使得浏览在执行一些代码后得到优化。

function updateProgress(){ 
 var div = document.getElementByIdx_x("status"); 
 div.style.width = (parseInt(div.style.width, 10) + 5) + "%"; 
 if (div.style.left != "100%"){ 


function draw(timestamp){ 
 //calculate difference since last repaint 
 var diff = timestamp - startTime; 
 //use diff to determine correct next step 
 //reset startTime to this repaint 
 startTime = timestamp; 
 //draw again 
var startTime = mozAnimationStartTime; 


function draw(timestamp){ 
 //calculate difference since last repaint 
 var drawStart = (timestamp || Date.now()), 
 diff = drawStart - startTime; 
 //use diff to determine correct next step 
 //reset startTime to this repaint 
 startTime = drawStart; 
 //draw again 
var requestAnimationFrame = window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame, 
startTime = window.mozAnimationStartTime || Date.now(); 

mozRequestAnimationFrame()方法的介绍为推动Javascript 动画及web的历史发展有着非常重要的作用。如前所述,JavaScript动画的态几乎和JavaScript的初期一样。随着浏览器逐渐推出CSS transitions 和 animations,很高兴看到基于JavaScript的动画的关注,因为这些在基于的游戏领域将变得更重要和更与CUP联系紧密。知道Javascript何时尝试动画,允许浏览器做更多的优化处理,包括在tab处于后台或移动设备电量过低时停止进程。

window.requestAnimFrame = (function(){ 
 return window.requestAnimationFrame || 
 window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || 
 window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || 
 window.oRequestAnimationFrame || 
 window.msRequestAnimationFrame || 
 function( callback ){ 
  window.setTimeout(callback, 1000/60); 
function animationLoop(elem){ 
window.requestAnimFrame = (function(w, r) { 
 w['r'+r] = w['r'+r] || w['webkitR'+r] || w['mozR'+r] || w['msR'+r] || w['oR'+r] || function(c){ w.setTimeout(c, 1000 / 60); }; 
 return w['r'+r]; 
})(window, 'equestAnimationFrame'); 


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