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UniApp realizes the integration and use of Alipay and WeChat Pay

2023-07-07 17:12:372739browse

UniApp realizes the integration and use of Alipay and WeChat payment

1. Overview
Alipay and WeChat payment are the two mainstream payment methods of modern mobile payment. In order to improve the user payment experience, many mobile applications All have integrated Alipay and WeChat payment functions. UniApp is a cross-platform development framework that can develop applications for multiple platforms such as iOS and Android at the same time. This article will introduce how to use UniApp to integrate and use Alipay and WeChat Pay, and provide relevant code examples.

2. How to integrate and use Alipay payment

  1. Integrate Alipay payment SDK
    Add the following code to the manifest.json file of UniApp and introduce the Alipay payment SDK.
  "mp-alipay": {
    "useProvider": "wx9d4c461b4a3af8cb"
  1. Initiate Alipay payment
    The following code example demonstrates how to call the Alipay payment interface.
  provider: 'alipay',
  orderInfo: 'xxxxx', // 通过后台接口生成的支付订单信息
  success: function(res) {
  fail: function(err) {
    console.log('支付失败:' + err.errMsg);

3. Integration and use of WeChat payment

  1. Register for WeChat payment
    Register a developer account on the WeChat open platform and choose to create a mobile application. Obtain the AppID and AppSecret required for WeChat payment.
  2. Integrate WeChat Pay SDK
    Add the following code to UniApp’s manifest.json file to introduce the WeChat Pay SDK.
  "mp-weixin": {
    "appid": "xxxxx", // 微信支付的AppID
    "useProvider": "wx9d4c461b4a3af8cb"
  1. Initiate WeChat payment
    The following code example demonstrates how to call the WeChat payment interface.
  provider: 'wxpay',
  timeStamp: 'xxxxx', // 时间戳
  nonceStr: 'xxxxx', // 随机字符串
  package: 'xxxxx', // 打包参数
  signType: 'xxxxx', // 签名方式
  paySign: 'xxxxx', // 签名
  success: function(res) {
  fail: function(err) {
    console.log('支付失败:' + err.errMsg);

4. Summary
This article introduces the integration and use of Alipay and WeChat payment in UniApp, and provides corresponding code examples. Through the above steps, developers can easily integrate Alipay and WeChat payment functions in UniApp applications to improve user payment experience. At the same time, developers can also customize the development of payment interfaces according to specific needs to meet payment needs in different scenarios.

The above is the detailed content of UniApp realizes the integration and use of Alipay and WeChat Pay. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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