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How to correctly configure and use MySQL connection pool in ASP.NET program?

2023-06-29 12:56:571759browse

How to correctly configure and use the MySQL connection pool in an ASP.NET program?

With the development of the Internet and the increase in data volume, the demand for database access and connections is also increasing. In order to improve the performance and stability of the database, connection pooling has become an essential technology. This article mainly introduces how to correctly configure and use the MySQL connection pool in ASP.NET programs to improve the efficiency and response speed of the database.

1. The concept and function of connection pool

Connection pool is a technology that reuses database connections. Multiple connection objects are created and saved in the connection pool when the program is initialized. When the program When you need to access the database, obtain an available connection object from the connection pool, and return it to the connection pool after use so that other programs can continue to use it. The function of the connection pool is to reduce the creation and destruction overhead of database connections, improve the response speed of the program and the efficiency of database access.

2. Configure the MySQL connection pool

To configure the MySQL connection pool in the ASP.NET program, you need to first reference the MySQL connector driver. Copy the DLL file of the MySQL connector to the Bin directory of the project, and then add the following nodes to the project's web.config configuration file:

  <add name="MySQLConnection" connectionString="server=服务器地址;port=端口号;database=数据库名;uid=用户名;pwd=密码;" providerName="MySql.Data.MySqlClient"/>

  <httpRuntime maxRequestLength="10485760" executionTimeout="3600"/>
  <compilation debug="false" targetFramework="4.6.1"/>
  <authentication mode="None"/>

Among them, the connectionString node is used to configure the database The connection parameter, name attribute is used to define the name of the connection string. The providerName property specifies the driver for the MySQL connector.

3. Using the MySQL connection pool

To use the MySQL connection pool in an ASP.NET program, you first need to reference the namespace of the MySQL connector in the project. Then obtain and release the database connection object through the following code:

using MySql.Data.MySqlClient;

public class MySQLHelper
    private static string connectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["MySQLConnection"].ConnectionString;

    public static MySqlConnection GetConnection()
        MySqlConnection conn = new MySqlConnection(connectionString);
        return conn;

    public static void ReleaseConnection(MySqlConnection conn)

The above code defines a MySQLHelper class, in which the GetConnection method is used to obtain the database connection from the connection pool Object, ReleaseConnection method is used to release the database connection object.

In ASP.NET programs, you can use the MySQL connection pool in the following ways:

using (MySqlConnection conn = MySQLHelper.GetConnection())
    // 执行数据库操作

Use the using statement to ensure that the database connection object is automatically released after use.

4. Precautions for connection pool configuration

Correctly configuring and using the MySQL connection pool can improve the performance and response speed of the database, but you also need to pay attention to the following points:

  1. The size of the connection pool needs to be adjusted according to actual needs, and can be configured according to the number of concurrent accesses and database connections. A connection pool that is too large will occupy too many memory resources, and a connection pool that is too small may cause the program to be unable to obtain available database connections.
  2. Database connections that have not been used for a long time need to be released in time so that other programs can continue to use them and avoid wasting connection pool resources.
  3. When the program is abnormal or terminated, it is necessary to ensure that the database connection object is correctly released back to the connection pool to avoid leakage of the database connection.
  4. In the case of high concurrent access, you can consider using connection pool grouping to save different types of database connection objects in different connection pools to improve the concurrent access capability of the database.


By correctly configuring and using the MySQL connection pool, the database performance and response speed of the ASP.NET program can be improved. Reasonable adjustment of the size of the connection pool, timely release of database connection objects, handling exceptions, and use of connection pool grouping and other techniques can improve the management efficiency of the database and provide strong support for the stable operation of the program.

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