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Guo Fan: AI is developing rapidly, which may be the best opportunity to overtake Hollywood in a corner

2023-06-15 22:23:151017browse

"Are we looking at AI from the perspective of a tool? Or are we looking at AI from the perspective of a species?"

At the first Shanghai Entertainment Science and Technology Innovation Salon held recently, Guo Fan, the director of the "Wandering Earth" series of films, made thought-provoking remarks: "Assuming that AI is a species, it will define the world by its sensory system and endow it with Framework of world meaning, what we had before (anthropocentric perspective) may not be valid.”

In this high-tech entertainment salon, participants in the discussion include not only Guo Fan, Lu Chuan, Chen Qiufan and other creators who pay attention to technology, but also senior executives of top technology companies and leaders of entertainment companies.

Guo Fan: AI is developing rapidly, which may be the best opportunity to overtake Hollywood in a corner

"When everyone can create their own IP, will the so-called 'big IP' still have its original high value?" "AI greatly reduces the difficulty of content production and is a kind of equal rights for creators."...Scene, 11 The guests’ views were exciting and their wise words frequently came out. The event also released the "ChatGPT Content Industry Practical White Paper".

Although I cannot catch up with the development of AI, I can progress with AI and strive to become a person who understands AI better than others, so as to gain a leading edge. Science fiction writer Chen Qiufan revealed at the scene that he began to build his own large language model in 2017 and explored human-machine collaborative creation.

Guo Fan: AI is developing rapidly, which may be the best opportunity to overtake Hollywood in a corner

Guo Fan

"Technology is updating too fast. AI will have a profound impact on the industry and society as a whole. We must pay attention to it." Guo Fan said at the scene.

Not long ago, Guo Fan saw a 2-minute short film that two creators spent 1,000 yuan and 2 days to make. "This means that others can spend several million to complete work that originally cost hundreds of millions. Consider this." Since everyone is a creator, we need to think about what content attracts users."

The future picture of AI technology is reflected in "The Wandering Earth 2", which showcases technologies such as planetary engines, quantum computers, and digital life. But these are not enough to offset Guo Fan's anxiety. "Three years ago, the screenwriter had basically conceived the plot of "The Wandering Earth 3". But the reality is more exciting than the plot, and the development speed of AI exceeds my imagination. Next, our team will start a global technical inspection, Including high-tech enterprises, visual effects companies, etc., after learning the technology, they can start the production of "The Wandering Earth 3"."

At the same time, Guo Fan also proposed, "AI is developing at a rapid pace, and no one knows how to use it. This is our best opportunity to overtake Hollywood in a corner."

At the scene, Luan Qing, general manager of SenseTime's Digital Entertainment Division, demonstrated their latest technology in producing digital humans: it only takes a few minutes of video to generate a realistic digital human. Luan Qing also demonstrated a digital human customized for Liu Cixin, the author of "The Three-Body Problem". "After "The Wandering Earth 2" was released this year, everyone has been very concerned about whether Liu Cixin went to see it, so we used a digital person to ask him this question and how he spent the Spring Festival." The Q&A performance of the digital person Liu Cixin was almost the same as that of a real person. .

Guo Fan: AI is developing rapidly, which may be the best opportunity to overtake Hollywood in a corner

Digital person Liu Cixin during live demonstration

Red Star News reporter Zhang Shihao editor Ren Hongwei

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