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Shenzhen participates in the war with a large model! Integrate 100 billion yuan AI fund group and announce AI development action plan

2023-06-02 22:38:081312browse

Shenzhen participates in the war with a large model! Integrate 100 billion yuan AI fund group and announce AI development action plan

Author | Li Shuiqing

Editor | Yunpeng

Zhidongxi reported on May 31 that following Beijing ("Breaking news! Beijing officially launched the first shot in the local battle for large models"), Shenzhen released an action plan to support the development of AI large models.

Today, the General Office of the Shenzhen Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China and the General Office of the Shenzhen Municipal People's Government issued the "Shenzhen Action Plan to Accelerate the High-Quality Development of Artificial Intelligence and High-level Applications (2023-2024)" (referred to as the "Plan"). The plan involves Six major aspects: Strengthen the supply of intelligent computing power clusters, enhance key core technologies and product innovation capabilities, improve the level of industrial agglomeration, create global and full-time scenario applications, and strengthen the supply and safeguard measures of data and talent elements.

Shenzhen participates in the war with a large model! Integrate 100 billion yuan AI fund group and announce AI development action plan

In terms of intelligent computing power, the plan proposes important measures such as building a city-level intelligent computing power platform, building a Greater Bay Area intelligent computing power hub, and building an enterprise-level intelligent computing power platform. In terms of city-level intelligent computing power, the plan proposes to integrate Shenzhen’s computing power resources to achieve one network of computing power, integrated planning, and one-stop dispatching.

In terms of core technology and product innovation, the plan emphasizes strengthening scientific research and development in aspects such as general large models: focusing on general large models, intelligent computing chips, intelligent sensors, In the fields of intelligent robots, intelligent connected cars, etc., implement major special support plans for artificial intelligence technology, focusing on supporting the creation of open source general large models based on domestic and foreign chips and algorithms; support the continued research and development and iteration of key enterprises Commercial universal large model; carry out the development and application ofuniversal embodied intelligent robot.

Shenzhen Plan attaches great importance to the application of artificial intelligence technology. This time it not only proposes to create all-area and full-time scenario applications, but also mentions building a supply and demand docking platform, promoting "public services + AI", and promoting "thousands of industries + AI" " and other measures, and finally listed the first batch of "city + AI" application scenario list, covering 26 scenarios such as handling people's livelihood complaints, clinical decision-making assistance, medical image-assisted diagnosis, and medical robots.

Safeguard measures are a major feature of Shenzhen. In the plan, it proposed

to establish a special class for the development of the municipal artificial intelligence industry, and promoted the establishment of a municipal artificial intelligence industry alliance and the establishment of a municipal artificial intelligence strategic advisory committee; at the same time, Shenzhen proposed to strengthen financial guarantees and increase financial investment. Efforts will be made to focus on supporting the innovation and application of artificial intelligence. Give full play to the role of government investment guidance funds, coordinate and integrate fund resources, and form an artificial intelligence fund group with a scale of 100 billion yuan.

Shenzhen has designated responsible units for 18 action measures in six categories. For example, the responsible unit for building the smart computing hub in the Greater Bay Area is the Municipal Industry and Information Technology Bureau , Municipal Science and Technology Innovation Commission, Municipal State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, etc. On April 28, 2023, the Political Bureau meeting of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China clearly stated that “it is necessary to attach great importance to the development of general artificial intelligence, create an innovation ecosystem, and pay attention to risk prevention.” As one of the first batch of national new-generation artificial intelligence innovation and development pilot zones and a national artificial intelligence innovation and application pilot zone, Shenzhen is accelerating the promotion of high-quality development of artificial intelligence and high-level applications in all fields.

Original content of "Shenzhen City’s Action Plan to Accelerate the High-quality Development of High-level Application of Artificial Intelligence (2023-2024)":

In order to comprehensively and systematically study and implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, deeply study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s series of important speeches and important instructions to Guangdong and Shenzhen, and important expositions on the development of a new generation of artificial intelligence, and embrace innovation with greater enthusiasm , create the best ecosystem, promote high-quality development of artificial intelligence and all-round high-level applications in all fields, use the city's efforts to build a national new generation artificial intelligence innovation and development pilot zone and a national artificial intelligence innovation application pilot zone, and strive to create a global artificial intelligence pioneer City, to support and empower the city's high-quality development, the plan is as follows.

1. Strengthen the supply of intelligent computing power clusters

(1) Build a city-level intelligent computing platform.

Integrate Shenzhen’s computing power resources and build a city-level computing power coordination and dispatching platform to achieve “one network of computing power, integrated planning, and one-stop dispatching”. The city’s coordinated public intelligent computing power and related network bandwidth will be maintained Domestic leading level.

Pengcheng Cloud Brain III Project Construction will start before the end of 2023. (Responsible units: Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Municipal Science and Technology Innovation Commission, etc.)

(2) Build an intelligent computing power hub in the Greater Bay Area. Accelerate the implementation of the "Research and Verification of Key Technology Systems for Intelligent Computing Networks" project. Actively and orderly gather intelligent computing resources from governments, enterprises, scientific research institutions, universities, etc., strengthen intelligent computing cooperation with surrounding cities, and plan to jointly build an intelligent computing power coordination and dispatching platform for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. (Responsible units: Municipal Industry and Information Technology Bureau, Municipal Science and Technology Innovation Commission, Municipal State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, etc.)

(3) Build an enterprise-level intelligent computing power platform. Join Hong Kong enterprises, scientific research institutions, universities, etc. to build a Shenzhen-Hong Kong artificial intelligence computing power empowerment center. Implement a software cloud service application demonstration support plan and encourage relevant units to purchase intelligent computing power cloud services. (Responsible units: Municipal Industry and Information Technology Bureau, Municipal Science and Technology Innovation Commission, Municipal Qianhai Administration Bureau, etc.)

2. Enhance key core technologies and product innovation capabilities

(4) Strengthen scientific research and development. FocusGeneral large models, intelligent computing chips, intelligent sensors, intelligent robots, intelligent connected cars and other fields, implement major special support plans for artificial intelligence technology, focusing on supporting the creation of domestic and foreign chips and algorithms The open source General large model; supports the continuous research and development and iteration of key enterprises Commercial general large model; and carries out the research, development and application of general embodied intelligent robots. Implement the core technology research carrier support plan, support scientific research institutions and enterprises to build more than five artificial intelligence joint laboratories, and accelerate the establishment of the Guangdong Humanoid Robot Manufacturing Innovation Center. (Responsible units: Municipal Science and Technology Innovation Commission, Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Municipal Industry and Information Technology Bureau, etc.)

(5) Support the research and development of innovative products. EncourageLarge model enterprisesJoin ecological partners to strengthen the research and development of large model plug-ins and related software and hardware, and promote the integration and inter-embedding of large models with existing operating systems, software, and intelligent hardware. Encourage enterprises to proactively deploy in vertical industries and actively expand application scenarios. Enterprises are encouraged to rely on the Loop Shenzhen-Hong Kong Science and Technology Innovation Cooperation Zone, Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Modern Service Industry Cooperation Zone or overseas R&D centers to develop innovative products based on international mainstream large-scale models and actively expand the international market. Leverage the manufacturing advantages of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area to carry out large-scale application of humanoid robots. Implement a support plan to improve key links in the industrial chain, and adopt a "unveiling the list to lead" method to encourage the research and development and industrialization of common technology products. Select qualified artificial intelligence products to be included in the catalog of the first version of software and the first set (set) of major technical equipment, and provide support to the products included in the catalog. Implement an ex-post subsidy and support plan for the industrialization of strategic emerging industries, and encourage key areas of strategic emerging industries to apply artificial intelligence technology to carry out industrialization projects. (Responsible units: Municipal Industry and Information Technology Bureau, Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Municipal Science and Technology Innovation Commission, etc.)

3. Improve the level of industrial agglomeration

(6) Planning and construction of industrial clusters. Give full play to the unique advantages and resource endowments of each district, select areas with mature conditions to build artificial intelligence industry clusters, and identify a number of municipal software parks in the field of artificial intelligence industry. Relying on the Loop Shenzhen-Hong Kong Science and Technology Innovation Cooperation Zone and Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Modern Service Industry Cooperation Zone to connect Hong Kong and international resources. (Responsible units: District and Municipal Qianhai Administration Bureau, Municipal Industry and Information Technology Bureau)

(7) Vigorously cultivate the enterprise echelon. Support local leading enterprises to increase their investment in artificial intelligence, promote domestic and foreign leading enterprises to set up artificial intelligence subsidiaries in Shenzhen, cultivate a group of innovative leading enterprises with core competitiveness, and incubate leading enterprises worth hundreds of billions. Promote the development and growth of small and medium-sized enterprises and create a group of artificial intelligence enterprises that specialize in new technologies, individual champions, and unicorns. Carry out targeted investment promotion for artificial intelligence enterprises and provide strong support to newly introduced and qualified enterprises. (Responsible units: Municipal Industry and Information Technology Bureau, Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Municipal Science and Technology Innovation Commission, etc.)

(8) Build an ecological incubation platform. Relying on Pengcheng Cloud Brain to build a city-level artificial intelligence ecological incubation platform , providing small and medium-sized enterprises with low-cost intelligent computing resources, as well as algorithms, tool sets, model libraries, adaptation certification and other support, empowering Enable ecological partners to carry out joint innovation. Implement public technical service platform support plans and cultivate a number of unique artificial intelligence public technical service platforms. (Responsible units: Municipal Industry and Information Technology Bureau, Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Municipal Science and Technology Innovation Commission, etc.)

4. Create global and full-time scenario applications

(9) Build a supply and demand docking platform. Relying on the "Shenzhen i Enterprise" platform to build artificial intelligence service area, collect and publicly release artificial intelligence innovative products, market-oriented project needs, and application scenario needs from the whole society. Actively create various scenarios where artificial intelligence can be applied, and realize business process innovation and reengineering through artificial intelligence technology. Encourage all districts to take the lead in pilot projects in the fields of public services and urban governance, and actively create conditions to carry out full-scale and full-time artificial intelligence application demonstrations. (Responsible units: Municipal Industry and Information Technology Bureau, various districts, etc.)

(10) Promote “public services + AI”. The people's livelihood appeal platform is embedded with AI robots for public opinion processing to improve the efficiency and quality of the platform's response services. Explore and carry out pilot applications of artificial intelligence applications such as clinical decision-making, medical image-assisted diagnosis, and medical robots in medical and health institutions. Build artificial intelligence experience scenarios based on public places such as ports, airports, high-speed rail stations, subway stations, government activity venues, scientific and cultural sports venues, parks, and tourist attractions. (Responsible units: Municipal Affairs Service Data Management Bureau, Municipal Health Commission, Municipal Port Office, Municipal State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, Municipal Culture, Radio, Television, Tourism and Sports Bureau, Municipal Urban Management and Comprehensive Law Enforcement Bureau, Municipal Science and Technology Association, etc.)

(11) Promote “urban governance + AI”. Continue to promote the coordinated development of smart city infrastructure and intelligent connected vehicles. In the field of city appearance inspection and environmental sanitation, we will deploy city appearance inspection robots, sweeping robots and other applications in advance. In fields such as fire supervision, food safety supervision, and construction safety, artificial intelligence applications such as image recognition, video analysis, and monitoring and early warning are carried out. Explore and carry out "intelligent review + manual confirmation" pilot drawing review based on building information models in housing construction projects. Explore the application of artificial intelligence technology in the modeling and rendering of major building units and key areas, and enrich the application of digital-real fusion special effects scenarios on the urban information model platform. (Responsible units: Municipal Transportation Bureau, Municipal Industry and Information Technology Bureau, Municipal Urban Management and Comprehensive Law Enforcement Bureau, Municipal Fire Rescue Detachment, Municipal Market Supervision Bureau, Municipal Housing Construction Bureau, Municipal Service Data Management Bureau, etc.)

(12) Promote “thousands of industries + AI”. Implement the artificial intelligence software application demonstration support plan to encourage enterprises in finance, commerce, industry, transportation and other industries to upgrade existing production, service and management methods based on artificial intelligence technology. Promote the application of artificial intelligence in equipment fault detection and fault diagnosis, vision-based surface defect detection, intelligent sorting and other manufacturing fields. Strengthen the collection, utilization, and development of manufacturing data, explore the establishment of a closed-loop "annotation + training" mechanism for enterprise data, reserve high-quality data sets, and incubate highly intelligent production robots. Accelerate the construction of low-altitude intelligent integrated infrastructure projects and promote the innovative development of low-altitude economic industries. (Responsible units: Municipal Industry and Information Technology Bureau, Municipal Transportation Bureau, Municipal Development and Reform Commission, etc.)

5. Strengthen the supply of data and talent factors

(13) Cultivate a market for high-quality data elements. Before the end of 2023, public data open management measures, a public data resource catalog will be introduced, and a public data open plan will be formulated. Build a city-wide public data open operation platform, establish multi-modal public data sets, create high-quality Chinese corpus data, and use privacy computing, data security circulation and other technologies to integrate data from education, medical and other industries with corporate data. Study and introduce policies and measures to cultivate the data element market, further expand the transaction scale of Shenzhen Data Exchange, encourage industry leading enterprises and platform enterprises to provide high-quality data products and professional data services, and guide enterprises to explore data assets, open data resources, and participate in data transactions to create a number of enterprise data brands. Accelerate the research and development of technologies such as separation of storage and usage, measurement transactions, and safe circulation, focus on cultivating multiple entities such as data source providers, data developers, data service providers, and platform service providers, and promote the comprehensive business of data acquisition, storage, washing, standardization, and training. develop. (Responsible units: Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Municipal Service Data Administration, etc.)

(14) Create a gathering place for high-level talents. Formed the Shenzhen AI Education Alliance and AI Lecturer Group to support schools, enterprises, and scientific research institutions to jointly open "second classrooms" to promote the introduction of artificial intelligence into campuses and strengthen general education on artificial intelligence. Strengthen the construction of artificial intelligence disciplines in colleges and universities, and support colleges and enterprises to carry out joint training of talents around general large models and other fields. Explore and launch corporate talent aggregation plans to promote the concentration of talents in the artificial intelligence industry. Support universities and enterprises to cooperate in building artificial intelligence talent training bases, and carry out practical training on artificial intelligence applications in fashion and creative industries such as clothing and jewelry. Discover, gather and introduce outstanding artificial intelligence teams and talents by holding high-level events. (Responsible units: Municipal Education Bureau, Municipal Talent Work Bureau, Municipal Science and Technology Innovation Commission, Municipal Human Resources Security Bureau, etc.)

6. Safeguard measures

(15) Strengthen organizational leadership. Establish a special class for the development of the city's artificial intelligence industry and establish an overall coordination mechanism. Promote the establishment of the Municipal Artificial Intelligence Industry Alliance and integrate resources from all walks of life. Establish the Municipal Artificial Intelligence Strategic Advisory Committee to carry out forward-looking and strategic research on major issues. Encourage government agencies and institutions to open up artificial intelligence application scenarios, encourage market entities to actively invest, and establish an inclusive, prudent, error-tolerant and error-correcting mechanism. (Responsible units: Municipal Industry and Information Technology Bureau, various districts and departments)

(16) Strengthen financial security. Increase financial investment and focus on supporting the innovation and application of artificial intelligence. Give full play to the role of government investment guidance funds, coordinate and integrate fund resources, and form an artificial intelligence fund group with a scale of 100 billion yuan. Encourage artificial intelligence companies to carry out equity financing in multi-level capital markets at home and abroad, support venture capital and venture capital institutions to strengthen investment and mergers and acquisitions in artificial intelligence start-ups, and set up artificial intelligence at the Shenzhen Venture Capital Day event held on the 8th of every month Smart session. (Responsible units: Municipal Finance Bureau, Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Municipal Local Financial Supervision Bureau, Municipal Small and Medium Enterprises Service Bureau, etc.)

(Seventeen) Create the best atmosphere. Promote the detailed implementation of the "Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Artificial Intelligence Industry Promotion Regulations", continue to update and release policies and measures on an annual basis, timely update and release the list of "city + AI" application scenarios, and continue to create high-quality development of artificial intelligence and The best atmosphere for high-level applications. Hold high-standard brand activities such as artificial intelligence summits, exhibitions, and academic conferences, and plan and build an artificial intelligence experience display platform based on the Municipal Industrial Exhibition Hall. Increase the release and promotion of artificial intelligence research and development results, innovative products and application scenarios. Explore the establishment of a statistical indicator system for the artificial intelligence industry and release relevant data on a quarterly basis after its introduction. (Responsible units: Municipal Industry and Information Technology Bureau, Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Municipal Science and Technology Innovation Commission, Municipal Science and Technology Association, Municipal Party Committee Propaganda Department, Municipal Bureau of Statistics, etc.)

(18) Strengthen safety supervision. Establish and improve an open and transparent artificial intelligence supervision system, carry out supervision in accordance with laws and regulations, be inclusive and prudent, establish risk prevention and response mechanisms around network security, data security, science and technology ethics, employment promotion and other fields, prevent and crack down on illegal activities, and guide Artificial intelligence-related enterprises and organizations develop healthily. Strengthen the network security protection of artificial intelligence products and systems, and insist on equal emphasis on security, trustworthiness and innovation and development. (Responsible units: Municipal Party Committee Propaganda Department, Municipal Party Committee Cyberspace Affairs Office, Municipal Science and Technology Innovation Commission, Municipal Human Resources Security Bureau, Municipal Public Security Bureau, Municipal Justice Bureau, Municipal Industry and Information Technology Bureau, etc.)

Attachment: List of "City + AI" application scenarios (first batch)

Shenzhen participates in the war with a large model! Integrate 100 billion yuan AI fund group and announce AI development action plan

Shenzhen participates in the war with a large model! Integrate 100 billion yuan AI fund group and announce AI development action plan

Source: Shenzhen Industry and Information Technology

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