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Implementation methods of common event operations developed in PHP in WeChat mini programs

2023-06-01 12:10:36688browse

With the rapid development of the mobile Internet, WeChat has become one of the most commonly used social tools for people, and its mini program functions are constantly being expanded and improved. As one of the backend development languages ​​for WeChat mini programs, PHP has an irreplaceable importance in mini program development. This article mainly introduces the common event operation implementation methods developed in PHP in WeChat mini programs.

1. Event operation

In the development of WeChat applet, event operation is a very important part. For example, when a user clicks a button or slides the screen, corresponding events will be triggered, and these events need to be processed in the PHP background. In PHP, we can use the following three main event operations to process events.


Event listener is a PHP code used to capture and process events. They can be registered in PHP and called when events are triggered. In WeChat applet development, we can use listeners to monitor and process user behavior. For example, when the user clicks a button, we can use a listener to capture the event and handle it accordingly.

2. Event dispatcher

The event dispatcher is a PHP class used to trigger and handle events. They can register and receive events from different objects, and then pass these events to the corresponding handler functions. In WeChat applet development, we can use event dispatchers to implement event distribution and processing. For example, when a user performs an action in a WeChat applet, we can use the event dispatcher to trigger the corresponding event and pass the event to the corresponding processing function.

3. Callback function

The callback function is a PHP function used to handle events. They can be registered and called when events are triggered. In WeChat applet development, we can use callback functions to process and respond to events. For example, when a user completes an operation in a WeChat applet, we can use a callback function to respond to the operation and handle it accordingly.

2. Event operation implementation methods

Below, we will introduce the common event operation implementation methods in WeChat applet development.

1. Use of listeners

In PHP, we can use the addEventListener() function to register event listeners for DOM elements. The syntax of this function is as follows:

object.addEventListener(event, function, useCapture);

Among them, event represents the DOM event type to be monitored, function represents the event processing function to be executed, and the useCapture parameter is an optional Boolean parameter used to specify whether it is in the capture phase. Call the event handler function. For example:

document.getElementById("myButton").addEventListener("click", function(){
    alert("Button clicked!");

This code registers a click event listener for the DOM element with the ID myButton, and when the user clicks the button, a prompt box will pop up.

In WeChat applet development, we can use a similar method to register listeners for user operations. The following is an example code for registering a listener in a WeChat applet:

// 注册一个点击事件的监听器
    console.log("Touch start!");

This code registers a listener for the touch screen start event for the WeChat applet, and when the event is triggered, it will be Taichung outputs a prompt message.

2. Use of event dispatcher

In PHP, we can use the Event class to create an event object, and use the dispatchEvent() function to dispatch the event object to a specific event target. superior. The syntax of this function is as follows:


Among them, target represents the event target object, and event represents the event object to be dispatched. For example:

var event = new Event('myEvent');

This code creates an event object named myEvent and dispatches the event object to the specified event target.

In WeChat applet development, we can use similar methods to implement event dispatching and processing. The following is a sample code for using an event dispatcher in a WeChat applet:

// 创建一个名为myEvent的事件对象
var myEvent = new CustomEvent("myEvent", {
    detail: {
        message: "Hello world!"
    bubbles: true,
    cancelable: true

// 将myEvent事件派发到当前页面上

// 在当前页面上监听myEvent事件
document.addEventListener("myEvent", function(event){

This code creates an event object named myEvent and dispatches the event object to the current page. Then, we listen to the myEvent event on the current page and output a prompt message in the console when the event is triggered.

3. Use of callback functions

In PHP, we can use callback functions to handle events. For example:

function myEventHandler(event) {
    alert('Event triggered: ' + event.type);

document.getElementById("myButton").addEventListener("click", myEventHandler);

This code registers a click event listener for the DOM element with the id myButton, and uses the myEventHandler function as the event handler.

In WeChat applet development, we can use similar methods to process and respond to events. The following is an example code for using callback functions in WeChat applet:

    url: 'https://example.com/api/someApi',
    success: function(res) {
    fail: function() {
        console.log("Request failed!");

This code initiates a request to an API address, and calls the corresponding callback function for processing and response when the request succeeds or fails.

The above is the detailed content of Implementation methods of common event operations developed in PHP in WeChat mini programs. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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